[EMLA TAI-Development] Flight Info to Sligo

dr. Kiss Csaba drkiss at emla.hu
2008. Aug. 7., Cs, 16:42:31 CEST

Dear Yen Nguyenhoang,
The case is that we will hold our Development Day in Sligo, so we will 
cover your travel and 2 nights. Obviously, once your are there, you will 
attend the Global Gathering, which means you must either ask for funding 
from WRI or seek own funding for the rest of the 5 days. I therefore 
advice you to turn to WRI asap. And also, please book your flight the 
earliest possible - this is a reminder to all our project partners. 
Please, do not risk your participation by booking late and expensive 

> Dear Mr. Perneczky,
> Thank you for your information. May I understand that people involving in the TAI-EMLA project will be invited to and supported for all 4 days (1 for TAI-EMLA, 3 days for the Global Meeting) in Sligo? Or it will depend on WRI who they will invite to the Global Meeting? Should I ask WRI or TEI for the Global Meeting arrangement and information?
> Thanking you and looking forward to your answer soon.
> Nguyen Hoang Yen
> --- On Fri, 8/1/08, PERNECZKY Laszlo <perneczky.laszlo at mobius.hu> wrote:
>> From: PERNECZKY Laszlo <perneczky.laszlo at mobius.hu>
>> Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Flight Info to Sligo
>> To: TAI-Development at emla.hu
>> Date: Friday, August 1, 2008, 1:18 PM
>> Probably you find your ways to Sligo, but you may want to
>> start from the simples SLIGO Airport site: 
>> <http://www.sligoairport.com/>
>> http://www.sligoairport.com/ 
>> Planes are from Dublin and Manchaster, see the attached
>> Flight info. 
>> Dear Yen,
>> Thank you - as always - for asking very relevant questions
>> re the Global Meeting.
>> The date of the event is 29th October so you should arrive
>> on the 28th to be able to participate.
>> I note here that all GS NGO participants will be asked to
>> present shortly the situation of access in their respective
>> countries for which the project will be able to pay a small
>> fee.
>> The duration of the event is 1 day, and the 3 days of the
>> Global Meeting will follow that day.
>> You can book your flight to leave Sligo on the 2nd of
>> November I guess.
>> Please, try to reach the most economic flight arrangement
>> so we will be able to bring more people to Sligo. 
>> Best,
>> CS
>> PERNECZKY, Laszlo
>> EMLA "TAI-Development Project" 
>> funded by Presidency Fund
>> Tel: (36) 20 / 39 00 566
>> perneczky.laszlo at mobius.hu
>> Skype: perneczky.laszlo  (webcam) 
>> _______________________________________________
>> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development
>> Project
>> funded by the Presidency Fund
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project
> funded by the Presidency Fund

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