From drkiss at Wed Jul 9 16:03:11 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Wed Jul 9 16:03:23 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Update on roundtables Message-ID: <> Dear Project Partners, esp. Erika, Audrone and Piret, I would like to ask you to write a short update on how the roundtables with your respective Ministries of Foreign Affairs is going. I have received already a brief report from Kordian (PL) and we in HU are just before the meeting. As soon as you can, also please send us the strategy you agreed in with your NGDO partner how you think it is possible to influence donor country decision-making in light of the results of the TAI assessments. Thank you and have a nice summer, CS From Piret.Kuldna at Thu Jul 10 09:27:15 2008 From: Piret.Kuldna at (Piret Kuldna) Date: Thu Jul 10 09:22:10 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Update on roundtables In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <631E984FB121B04D83AAB1B9094CC6D1B7A820@BOND.seit.local> Hi, The Estonian roundtable is scheduled on 21 August (relevant people were on vacation in June or July). The representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Environment, the umbrella organisation of the development NGOs and other NGOs who have implemented projects in third countries, UNICEF, the Red Cross, the US Embassy have been invited. Several of them have already confirmed their participation. The Ministry people will also give overview of Estonia`s development cooperation so far and future plans at the roundtable. We`ll hope to have a fruitful discussion on these issues. Best regards, Piret -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of dr. Kiss Csaba Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 5:03 PM To: Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Update on roundtables Dear Project Partners, esp. Erika, Audrone and Piret, I would like to ask you to write a short update on how the roundtables with your respective Ministries of Foreign Affairs is going. I have received already a brief report from Kordian (PL) and we in HU are just before the meeting. As soon as you can, also please send us the strategy you agreed in with your NGDO partner how you think it is possible to influence donor country decision-making in light of the results of the TAI assessments. Thank you and have a nice summer, CS From audrone at Fri Jul 11 10:16:46 2008 From: audrone at (Audrone) Date: Fri Jul 11 10:16:55 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Update on roundtables References: <> Message-ID: <> SGksCgpJbiBMaXRodWFuaWEgd2Ugd2lsbCBoYXZlIHRoZSBtZWV0aW5nIG5leHQgd2VlayBhbmQg SSB3aWxsIGJlIHNlbmRpbmcgb3VyIGZpbmRpbmdzIGJ5IHRoZSBlbmQgb2YgSnVseS4KCkF1ZHJv bmUgCj5EZWFyIFByb2plY3QgUGFydG5lcnMsIGVzcC4gRXJpa2EsIEF1ZHJvbmUgYW5kIFBpcmV0 LAo+SSB3b3VsZCBsaWtlIHRvIGFzayB5b3UgdG8gd3JpdGUgYSBzaG9ydCB1cGRhdGUgb24gaG93 IHRoZSByb3VuZHRhYmxlcyAKPndpdGggeW91ciByZXNwZWN0aXZlIE1pbmlzdHJpZXMgb2YgRm9y ZWlnbiBBZmZhaXJzIGlzIGdvaW5nLiBJIGhhdmUgCj5yZWNlaXZlZCBhbHJlYWR5IGEgYnJpZWYg cmVwb3J0IGZyb20gS29yZGlhbiAoUEwpIGFuZCB3ZSBpbiBIVSBhcmUganVzdCAKPmJlZm9yZSB0 aGUgbWVldGluZy4gQXMgc29vbiBhcyB5b3UgY2FuLCBhbHNvIHBsZWFzZSBzZW5kIHVzIHRoZSBz dHJhdGVneSAKPnlvdSBhZ3JlZWQgaW4gd2l0aCB5b3VyIE5HRE8gcGFydG5lciBob3cgeW91IHRo aW5rIGl0IGlzIHBvc3NpYmxlIHRvIAo+aW5mbHVlbmNlIGRvbm9yIGNvdW50cnkgZGVjaXNpb24t bWFraW5nIGluIGxpZ2h0IG9mIHRoZSByZXN1bHRzIG9mIHRoZSAKPlRBSSBhc3Nlc3NtZW50cy4K PlRoYW5rIHlvdSBhbmQgaGF2ZSBhIG5pY2Ugc3VtbWVyLAo+Q1MKPgo+X19fX19fX19fX19fX19f X19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX18KPlRBSS1EZXZlbG9wbWVudCAtLSBUaGUg QWNjZXNzIEluaXRpYXRpdmUgRGV2ZWxvcG1lbnQgUHJvamVjdAo+ZnVuZGVkIGJ5IHRoZSBQcmVz aWRlbmN5IEZ1bmQKLS0tLS0tLS0tIGv2dmV0a2V69SBy6XN6IC0tLS0tLS0tLQpFZ3kgbmVtIHRl eHQgdD9wdXM/IGNzYXRvbHQgP2xsb20/bnkgP3QgbGV0dCBrb252ZXJ0P2x2YS4uLgpO6XY6IEFs aWpvc2l1dGUgQXVkcm9uZS52Y2YKVD9wdXM6IHRleHQveC12Y2FyZApN6XJldDogNDUwIGJ5dGVz CkxlP3I/czogbmVtIGVs6XJoZXQ/ClVybCA6IGh0dHA6Ly96cG9rLmh1L3BpcGVybWFpbC90YWkt ZGV2ZWxvcG1lbnQvYXR0YWNobWVudHMvMjAwODA3MTEvMWJiZDM4MDIvQWxpam9zaXV0ZUF1ZHJv bmUudmNmCg== From drkiss at Fri Jul 11 15:46:14 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Mon Jul 14 10:31:44 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Invitation