[EMLA TAI-Development] For your information
dr. Kiss Csaba
drkiss at emla.hu
2008. Júl. 25., P, 12:21:47 CEST
Dear All,
Just to inform you, EMLA and HAND Alliance (the Hungarian NGDO) have =
visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary last week and we held =
the national development roundtable envisaged in our project plan.
I hereby attach for your information the minutes of the meeting.
Parallel, I would like to call your attention (obviously only the EU =
NGOs in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland)
*to post your respective meeting minutes here in this mailing list*
so that we can learn about each other's experiences.
Soon we will post the Hungraian strategy to influence domestic =
development decision-making, coordinated between EMLA and HAND.
Again it is a call for the EU NGOs
*to please create your national strategies and post them here*
so in October we will have a set of strategies from which we can start =
drafting one towards the EU institutions.
Last but not least, let me call your attention to two websites that are =
is very relevant for our research and may be of interest for the entire =
TAI & Dev community:
It is the official website of the next (3rd) High Level Forum on Aid =
Effectiveness of the OECD and WB. There are very useful info on our =
topic (external criteria towards recipient countries imposed by donors?) =
and also on the role of civil society in this matter (see Roundtable =
Meetings/Roundtable 6: Civil society and aid efffectiveness). The =
website also contains the so-called Accra Agenda for Action that will be =
adopted at this Forum.
It is the website of the International CSO Steering Group (ISG) that is =
coordinating the "CSO Parallel Process to the Ghana High-Level Forum =
III". Here you can read quite critical remarks on the official Aid =
Effectiveness process.
Best wishes,
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