[EMLA TAI-Development] Hope for a new project?

Lalanath DeSilva LDeSilva at wri.org
2008. Aug. 13., Sze, 16:34:04 CEST

Dear development Project partners,

The Gates Foundation and WRI will be discussing possible
collaboration/funding for further work under this project.  It is
therefore very important for us to have a brief update on each countries
work program, what has been done so far and what outcomes have emerged
so far.  Tell us also briefly what you plan to do over the next 6
months.  Please send this as soon as possible.  Our telephone
conversation with Gates is on August 21.  Having information before then
is vital.



Lalanath de Silva
The Access Initiative,
World Resources Institute,
Washington DC,

-----Original Message-----
From: tai-development-bounces at emla.hu
[mailto:tai-development-bounces at emla.hu] On Behalf Of dr. Kiss Csaba
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 9:58 AM
To: TAI-Development at emla.hu
Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Hope for a new project?

Dear TAI and Development Project Partners,
Lalanath has informed me that WRI is in intense negotiations with the 
Gates Foundation. There is a chance that GF is interested in our aid 
effectiveness project. In order to present our work, we need a short, 
2-sentence update on each country, including New Member States and 
Global South countries.
Please, send me a short account on what you have achieved in the 
framework of our project.
I would appreciate your answer asap, since the deadline for additional 
info to the GF is next Wednesday.
Please, use the mailing list so that all of us can immediately learn 
about your stories.

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