to Roundtable at MOFA Message-ID: <> Dear Sir/Madam, We would like to inform you that the TAI project (The Access Initative, = keeps running in Europe, especially in 5 = selected countries of the EU-10. Our project financed by the Presidency Fund of the EU is now focusing on = access rights implementation (access to information, public = participation and access to justice) and development (international = development aid). We would like to explore how the status of = environmental democracy in a beneficiary country can influence donor = country decision-making. As part of the project, EMLA Association and HAND Alliance will have a = roundtable with the representatives of the Ministry of Foreing Affairs = of Hungary on 17th July (Thursday) at 9:00 in the Ministry (NEFEFO, = Office of Mr. Denes Tomaj). *Please, feel free to join our discussion and enrich the conversation = with your particular views on the topic! * We would like to ask you to confirm your participation with an email = sent to Please, also find attached background materials for the meeting, such as - the original letter from EMLA and HAND to the MOFA - a joint EMLA and VACNE (Vietnam) view on the situation of = environmental democracy in Vietnam - the full Vietnam TAI National Assessment Report We are looking forward to meeting you next week at the MOFA. Sincerely, dr. Csaba Kiss director-in-charge EMLA --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: TAI and Development K=FCM Megh=EDv=F3.doc T=EDpus: application/msword M=E9ret: 122880 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet=F5 Url : d/TAIandDevelopmentKMMeghv-0001.doc --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: TAI and Development Vietnam summary.doc T=EDpus: application/msword M=E9ret: 76800 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet=F5 Url : d/TAIandDevelopmentVietnamsummary-0001.doc --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: VN TAI Report.doc T=EDpus: application/msword M=E9ret: 2412032 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet=F5 Url : d/VNTAIReport-0001.doc From drkiss at Mon Jul 21 14:43:19 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Mon Jul 21 14:43:23 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Caution with the Vietnam Report Message-ID: <> Dear TAI - Development Project Partners! We would like to call your attention that while the Vietnam Country Report of TAI has been circulated for internal research purposes on our mailing list, the report is *not final yet*! Please, use it accordingly, i.e. do not publish even parts of it, do not cite or reference it, and do not further circulate it. Thank you for your understanding and patience, and have a nice summer! Best, Csaba EMLA From drkiss at Thu Jul 24 16:32:07 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Thu Jul 24 16:32:09 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI Global Meeting - Development Day logistics Message-ID: <> Dear TAI partners of the TAI-Development Project, PLEASE READ UNTIL THE END OF THE MESSAGE THUS IT CONTAINS LOGISTICS INFORMATION FOR THE GLOBAL MEETING The Global Meeting and the Development Day on the 29th of October, preceding the first day of the GM, is approaching and in order to realize the best available airfares, we all have to make the earliest flight reservations possible. Just a comment: most of the people who have already expressed willingness to come to the GM do want to join our Development Day! The TAI-Dev project has funding to bring to Ireland: 1 person from each NMS NGO 1 person from each GS NGO 1 person from 2 NGDOs 2 persons from EU institutions Below you will find the list of eligible organizations/persons. MOST IMPORTANT: 1. please, make your flight reservation as early as possible so that we fly cheaper and we can see if we have enough funding for all of us 2. no matter if you fly right to Sligo, or to Knock and take a train, or to Dublin and take a train, we will try to cover your total travel cost from your national airport to Sligo (if we have enough funding, we will try to cover travel cost from your home to your national airport) but we can only do that if you all book your flights early (also trying