From geszti at Wed Oct 1 15:24:59 2003 From: geszti at (Geszti Judit) Date: Wed Oct 1 22:21:34 2003 Subject: [Cipp] =?iso-8859-2?q?RE=3A_Br=FCsszel_-_rep=FCl=F5jegy=2C_bizto?= =?iso-8859-2?q?s=EDt=E1s?= Message-ID: <> Kedves Mindenki, a repülőjegyek megvannak, mindenkinek van hozzá 5 napra szóló biztosítása. Mivel együtt utazunk, egy közös kötvényünk van (nálam lesz), a jegyekhez pedig mindenki kap egy kis igazoló kártyát, ami a kötvénnyel együtt érvényes. Reméljük, nem lesz rá szükség, hogy használjuk is. Tehát megerősítem, hogy nem kell külön biztosítást kötnie senkinek.0 (már felmerült a kérdés) Üdv Judit --------- következő rész --------- Egy csatolt HTML állomány át lett konvertálva... URL: From geszti at Fri Oct 3 17:29:34 2003 From: geszti at (Geszti Judit) Date: Sat Oct 4 06:44:19 2003 Subject: [Cipp] =?iso-8859-2?q?Br=FCsszeli_programv=E1laszt=E1s=2C_sz=E1l?= =?iso-8859-2?q?loda_tel=2Efax?= Message-ID: <> multipart/alternative típusú részek figyelmen kívül hagyva--------- következő rész --------- Egy nem text típusú csatolt állomány át lett konvertálva... Név: PROGPART.DOC Típus: application/msword Méret: 92672 bytes Leírás: PROGPART.DOC Url : From geszti at Thu Oct 16 14:20:44 2003 From: geszti at (Geszti Judit) Date: Thu Oct 16 17:16:15 2003 Subject: [Cipp] =?iso-8859-2?q?Br=FCsszel_-_=E9rt=E9kel=F5_lap_okt=F3ber_?= =?iso-8859-2?q?27-re!!!!?= Message-ID: <> multipart/alternative típusú részek figyelmen kívül hagyva--------- következő rész --------- Egy nem text típusú csatolt állomány át lett konvertálva... Név: EVALUATN.DOC Típus: application/msword Méret: 68608 bytes Leírás: EVALUATN.DOC Url : From geszti at Thu Oct 16 14:53:31 2003 From: geszti at (Geszti Judit) Date: Thu Oct 16 17:16:17 2003 Subject: [Cipp] =?iso-8859-2?q?RE=3A_Br=FCsszel_-_Erzsike_anyaga_itt_j=F6?= =?iso-8859-2?q?n?= Message-ID: <> multipart/alternative típusú részek figyelmen kívül hagyva--------- következő rész --------- Egy nem text típusú csatolt állomány át lett konvertálva... Név: EVAL_GME.DOC Típus: application/msword Méret: 28160 bytes Leírás: EVAL_GME.DOC Url : From geszti at Thu Oct 16 15:22:59 2003 From: geszti at (Geszti Judit) Date: Thu Oct 16 17:16:18 2003 Subject: [Cipp] =?iso-8859-2?q?RE=3A_=5Bcipp2002=5D_Br=FCsszel_-_=E9rt=E9?= =?iso-8859-2?q?kel=F5_lap_okt=F3ber_27-re!!!!?= Message-ID: <> Kedves Laci, köszönöm szépen, és itt továbbítom a CIPP-re feltett írásod link-jét mindenkinek. Üdv Judit -----Original Message----- From: dr. Benedek Laszlo [] Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 1:52 PM To: Geszti Judit Subject: Re: [cipp2002] Brüsszel - értékelő lap október 27-re!!!! Kedves Judit, Ime, itt küldöm vissza az én értékelésemet. Amúgy szöveges értékelést is irtam, azt pedig a CIPP-en találod az alábbi cimen: Üdv L. Benedek László 1123 Budapest, Alkotás 13. VI. 11. T/F: 355-5394 E-mail: --------- következő rész --------- Egy csatolt HTML állomány át lett konvertálva... URL: From geszti at Fri Oct 17 13:51:25 2003 From: geszti at (Geszti Judit) Date: Thu Oct 23 17:45:53 2003 Subject: [Cipp] Re: As promised - Hungarian NGO study tour to Brussels Message-ID: <> Dear Pawel, Thank you very much for your message which I am forwarding by copying everyone in the group in this e-mail. Yes, we landed safely but before that everyone had a fine Saturday on her/his own spent with sight seeing, museums and just lingering around the streets of beautiful downtown Brussels. We are preparing an evaluation of the study tour which I hope will be ready in a couple of weeks. This will be then disseminated widely so I'll send you a copy as soon as it is ready. Everybody agreed that your presentation has been most enlightening for us, so thank you again! Best wishes, Judit Geszti Ps: Awaiting the invoice re room rent! __________ Judit Geszti Program