[Cipp] Re: As promised - Hungarian NGO study tour to Brussels

Geszti Judit geszti at soros.hu
2003. Okt. 17., P, 13:51:25 CEST

Dear Pawel,

Thank you very much for your message which I am forwarding by copying everyone in the group in this e-mail.
Yes, we landed safely but before that everyone had a fine Saturday on her/his own spent with sight seeing, museums and just lingering around the streets of beautiful downtown Brussels.
We are preparing an evaluation of the study tour which I hope will be ready in a couple of weeks. This will be then disseminated widely so I'll send you a copy as soon as it is ready.
Everybody agreed that your presentation has been most enlightening for us, so thank you again!

Best wishes,

Judit Geszti

Ps: Awaiting the invoice re room rent! 

Judit Geszti
Program Manager
Soros Foundation Hungary
Mail: H-1525 Budapest, P.O.Box 34, Hungary
Address: H-1023 Budapest, Bolyai utca 14, Hungary
Phone: 36 1 212 5463
Fax: 36 1 315 0201
E-mail: geszti at soros.hu

-----Original Message-----
From: Pawel Krzeczunowicz [mailto:pawelk at eu.ngo.pl]
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 2:12 PM
To: Geszti Judit
Subject: as promised

Dear Judit,

I hope the return journey for the group went well. During our meeting I
mentioned at several points that I would send the visit's participants
pointers or links to various documents or issues. Here is the information,
at least for those issues I managed to note down. If there is anything
else that i promised but have not included here, please let me know.
I mentioned the Local Social Capital pilot project implemented by the
European Commission under the European Social Fund. A description and
evaluation of this programme is available at
This is of interest to those who wish to see ESF and other structural
funds used for micro-grants and want to work as re-granting institutions
for European funds. An independent evaluation of the LSC and its impact on
poverty work was carried out by EAPN. I attach the study to this e-mail.
The LSC pilot (which will not be repeated by the EU) was carried out to
show that the mechanism of global grants described in Structural Fund
regulations can have a positive effect. The decision to make global grants
available is made by the Commission at the request of the member state. If
you or other Hungarian NGOs are interested in global grants becoming
available in 2007-13, then now is the time to start working on the
Hungarian government. In particular see Articles 9i and 27 of the general
Structural Fund regulations
as well as Article 4 of the ESF regulations
I also mentioned Brian Harvey and an interesting analysis of the things
that happen when regulations are poorly applied to EU funds that are aimed
at local communities (in this case the Peace II programme in Ulster and
the Republic of Ireland). For a summary see www.jrct.org.uk (click on News
and Events).
Laszlo benedek introduced me to one of the participants who is concerned
by developments of a ring road around Budapest and the harm this
investment may do to the local community. I mentioned to him the existance
of an NGO that could be of interest to him and his cause, the CEE
Bankwatch Network: see www.bankwatch.org.
Best regards, Pawel

Pawel Krzeczunowicz
Polish NGO Office in Brussels
Bureau des ONG polonaises, Bruxelles
Przedstawicielstwo Polskich Organizacji Pozarzadowych w Brukseli
Rue De Pascale 4-6, 1040 Bruksela, Belgia
Tel: +32 (0)2 537 93 57    Fax: +32 (0)2 280 27 78
E-mail: pawelk at eu.ngo.pl
Website: www.eu.ngo.pl

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