to involve low budget airlines) to reach a cheap price 3. we need an invoice for the name of EMLA to be able to reimburse you, so whenever you buy a bus, train, plane ticket, ask for a formal invoice or a receipt where the name EMLA is indicated as buyer SO THE BUYER INDICATED ON THE INVOICE SHOULD BE: EMLA Budapest Hungary Garay u. 29-31. Our accountant, Timi, who is cc-d here, will post warnings later and explain the details why we need it. The NMS NGOs that are eligible for funding within the TAI-Dev project are SEIT REC Latvia ECAT EMLA Polish Green Network The GS NGOs who are eligible for funding within the TAI-Dev project are ACODE LEAT VACNE TEI PILF The 2 NGDOs funded by the project are HAND (Hungary) IGO (Poland) We plan to invite 2 persons from the EU, a Member of the European Parliament and somebody from DG Development. Please let me know if we can be of more assistance. Best, Csaba From drkiss at Fri Jul 25 12:02:58 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Fri Jul 25 12:02:59 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] More on the Development Day Message-ID: <> Dear TAI & Dev Project Partners, Somrudee from Thailand has raised a number of isseus that may be worth for your attention, too (thank you, Somrudee). This is a kind of FAQ then... Q: Agenda of the Development Day? A: It is not ready yet, I will produce it until mid-August for you to comment. Q: Will our day overlap with the TAI Global Meeting or the Core Team Meeting? A: No, it will come between those two, as follows: October 28 Core Team Meeting 29 Development Day 30, 31, Nov 1 Global Meeting So we will have a full (literally full!) day but will not be enough I am afraid. For this reason, I have asked WRI that in case there are panel discussions during the days of the Global Meeting, our development topic will need one panel certainly. Q: Does the project cover accommodation and if yes, for how many nights? A: Yes, we have a budget line for accommodation. The number of nights, however, is not fixed - unlike the lump sum we have (EUR 3800). So we will add our contribution to the big budget of the Global Meeting and try to make sure that our earmarked money is spent on your accommodation. But since we will have 14 invitees for the Development Day, and theoretically you only need 2 nights stay to be able to participate at our event, it is EUR 135/night, which I hope will be enough. Please, do not hesitate to ask! CS From drkiss at Fri Jul 25 12:21:47 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Fri Jul 25 12:21:54 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] For your information Message-ID: <> Dear All, Just to inform you, EMLA and HAND Alliance (the Hungarian NGDO) have = visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary last week and we held = the national development roundtable envisaged in our project plan. I hereby attach for your information the minutes of the meeting. Parallel, I would like to call your attention (obviously only the EU = NGOs in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland) *to post your respective meeting minutes here in this mailing list* so that we can learn about each other's experiences. Soon we will post the Hungraian strategy to influence domestic = development decision-making, coordinated between EMLA and HAND. Again it is a call for the EU NGOs *to please create your national strategies and post them here* so in October we will have a set of strategies from which we can start = drafting one towards the EU institutions. Last but not least, let me call your attention to two websites that are = is very relevant for our research and may be of interest for the entire = TAI & Dev community: It is the official website of the next (3rd) High Level Forum on Aid = Effectiveness of the OECD and WB. There are very useful info on our = topic (external criteria towards recipient countries imposed by donors?) = and also on the role of civil society in this matter (see Roundtable = Meetings/Roundtable 6: Civil society and aid efffectiveness). The = website also contains the so-called Accra Agenda for Action that will be = adopted at this Forum. It is the website of the International CSO Steering Group (ISG) that is = coordinating the "CSO Parallel Process to the Ghana High-Level Forum = III". Here you can read quite critical remarks on the official Aid = Effectiveness process. Best wishes, Csaba --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: TAI and Development K=FCM Minutes.doc T=EDpus: application/msword M=E9ret: 40448 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet=F5 Url : c/TAIandDevelopmentKMMinutes-0001.doc From hoangyennguyendr at Mon Jul 28 10:18:08 2008 From: hoangyennguyendr at (Yen nguyenhoang) Date: Mon Jul 28 10:18:14 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI Global Meeting - Development Day logistics In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Dear Dr. Kiss Csaba, Could you, please, send us some more concrete information about the duration and date of the event that we are to participate in Ireland? Before, I think, it was planned on 28-30 October. I would like to know if there is some changes and, if we have to book the plane, when we have to be in Sligo and when to leave the city. Thank you beforehand and best regards. Nguyen Hoang Yen --- On Thu, 7/24/08, dr. Kiss Csaba wrote: > From: dr. Kiss Csaba > Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI Global Meeting - Development Day logistics > To: > Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 9:32 PM > Dear TAI partners of the TAI-Development Project, > > PLEASE READ UNTIL THE END OF THE MESSAGE THUS IT CONTAINS > LOGISTICS > INFORMATION FOR THE GLOBAL MEETING > > The Global Meeting and the Development Day on the 29th of > October, > preceding the first day of the GM, is approaching and in > order to > realize the best available airfares, we all have to make > the earliest > flight reservations possible. Just a comment: most of the > people who > have already expressed willingness to come to the GM do > want to join our > Development Day! > > The TAI-Dev project has funding to bring to Ireland: > 1 person from each NMS NGO > 1 person from each GS NGO > 1 person from 2 NGDOs > 2 persons from EU institutions > > Below you will find the list of eligible > organizations/persons. > > MOST IMPORTANT: > 1. please, make your flight reservation as early as > possible so that we > fly cheaper and we can see if we have enough funding for > all of us > 2. no matter if you fly right to Sligo, or to Knock and > take a train, or > to Dublin and take a train, we will try to cover your total > travel cost > from your national airport to Sligo (if we have enough > funding, we will > try to cover travel cost from your home to your national > airport) but we > can only do that if you all book your flights early (also > trying to > involve low budget airlines) to reach a cheap price > 3. we need an invoice for the name of EMLA to be able to > reimburse you, > so whenever you buy a bus, train, plane ticket, ask for a > formal invoice > or a receipt where the name EMLA is indicated as buyer > > SO THE BUYER INDICATED ON THE INVOICE SHOULD BE: > > EMLA > Budapest > Hungary > Garay u. 29-31. > > Our accountant, Timi, who is cc-d here, will post warnings > later and > explain the details why we need it. > > The NMS NGOs that are eligible for funding within the > TAI-Dev project are > SEIT > REC Latvia > ECAT > EMLA > Polish Green Network > > The GS NGOs who are eligible for funding within the TAI-Dev > project are > ACODE > LEAT > VACNE > TEI > PILF > > The 2 NGDOs funded by the project are > HAND (Hungary) > IGO (Poland) > > We plan to invite 2 persons from the EU, a Member of the > European > Parliament and somebody from DG Development. > > Please let me know if we can be of more assistance. > Best, > Csaba_______________________________________________ > TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development > Project > funded by the Presidency Fund From drkiss at Thu Jul 31 23:15:38 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Thu Jul 31 23:15:42 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI Global Meeting - Development Day logistics In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: Dear Yen, Thank you - as always - for asking very relevant questions re the Global Meeting. The date of the event is 29th October