[EMLA TAI-Development] New deadlines!

dr. Kiss Csaba drkiss at emla.hu
2008. Ápr. 17., Cs, 14:14:25 CEST

Dear All,
Having consulted with some of you, let me inform you about the new 
deadlines for the TAI-Development related activities:

May / 2008

- reading Global South assessments by New Member States NGOs
- summarizing major access rights implementation gaps in Global South 
- coordinating evaluation with Global South NGOs

June / 2008

- national roundtables with New Member States NGOs, development NGOs and 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- summary of roundtables
- national strategy

Please note that in order to have a meeting in June with your respective 
Minsitry of Foreign Affairs, you need to start organizing it in May.

További információk a(z) Tai-development levelezőlistáról