[EMLA TAI-Development] News in TAI [Re: Newsletter 1]
Kordian Kochanowicz
kordian.kochanowicz at igo.org.pl
2008. Jún. 23., H, 09:30:07 CEST
Dear Mr. Elias, Dear Csaba, Dear Laszlo, Dear representatives of LEAT,
Dear Partners,
With this email I would like to provide you with news related to the
implementation of the TAI & Development project in Poland.
Let me first send appreciation to Mr. Elias Mwashiuya and the persons
from Lawyer's Environmental Action Team for their work and for the
preparation of this interesting report SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND
I coordinate the project activities here in Poland on behalf of the
Institute of Global Responsiblity (IGO). Short information about us
can be found here: http://www.igo.org.pl/english.php
IGO has this pleasure to promote the findings of the report among
different NGOs and development actors in Poland. Very shortly I would
like to give you short overview of what we stand for and how is the
realisation going on.
* For IGO this project is very unique and fits into our mission very
well. We opt for a development with a human face which, being based
on the respect for human dignity. We promote Aid based on the real
needs of people in the South and for us the report based on Tanzanian
expertise and focused on the rights of the people from Tanzania is a
great tool for advocacy.
Moreover, one of our advocacy aims is to promote among Polish
development actors respect to local societies, and to enhance
consultations between institutions from Poland and beneficiaries they
work for. The recommendations included in the report and case studies
serve very well to present it here in Poland.
* Roundtable: The presentation of the Tanzania TAI report and the
"roundtable discussion" will take place on the 26th of June. It is
coorganised with the working group of AidWatch of the Polish NGDO
platform. We are looking forward to an interesting debate with
different actors involved in Development Aid.
This was a very short presentation. We would be very happy to present
our mission and start some exchange on the role of the NGOs here in
It would also be great to hear from our Tanzanian counterpart LEAT.
Let me wish you a very successfull week.
Greetings from the IGO team.
Kordian Kochanowicz
2008/6/9 dr. Kiss Csaba <drkiss at emla.hu>:
> Dear All,
> Please, find attached the first newsletter of the TAI & Development project.
> Also please note that there are deadlines approaching or even passed these
> days! I am looking forward to receiving your answers. Best,
> Csaba
> ps: NMS NGOs, please, send the contract back to EMLA in 2 signed-stamped
> copies!!!
> _______________________________________________
> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project
> funded by the Presidency Fund
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