so you should arrive on the 28th to be able to participate. I note here that all GS NGO participants will be asked to present shortly the situation of access in their respective countries for which the project will be able to pay a small fee. The duration of the event is 1 day, and the 3 days of the Global Meeting will follow that day. You can book your flight to leave Sligo on the 2nd of November I guess. Please, try to reach the most economic flight arrangement so we will be able to bring more people to Sligo. Best, CS 2008/7/28 Yen nguyenhoang > Dear Dr. Kiss Csaba, > Could you, please, send us some more concrete information about the > duration and date of the event that we are to participate in Ireland? > Before, I think, it was planned on 28-30 October. I would like to know if > there is some changes and, if we have to book the plane, when we have to = be > in Sligo and when to leave the city. > Thank you beforehand and best regards. > Nguyen Hoang Yen > > > --- On Thu, 7/24/08, dr. Kiss Csaba wrote: > > > From: dr. Kiss Csaba > > Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI Global Meeting - Development Day > logistics > > To: > > Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 9:32 PM > > Dear TAI partners of the TAI-Development Project, > > > > PLEASE READ UNTIL THE END OF THE MESSAGE THUS IT CONTAINS > > LOGISTICS > > INFORMATION FOR THE GLOBAL MEETING > > > > The Global Meeting and the Development Day on the 29th of > > October, > > preceding the first day of the GM, is approaching and in > > order to > > realize the best available airfares, we all have to make > > the earliest > > flight reservations possible. Just a comment: most of the > > people who > > have already expressed willingness to come to the GM do > > want to join our > > Development Day! > > > > The TAI-Dev project has funding to bring to Ireland: > > 1 person from each NMS NGO > > 1 person from each GS NGO > > 1 person from 2 NGDOs > > 2 persons from EU institutions > > > > Below you will find the list of eligible > > organizations/persons. > > > > MOST IMPORTANT: > > 1. please, make your flight reservation as early as > > possible so that we > > fly cheaper and we can see if we have enough funding for > > all of us > > 2. no matter if you fly right to Sligo, or to Knock and > > take a train, or > > to Dublin and take a train, we will try to cover your total > > travel cost > > from your national airport to Sligo (if we have enough > > funding, we will > > try to cover travel cost from your home to your national > > airport) but we > > can only do that if you all book your flights early (also > > trying to > > involve low budget airlines) to reach a cheap price > > 3. we need an invoice for the name of EMLA to be able to > > reimburse you, > > so whenever you buy a bus, train, plane ticket, ask for a > > formal invoice > > or a receipt where the name EMLA is indicated as buyer > > > > SO THE BUYER INDICATED ON THE INVOICE SHOULD BE: > > > > EMLA > > Budapest > > Hungary > > Garay u. 29-31. > > > > Our accountant, Timi, who is cc-d here, will post warnings > > later and > > explain the details why we need it. > > > > The NMS NGOs that are eligible for funding within the > > TAI-Dev project are > > SEIT > > REC Latvia > > ECAT > > EMLA > > Polish Green Network > > > > The GS NGOs who are eligible for funding within the TAI-Dev > > project are > > ACODE > > LEAT > > VACNE > > TEI > > PILF > > > > The 2 NGDOs funded by the project are > > HAND (Hungary) > > IGO (Poland) > > > > We plan to invite 2 persons from the EU, a Member of the > > European > > Parliament and somebody from DG Development. > > > > Please let me know if we can be of more assistance. > > Best, > > Csaba_______________________________________________ > > TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development > > Project > > funded by the Presidency Fund > > > > > _______________________________________________ > TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project > funded by the Presidency Fund > --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy csatolt HTML =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... 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