[EMLA TAI-Development] More on the Development Day

dr. Kiss Csaba drkiss at emla.hu
2008. Júl. 25., P, 12:02:58 CEST

Dear TAI & Dev Project Partners,
Somrudee from Thailand has raised a number of isseus that may be worth 
for your attention, too (thank you, Somrudee).
This is a kind of FAQ then...

Q: Agenda of the Development Day?
A: It is not ready yet, I will produce it until mid-August for you to 

Q: Will our day overlap with the TAI Global Meeting or the Core Team 
A: No, it will come between those two, as follows:
28 Core Team Meeting
29 Development Day
30, 31, Nov 1 Global Meeting
So we will have a full (literally full!) day but will not be enough I am 
afraid. For this reason, I have asked WRI that in case there are panel 
discussions during the days of the Global Meeting, our development topic 
will need one panel certainly.

Q: Does the project cover accommodation and if yes, for how many nights?
A: Yes, we have a budget line for accommodation. The number of nights, 
however, is not fixed - unlike the lump sum we have (EUR 3800). So we 
will add our contribution to the big budget of the Global Meeting and 
try to make sure that our earmarked money is spent on your 
accommodation. But since we will have 14 invitees for the Development 
Day, and theoretically you only need 2 nights stay to be able to 
participate at our event, it is EUR 135/night, which I hope will be enough.

Please, do not hesitate to ask!

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