[EMLA TAI-Development] Deadline for GS assessment report review

dr. Kiss Csaba drkiss at emla.hu
2008. Május. 23., P, 13:44:02 CEST

Hi Sophie,
Since the grant is an EU one, unfortunately it does not include subgrant 
to Global South NGOs, apart from travel cost and some lecture fees at 
the closing conference. Latvia TAI has your report, and I very much hope 
that they are finishing its reading by now. Basically, nothing or not 
too much is expected from the GS NGOs, only cooperation with your 
respective EU partner and then participation at the meeting.
I hope married life is good! Tell me!

Kutegeka Sophie írta:
> Thanks for the reminder Dr. Csaba. However, I am not sure if I missed out on
> something but I am not very clear on what is expected of Uganda. Our report
> is supposed to get reviewed by Latvia and I am not sure if they have a copy
> and what our role is specifically. Also, you indicated that you were working
> on subgrants for partners.....clarify on that as well please. 
> Regards, Sophie.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tai-development-bounces at emla.hu
> [mailto:tai-development-bounces at emla.hu] On Behalf Of dr. Kiss Csaba
> Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 1:36 PM
> To: TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project funded by
> the Presidency Fund
> Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Deadline for GS assessment report review 
> Dear All,
> Please take note that the deadline for reviewing your GS partner's TAI 
> national report, writing a summary thereof and coordinating your 
> evaluation with the GS partner NGO is 31 May.
> Also be alerted that the deadline to hold a national roundtable and to 
> present your findings as a strategy is 30 June.
> I would appreciate if you could meet your respective deadlines given 
> that EMLA has to report to the Presideny Fund on the advance of the 
> project until 15 June.
> Best regards,
> Csaba Kiss
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project
> funded by the Presidency Fund

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