[EMLA TAI-Development] EMLA TAI-Development project
mailing liststarts
dr. Kiss Csaba
drkiss at emla.hu
2008. Ápr. 16., Sze, 16:58:06 CEST
Thank you, Sophie, and the misunderstanding was caused by the time
difference between the two documents. In the interim report we had a
previous planned layout of partners.
The one that is valid now is in the Research Guidelines. So the partner
of Uganda is Latvia (Erika Lagzdina).
Thank you again for calling our attention to this. Best,
Kutegeka Sophie írta:
> Dear Csaba,
> The list of partners and contact persons sent by Laszlo is different from
> the one we have just received from you. Please re-confirm especially for
> Uganda.
> Regards, Sophie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tai-development-bounces at emla.hu
> [mailto:tai-development-bounces at emla.hu] On Behalf Of dr. Kiss Csaba
> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 5:02 PM
> To: TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project funded by
> the Presidency Fund
> Subject: Re: [EMLA TAI-Development] EMLA TAI-Development project mailing
> liststarts
> Dear Participants of the TAI - Development Project,
> As you have heard from Laszlo, coordinator of the project at EMLA, the
> mailing list has been launched and serves from now on as a platform to
> discuss substantive issues re the project implementation.
> I immediately take the opportunity to thank you all for having decided
> to participate in this project and announce the birth of a certain
> coalition that basically grows out of the already existing TAI network
> but intensifies North-South discourse and cooperation, and with the help
> of our consultants (HAND Alliance and WRI) experienced in development
> issues, will "embark" on new seas.
> Some additions to what Laszlo has written:
> - please find a project description slightly amended - PLEASE, USE THIS
> - as you see on the 2nd sheet (Activities), the timeline is quite
> favorable; what we ask from you is to follow the Simplified Research
> Guidelines until the 20th of May
> - also in the name of transparency, please find our interim report sent
> to the donor
> - soon we will send you a project newsletter with all the achievements
> and planned activities
> - we will approach shortly our consultants for a helping "HAND"
> - based on their input, we will issue a 2nd Research Guidelines
> You can expect a sub-contract from us soon, however, we are still
> waiting for the Presidency Fund to endorse our contract amendment.
> Best regards,
> Csaba Kiss
> PERNECZKY Laszlo írta:
>> Dear Colleagues,
>> after all EMLA's " TAI-Development project" mailing list is starting, and
>> the whole project is really taking off. Attached I send the main documents
>> again, including a new Research Guidelines compiled by Dr. Csaba KISS of
>> EMLA.
>> >From now on all issues related the content of the project you may discuss
> on
>> TAI-Development at emla.hu list.
>> We will have to sort out technical issues, contracts, payments, travel
>> details, visas, etc. too. These are NOT for the list, please use my direct
>> email (perneczky.laszlo at mobius.hu) or skype about these logistics.
>> The members of the list, as of today, are the following:
>> Helen Poltimäe Estonia
>> Piret Kuldna Estonia
>> Erika Lagzdina Latvia
>> Audrone Alijosiute Lithuania
>> Kutegeka Sophie Uganda
>> Elias Mwashiuya Tanzania
>> Hoangyen Nguyen dr. Vietnam
>> Kiss Csaba Hungary
>> Joanna Furmaga Poland
>> Sonali De Silva Thailand
>> Nigel Robinson J&E network
>> Kékesi Annamária Hungary
>> Somrudee Nicro Thailand
>> Laszlo Perneczky Hungary
>> Sincerely,
>> PERNECZKY, Laszlo
>> EMLA Environmental Management and Law Association, Hungary
>> TAI-Development (Presidency Fund) Project coordinator,
>> Tel: (36) 20 / 39 00 566
>> MSN: perneczky.laszlo at mobius.hu
>> Skype: perneczky.laszlo (webcam)
>> No virus found in this outgoing message.
>> Checked by AVG.
>> Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.0/1379 - Release Date:
> 2008.04.15.
>> 18:10
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> _______________________________________________
>> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project
>> funded by the Presidency Fund
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project
> funded by the Presidency Fund
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