From drkiss at Tue May 13 15:01:31 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Tue May 13 15:01:28 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] New deadlines! In-Reply-To: <024d01c8b1bd$44f76b60$b51e10ac@Spain> References: <> <024d01c8b1bd$44f76b60$b51e10ac@Spain> Message-ID: <> Hi Somrudee, Yes, the EU New Member States are supposed to hold only roundtables. What we expect from TEI is right now minimal, i.e. be ready for your counterpart NMS NGO to come up with an evaluation of the Thailand TAI report and see to it that it contains relevant and valid findings as for what are the major shortcomings in access rights implementation in Thailand. Thank you and see you in October in Ireland. CS Somrudee Nicro írta: > Dear Csaba, > > The national roundtables (in June) are only for new member states in > Europe. Is that correct? > > What inputs do you expect from TEI? > > Many thanks. > Somrudee > > Ms. Somrudee Nicro, Ph.D. > Senior Director > Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) > 16/151 Muang Thong Thani > Bond St, Bangpood, Pakkred > Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand > Tel. (662) 503 3333 Ext 501 > Direct no. (662) 504 4789 > Fax (662) 504 4826-8 > > > ----- Original Message ----- From: "dr. Kiss Csaba" > To: "TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project > funded by thePresidency Fund" > Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 7:14 PM > Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] New deadlines! > > >> Dear All, >> Having consulted with some of you, let me inform you about the new >> deadlines for the TAI-Development related activities: >> >> May / 2008 >> >> - reading Global South assessments by New Member States NGOs >> - summarizing major access rights implementation gaps in Global South >> countries >> - coordinating evaluation with Global South NGOs >> >> June / 2008 >> >> - national roundtables with New Member States NGOs, development NGOs and >> Ministry of Foreign Affairs >> - summary of roundtables >> - national strategy >> >> Please note that in order to have a meeting in June with your respective >> Minsitry of Foreign Affairs, you need to start organizing it in May. >> Best, >> Csaba >> > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > >> _______________________________________________ >> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project >> funded by the Presidency Fund > > From drkiss at Fri May 23 12:35:43 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Fri May 23 12:36:02 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Deadline for GS assessment report review Message-ID: <> Dear All, Please take note that the deadline for reviewing your GS partner's TAI national report, writing a summary thereof and coordinating your evaluation with the GS partner NGO is 31 May. Also be alerted that the deadline to hold a national roundtable and to present your findings as a strategy is 30 June. I would appreciate if you could meet your respective deadlines given that EMLA has to report to the Presideny Fund on the advance of the project until 15 June. Best regards, Csaba Kiss From skutegeka at Fri May 23 13:36:20 2008 From: skutegeka at (Kutegeka Sophie) Date: Fri May 23 13:36:24 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Deadline for GS assessment report review In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Thanks for the reminder Dr. Csaba. However, I am not sure if I missed out on something but I am not very clear on what is expected of Uganda. Our report is supposed to get reviewed by Latvia and I am not sure if they have a copy and what our role is specifically. Also, you indicated that you were working on subgrants for partners.....clarify on that as well please. Regards, Sophie. