[EMLA TAI-Development] Presentation fee for GS NGOs

dr. Kiss Csaba drkiss at emla.hu
2008. Aug. 28., Cs, 12:31:31 CEST

Dear All,
First of all, thank you to all of you who have sent me or WRI a summary 
of your related activities, esp. Piret, Nguyen, etc. just to name a few.
Second, the presentation fee we can pay to our GS partner 
representatives in Sligo is EUR 280. In order to prepare a correct 
invoice, I forward this message to our accountant, Timi, who will give 
you guidance on Monday re the formal necessities. She can also answer 
questions, but I think an e-invoice is OK with us.

> Thank you Csaba.
> When preparing an invoice, should we put down EUR 200 or 300? Pls 
> confirm so that we can prepare it accordingly. And can we send this 
> invoice to you in a digital form?
> Best,
> Somrudee
> Ms. Somrudee Nicro, Ph.D.
> Senior Director
> Thailand Environment Institute (TEI)
> 16/151 Muang Thong Thani
> Bond St, Bangpood, Pakkred
> Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand
> Tel. (662) 503 3333 Ext 501
> Direct no. (662) 504 4789
> Fax (662) 504 4826-8
> www.tei.or.th
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "dr. Kiss Csaba" <drkiss at emla.hu>
> To: <TAI-Development at emla.hu>
> Cc: "Takats Timea" <timi at emla.hu>
> Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 9:01 PM
> Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Presentation fee for GS NGOs
>> Dear Global South Partners from Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda
>> and Vietnam,
>> This is to let you know that EMLA would like to share a bit the benefits
>> of the TAI and Development Project with you.
>> Although this is a European grant and the expenditures are limited to
>> Europe (except, of course, the travel costs), we still want to try to
>> find a way to remunerate your invaluable contribution.
>> On the Development Day, you are asked to hold a 15-minute long
>> presentation on your respective national TAI assessment report's
>> findings. For this, we offer a symbolic presentation fee in the amount
>> of at least EUR 200 (we are trying to make it 300).
>> Please, let us know what way (in cash or by bank transfer) you would
>> like to receive the amount.
>> In order to be able to account it properly pursuant to the Hungarian tax
>> regulations, we need an invoice from you or your organization where the
>> buyer is EMLA and the service delivered is "presentation at the
>> Development Day of the TAI Global Gathering in Sligo, Ireland".
>> Please, let me know if you need further info.
>> Best,
>> Csaba
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> _______________________________________________
>> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project
>> funded by the Presidency Fund 

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