[Cipp] Brüsszeli út - brüsszeli kulturalis es felnottokt. civil szervezet

Geszti Judit geszti at soros.hu
2003. Sze. 19., P, 15:48:10 CEST

Szíves tájékoztatásul küldöm az alábbit, valahogy elkeveredett, elnézést, hogy csak most továbbítom.
Érdekelne valakit egy találkozó velük? Nézzétek meg a mellékletet és kérek szépen visszajelzést!

-----Original Message-----
From: Cecilia Liljegren [mailto:c.liljegren at ecas.org]
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 4:09 PM
To: Geszti Judit
Subject: FW: Study tour HG associations
Importance: High

Dear Judit,

I finally start to receive some interest from local Belgian NGOs to meet up
with your group.

This organisation works in the area of discrimination, human rights,
antiracism and citizenship, in particular in regard to immigrants here in
Brussels. Do you think the group would be interested in more informal
meetings with this organisation, such as a dinner? What do you think?


-----Original Message-----
From: PAC EVERE [mailto:everepac at hotmail.com]
Sent: 10 September 2003 16:04
To: c.liljegren at ecas.org
Subject: Study tour HG associations

Hello Cecilia,

Attached you'll find the text of our presentation brochure. It is quite
complete and gives a (nearly) exhaustive list of our themes of activity and
of our activities.
We have a committee meeting tomorrow night, so, I'll ask the question of a
meeting on 09/10, between 10 and 12 AM. It should be possible and I confirm
it to you on Friday morning.
If some of the participants are interested in a more "informal" contact, in
function of particular common interests, we can also organise a small dinner
if they have some free time during one evening of their stay.

OK, I am waiting for the programme and some more informatio about the
project and I remain,
Yours Friendly,

Thierry Dufour.

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