[EMLA TAI-Development] Formal minutes and informal relation

Kordian Kochanowicz kordian.kochanowicz at igo.org.pl
2008. Aug. 14., Cs, 10:52:12 CEST

Dear Partners,

I would like briefly let you about the state of art in terms of our
project here in Poland.

First of all I attach you the minutes from the roundtable and secondly
I would like to write you few sentences on the follow-up which is
maybe a little bit more interesting.

The follow-up of the roundtable and the strategy

Although we did not compile the formal document of the advocacy
strategy we do act in order to promote the findings of the report and
will prepare it as soon as we gather few key information. First of all
we would like to get some feedback from MFA and understand better why
the employee from MFA did not represent the MFA officially during the
roundtable. The good thing about is that in fact officials in MFA
already know it and expect more reactions from us. So hopefully
another meetings and our activities will be officially recognized.
Moreover, on Monday we will learn about two small grants, for project
which could help us enhance our advocacy impact including the TAI

One of the steps we made was to promote the report between different
stakeholders. The relation from the meeting and recommendations were
published in the Trialog Information Service:

This can also help us in moving forward our ideas.
We hope next week we will be able to send you more positive information.

We also hope we will not disappoint our Tanzanian partner. Dear Elias,
we are making slow but thoughtful and cautious progress in order to
promote the interests of the people and organisations from Tanzania.
We must admit, that it is a responsible and demanding task and we will
make all the possible effort to endorse your recommendation in the
policy of our country. Especially, taking into consideration the fact
that Tanzania is still one of the priority countries for Polish Aid
(hopefully it remains despite current political concentration on
Georgian conflict).

Let`s hope one day all aid will be untied and unbiased with political
interests of the different governments but rooted in the rights of the

Finally, I would like to ask our colleagues from EMLA, for feedback on
the minutes from the meeting to be align with our standards.

Best greetings from Poland and looking forward to meet you in Ireland.

on behalf of the whole team of IGO

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