Manager Soros Foundation Hungary Mail: H-1525 Budapest, P.O.Box 34, Hungary Address: H-1023 Budapest, Bolyai utca 14, Hungary Phone: 36 1 212 5463 Fax: 36 1 315 0201 E-mail: -----Original Message----- From: Pawel Krzeczunowicz [] Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 2:12 PM To: Geszti Judit Subject: as promised Dear Judit, I hope the return journey for the group went well. During our meeting I mentioned at several points that I would send the visit's participants pointers or links to various documents or issues. Here is the information, at least for those issues I managed to note down. If there is anything else that i promised but have not included here, please let me know. I mentioned the Local Social Capital pilot project implemented by the European Commission under the European Social Fund. A description and evaluation of this programme is available at This is of interest to those who wish to see ESF and other structural funds used for micro-grants and want to work as re-granting institutions for European funds. An independent evaluation of the LSC and its impact on poverty work was carried out by EAPN. I attach the study to this e-mail. The LSC pilot (which will not be repeated by the EU) was carried out to show that the mechanism of global grants described in Structural Fund regulations can have a positive effect. The decision to make global grants available is made by the Commission at the request of the member state. If you or other Hungarian NGOs are interested in global grants becoming available in 2007-13, then now is the time to start working on the Hungarian government. In particular see Articles 9i and 27 of the general Structural Fund regulations (, as well as Article 4 of the ESF regulations ( I also mentioned Brian Harvey and an interesting analysis of the things that happen when regulations are poorly applied to EU funds that are aimed at local communities (in this case the Peace II programme in Ulster and the Republic of Ireland). For a summary see (click on News and Events). Laszlo benedek introduced me to one of the participants who is concerned by developments of a ring road around Budapest and the harm this investment may do to the local community. I mentioned to him the existance of an NGO that could be of interest to him and his cause, the CEE Bankwatch Network: see Best regards, Pawel Pawel Krzeczunowicz Polish NGO Office in Brussels Bureau des ONG polonaises, Bruxelles Przedstawicielstwo Polskich Organizacji Pozarzadowych w Brukseli Rue De Pascale 4-6, 1040 Bruksela, Belgia Tel: +32 (0)2 537 93 57 Fax: +32 (0)2 280 27 78 E-mail: Website: From geszti at Mon Oct 27 12:43:41 2003 From: geszti at (Geszti Judit) Date: Mon Oct 27 12:44:43 2003 Subject: [Cipp] EUROPA - Environment - Financial support for European environmental organisatio Message-ID: <> Kedves Mindenki! Stefan Welin-től kaptam ezt a címet (emlékeztek talán, ő volt a svéd résztvevője a brüsszeli első napi kerekasztalnak). A CIPP-oldalra is ki lehet tenni. Gimesi Juditra, Fóti Évára/Benedekre bízom, hogy az oldalon hová. Üdv Geszti Judit <> --------- következő rész --------- Egy nem text típusú csatolt állomány át lett konvertálva... Név: EUROPA - Environment - Financial support for European environmental organisations.url Típus: application/octet-stream Méret: 192 bytes Leírás: nem elérhető Url : From jgimesi at Mon Oct 27 13:23:01 2003 From: jgimesi at (Gimesi Judit) Date: Mon Oct 27 13:23:46 2003 Subject: [Cipp] EUROPA - Environment - Financial support for Europeanenvironmental organisatio References: <> Message-ID: <00ca01c39c85$10dba780$021aa8c0@torpicur> Kiraktam a kornyezetvedelmi tamogatasok koze. J. ----- Original Message ----- From: Geszti Judit To: EUNGO_CIPP ; Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 12:43 PM Subject: [Cipp] EUROPA - Environment - Financial support for Europeanenvironmental organisatio Kedves Mindenki! Stefan Welin-től kaptam ezt a címet (emlékeztek talán, ő volt a svéd résztvevője a brüsszeli első napi kerekasztalnak). A CIPP-oldalra is ki lehet tenni. Gimesi Juditra, Fóti Évára/Benedekre bízom, hogy az oldalon hová. Üdv Geszti Judit <> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________________________ Cipp mailing list --------- következő rész --------- Egy csatolt HTML állomány át lett konvertálva... URL: From geszti at Tue Oct 28 13:19:29 2003 From: geszti at (Geszti Judit) Date: Tue Oct 28 13:20:30 2003 Subject: [Cipp] FW: INTERREG IIIC - Building regional partnerships for Europe Message-ID: <> SzĂ­ves tĂĄjĂŠkoztatĂĄsul - a forrĂĄs alul. Üdv Geszti Judit -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 2:20 PM Subject: INTERREG IIIC - Building regional partnerships for Europe INTERREG IIIC - Building regional partnerships for Europe Interreg IIIC is smoothing the path to EU enlargement by involving regions from acceding and other neighbouring countries directly in interregional co-operation projects. It also offers wide scope for projects dealing with innovation as part of economic development strategies. Ten new countries, nine new internal borders, 15 new external borders. Interreg IIIC aims to improve the effectiveness of regional development policies and instruments through large-scale exchanges of information and experience between regions from different countries which are not direct neighbours. This Community Initiative is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), with a total budget of just under €300 million for 2002-06. Administration is decentralised, with four programme management zones (North, East, South and West)(1). Speaking at a partner-search forum in Vienna in May, Elizabeth Helander, Director in the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional Policy, announced that the new Member States will have access to ERDF finance for interregional co-operation from 1 January 2004. This will provide welcome help for regional and other local authorities in the acceding countries, assisting in their preparations for full-scale involvement in the mainstream Structural Funds. Opportunities Regional framework operations (RFOs) are the most extensive of the three types of operation supported, bringing together several regional authorities in a 'mini-programme' to work on a range of topics. According to Barbara Di Piazza, head of the Interreg IIIC East Joint Technical Secretariat, RFOs are particularly interesting. "They give regions the opportunity to pursue a comprehensive territorial development strategy. With up to 5 million euros ERDF co-financing, they can organise their own tender processes and develop a critical mass of activities." Support can also be given through individual projects, where a few regions work on a specific area, and through networks - although the latter cannot be used for innovative actions. Innovative actions are just one of five co-operation topics under the initiative, but few bids were submitted under this category in the first application round in 2002. Claus Schultze, the Interreg IIIC East communications manager, is not unduly concerned. "Implicitly, all projects deal with innovation in one form or another, as it is a key criterion for selection," he says. Such innovation may be process-oriented (new methods and concepts), goal-oriented (benchmarking), or context-oriented (improved institutional structures). A special priority One example of an innovative project is Ecoland which is led by the SIPRO development agency in Ferrara, Italy, with Irish, Spanish and Hungarian partners. It is piloting the development of eco-industrial estates, where firms