[EMLA TAI-Development] Sligo Travel Funding

dr. Kiss Csaba drkiss at emla.hu
2008. Aug. 30., Szo, 16:30:38 CEST

Dear Project Partners,
You might have received a letter from WRI confirming funding for your 
travel, however, I would like to call your attention that the following 
persons' flight are still funded from the TAI & Development project:

Piret - Estonia
Erika - Latvia
Audrone - Lithuania
Somrudee - Thailand
Arthur - Uganda
Elias - Tanzania
Sonali - Sri Lanka

Consequently, please follow the instructions written in my previous 
emails, i.e.

EMLA needs a formal invoice issued by the travel agent or the airlines, 
naming EMLA as customer.
We can pay then by bank transfer directly to the agent or reimburse you 
in cash in Sligo.

I also respectfully ask you to try to reach the best price, since our 
travel budget is limited.
So far EUR 3310 is spent from the total travel budget of EUR 9600 for 5 

Thank you for your cooperation,

ps: please ignore this message if you have already arranged for your 
travel in the proper way

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