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of dr. Kiss Csaba Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 1:36 PM To: TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project funded by the Presidency Fund Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Deadline for GS assessment report review Dear All, Please take note that the deadline for reviewing your GS partner's TAI national report, writing a summary thereof and coordinating your evaluation with the GS partner NGO is 31 May. Also be alerted that the deadline to hold a national roundtable and to present your findings as a strategy is 30 June. I would appreciate if you could meet your respective deadlines given that EMLA has to report to the Presideny Fund on the advance of the project until 15 June. Best regards, Csaba Kiss From drkiss at Fri May 23 13:44:02 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Fri May 23 13:43:53 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Deadline for GS assessment report review In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Hi Sophie, Since the grant is an EU one, unfortunately it does not include subgrant to Global South NGOs, apart from travel cost and some lecture fees at the closing conference. Latvia TAI has your report, and I very much hope that they are finishing its reading by now. Basically, nothing or not too much is expected from the GS NGOs, only cooperation with your respective EU partner and then participation at the meeting. I hope married life is good! Tell me! Best, Csaba Kutegeka Sophie írta: > Thanks for the reminder Dr. Csaba. However, I am not sure if I missed out on > something but I am not very clear on what is expected of Uganda. Our report > is supposed to get reviewed by Latvia and I am not sure if they have a copy > and what our role is specifically. Also, you indicated that you were working > on subgrants for partners.....clarify on that as well please. > > Regards, Sophie. > > -----Original Message----- > From: > [] On Behalf Of dr. Kiss Csaba > Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 1:36 PM > To: TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project funded by > the Presidency Fund > Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Deadline for GS assessment report review > > Dear All, > Please take note that the deadline for reviewing your GS partner's TAI > national report, writing a summary thereof and coordinating your > evaluation with the GS partner NGO is 31 May. > Also be alerted that the deadline to hold a national roundtable and to > present your findings as a strategy is 30 June. > I would appreciate if you could meet your respective deadlines given > that EMLA has to report to the Presideny Fund on the advance of the > project until 15 June. > Best regards, > Csaba Kiss > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > _______________________________________________ > TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project > funded by the Presidency Fund From drkiss at Fri May 23 14:13:48 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Fri May 23 14:13:39 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Closing meeting in Ireland!!! Message-ID: <> Dear All, As TAI Core Team has decided to hold TAI Global Meeting this October in Ireland, we have thought about holding the closing meeting of our TAI & Development project as a side event of the Global Meeting. I have just received the endorsement of the Presidency Fund that means that our conference can be held around 28-30 October in Sligo, Ireland, together with the TAI Global Meeting. You will be informed about the details of organization later. Best, Csaba Kiss EMLA From drkiss at Mon May 26 10:17:38 2008 From: drkiss at ( Date: Mon May 26 10:17:26 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] =?utf-8?b?VMOpcnRpdmV2w6lueSAobWVnamVs?= =?utf-8?q?en=C3=ADtve=29_-_TAI_sz=C3=B6vegtervezet_?= References: <> Message-ID: <> RXogYSBrw7Z2ZXRrZXrFkSBjw61temV0dG5layBrw7xsZMO2dHQgbGV2w6lsIHTDqXJ0aXZldsOp bnllOiBkcmtpc3NAZW1sYS5odQoKTWVnamVneXrDqXM6IEUgdMOpcnRpdmV2w6lueSBjc2FrIGF6 dCBpZ2F6b2xqYSwgaG9neSBheiDDvHplbmV0ZXQgbWVnamVsZW7DrXRldHTDqWsgYSBjw61temV0 dCBzesOhbcOtdMOzZ8OpcMOpbi4gTmVtIGdhcmFudMOhbGphIGF6dCwgaG9neSBhIGPDrW16ZXR0 IGVsb2x2YXN0YSBheiDDvHplbmV0ZXQgdmFneSBtZWfDqXJ0ZXR0ZSBhenQuCi0tLS0tLS0tLSBr 9nZldGtlevUgculzeiAtLS0tLS0tLS0KbWVzc2FnZS9kaXNwb3NpdGlvbi1ub3RpZmljYXRpb24g dO1wdXP6IHLpc3playBmaWd5ZWxtZW4ga+12/GwgaGFneXZhLS0tLS0tLS0tIGv2dmV0a2V69SBy 6XN6IC0tLS0tLS0tLQpFZ3kgbmVtIHRleHQgdMOtcHVzw7ogY3NhdG9sdCDDoWxsb23DoW55IMOh dCBsZXR0IGtvbnZlcnTDoWx2YS4uLgpOw6l2OiBuZW0gZWzDqXJoZXTFkQpUw61wdXM6IHRleHQv cmZjODIyLWhlYWRlcnMKTcOpcmV0OiAxMTczIGJ5dGVzCkxlw61yw6FzOiBuZW0gZWzDqXJoZXTF kQpVcmwgOiBodHRwOi8venBvay5odS9waXBlcm1haWwvdGFpLWRldmVsb3BtZW50L2F0dGFjaG1l bnRzLzIwMDgwNTI2LzRhMzRjZWI4L2F0dGFjaG1lbnQuYmluCg== From drkiss at Tue May 27 10:51:45 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Tue May 27 10:51:47 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Re: Questions regarding the GS assessment report review In-Reply-To: <004601c8bfa7$ce066b70$b91e10ac@cuba> References: <014e01c8bee6$2d6c7fe0$b91e10ac@cuba> <> <004601c8bfa7$ce066b70$b91e10ac@cuba> Message-ID: <> Dear Angkana Rawichutiwan, You can contact Audrone at but you can also use our mailing list for such purposes. Best, Csaba > Dear Csaba, > > Thank you very much for your prompt response and your clarification. We > would be very pleased to coordinate with the Lithuanian TAI partner. > Would > you please recommend where I could find the email address of Mr./Ms. > Audrone > Alijosiute, or that of the best contact person? > > Thank you very much once again. > > Best regards, > > Angkana > ________________________________________ > > Ms. Angkana Rawichutiwan, Research Associate > Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) > 16/151 Muang Thong Thani > Bond St, Bangpood, Pakkred > Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand > Tel. 66 2 503 3333 Ext 503 > Fax 66 2 504 4826 - 8 > > ----- Original Message ----- From: "dr. Kiss Csaba" > To: "Angkana Rawichutiwan" > Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 3:17 PM > Subject: Re: Questions regarding the GS assessment report review > > >> Dear Angkana Rawichutiwan, >> Thank you for your questions, and the answers are that >> - yes, the Lithuanian TAI partner is supposed to review your national >> TAI >> report >> - EMLA is supposed to coordinate the NMS NGO activity, but if you enter >> into direct communication with the Lithuanian TAI partner, that is even >> better >> - no, the GS partners will have basically nothing to do with the project >> until the closing conference - apart, of course, from communicating with >> the NMS NGO partner on your national TAI report review >> Thank you very much for your patience, >> Csaba >>> Dear Mr. Csaba, >>> >>> I would like to ask some questions regarding the GS assessment report >>> review. From my understanding, the EU new member states have to review >>> the national assessment reports of the GS. Therefore, according to EMLA >>> mid-term project report, Lithuania have to review Thailand's assessment >>> report, is that correct? In addition, at the moment, we have not heard >>> anything from Lithuania yet. Should I take any action on this matter? >>> Moreover, the deadline mentioned in the message below does not have >>> anything to do with the GS, is that correct? >>> >>> Thank you very much. >>> >>> Best regards, >>> >>> ________________________________________ >>> >>> Ms. Angkana Rawichutiwan, Research Associate >>> Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) >>> 16/151 Muang Thong Thani >>> Bond St, Bangpood, Pakkred >>> Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand >>> Tel. 66 2 503 3333 Ext 503 >>> Fax 66 2 504 4826 - 8 >>> >>> >>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "dr. Kiss Csaba" >>>> To: "TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project >>>> funded >>>> by thePresidency Fund" >>>> Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 5:35 PM >>>> Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Deadline for GS assessment report >>>> review >>>> >>>> >>>>> Dear All, >>>>> Please take note that the deadline for reviewing your GS partner's >>>>> TAI >>>>> national report, writing a summary thereof and coordinating your >>>>> evaluation with the GS partner NGO is 31 May. >>>>> Also be alerted that the deadline to hold a national roundtable >>>>> and to >>>>> present your findings as a strategy is 30 June. >>>>> I would appreciate if you could meet your respective deadlines given >>>>> that EMLA has to report to the Presideny Fund on the advance of the >>>>> project until 15 June. >>>>> Best regards, >>>>> Csaba Kiss >>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project >>>>> funded by the Presidency Fund >>>> >>> >>> > > From joanna at Tue May 27 12:21:28 2008 From: joanna at (Joanna Furmaga) Date: Tue May 27 12:21:42 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Przeczytane: EMLA TAI and Development contract References: <> Message-ID: <001601c8bfe3$6d5be700$6400a8c0@Joannanowy> To jest potwierdzenie dla wiadomo=B6ci wys=B3anej przez Ciebie do "'Marcin Wojtalik'" ; "'Joanna Furmaga'" ; ; ; ; o 2008-05-27 08:26 To potwierdzenie m=F3wi, =BFe wiadomo=B6=E6 zosta=B3a wy=B6wietlona na komp= uterze odbiorcy o 2008-05-27 12:21 --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- message/disposition-notification t=EDpus=FA r=E9szek figyelmen k=EDv=FCl ha= gyva