join forces to improve economic performance and reduce their impact on the environment. Many other regions are currently preparing to submit bids under future calls for proposals. One region in Germany, for example, is devising a proposal on the development of SME participation in regional clusters and competence centres. Interreg IIIC also includes a special priority, with an additional budget of €15 million, on operations linking European Union border regions with the acceding countries. Projects should demonstrate a clear link to development issues and be designed to support the transition process. Applicants are being strongly encouraged to submit bids in this area under the second call for applications which closes in September 2003. A third call is scheduled to open in spring 2004. (1) A Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) has been established for each zone: the North JTS is in Rostock (Germany), the East JTS is in Vienna (Austria), the West JTS is in Lille (France), and the South JTS s in Valencia (Spain). See the Interreg IIIC website for further details and contract addresses: Contacts B. Di Piazza, Interreg IIIC East Joint Technical Secretariat Tl. +43 1 4000 76141 Fx. +43 1 4000 9976141 C. Schultze, Interreg IIIC East, Joint Technical Secretariat Tl. +43 1 4000 76142 Fx. +43 1 4000 9976141 xxx ********************************************************* KOVÁCSNÉ KORENY Ágnes Information Manager, Documentalist Delegation of the European Commission to Hungary H-1016 Budapest, BĂŠrc u. 23. Tel.: (36-1) 209-9749; Fax: (36-1) 466-4221 --------- következő rész --------- Egy csatolt HTML ĂĄllomĂĄny ĂĄt lett konvertĂĄlva... URL: From geszti at Tue Oct 28 15:14:49 2003 From: geszti at (Geszti Judit) Date: Tue Oct 28 17:04:56 2003 Subject: [Cipp] =?iso-8859-2?q?RE=3A_Br=FCsszel_-_=E9rt=E9kel=F5_lap_okt?= =?iso-8859-2?q?=F3ber_27-re?= Message-ID: <> Köszönöm mindenkinek, aki eddig elküldte nekem az értékelését. A CIPP-es csoportból Judit és Magdi kivételével mindenki küldött. Nem kaptam viszont még semmit a velem egy emeleten ülő kedves kollégáimtól (a földszintről már megérkeztek...). Szóval várom. Szeretnénk megírni az összesített értékelést magyar és angol nyelven, hogy továbbküldhessük (ez lenne a disszeminációs szakasz). Judit -----Original Message----- From: Geszti Judit Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 1:21 PM To: Jombach Marta; Meszaros Eva; Racz Erzsebet; Sankovics Szabolcs; Arnold Istvan; Szilvasi Karoly; Szoke Katalin; Zalatnay Kalman; 'Nizák Péter'; Info; Belia Anna; ''; 'EUNGO_CIPP'; Wormald Tom Subject: Brüsszel - értékelő lap október 27-re!!!! Importance: High Kérlek szépen Benneteket, küldjétek el nekem a fenti határidőre. Az értékelő lap első oldalán leírtam, hogyan készítsétek el. Várom e-mailen vagy faxon. Guitprecht Erzsikétől kaptam egy szép, átgondolt és jól használható értékelést, azt is idemásolom, nem láttam az üzeneten, kinek küldte már el (és köszönet érte). Üdv Geszti Judit --------- következő rész --------- Egy csatolt HTML állomány át lett konvertálva... URL: From geszti at Fri Oct 31 14:34:11 2003 From: geszti at (Geszti Judit) Date: Fri Oct 31 18:59:23 2003 Subject: [Cipp] FW: EUROPEAN FORUM OF CITIZENS ADVICE SERVICES Message-ID: <> multipart/related típusú részek figyelmen kívül hagyva--------- következ? rész --------- Egy nem text típusú csatolt állomány át lett konvertálva... Név: October 2003 progr. version 28 octobre.doc Típus: application/msword Méret: 115712 bytes Leírás: October 2003 progr. version 28 octobre.doc Url : --------- következ? rész --------- Egy nem text típusú csatolt állomány át lett konvertálva... Név: Registration Form 4-5 decembre 2003 final.doc Típus: application/msword Méret: 40960 bytes Leírás: Registration Form 4-5 decembre 2003 final.doc Url :