[EMLA TAI-Development] Re: Questions regarding the GS assessment report review

dr. Kiss Csaba drkiss at emla.hu
2008. Május. 27., K, 10:51:45 CEST

Dear Angkana Rawichutiwan,
You can contact Audrone at <audrone at ecat.lt> but you can also use our 
mailing list for such purposes. Best,
> Dear Csaba,
> Thank you very much for your prompt response and your clarification. We
> would be very pleased to coordinate with the Lithuanian TAI partner. 
> Would
> you please recommend where I could find the email address of Mr./Ms. 
> Audrone
> Alijosiute, or that of the best contact person?
> Thank you very much once again.
> Best regards,
> Angkana
> ________________________________________
> Ms. Angkana Rawichutiwan, Research Associate
> Thailand Environment Institute (TEI)
> 16/151 Muang Thong Thani
> Bond St, Bangpood, Pakkred
> Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand
> Tel. 66 2 503 3333 Ext 503
> Fax 66 2 504 4826 - 8
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "dr. Kiss Csaba" <drkiss at emla.hu>
> To: "Angkana Rawichutiwan" <angkana at tei.or.th>
> Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 3:17 PM
> Subject: Re: Questions regarding the GS assessment report review
>> Dear Angkana Rawichutiwan,
>> Thank you for your questions, and the answers are that
>> - yes, the Lithuanian TAI partner is supposed to review your national 
>> TAI
>> report
>> - EMLA is supposed to coordinate the NMS NGO activity, but if you enter
>> into direct communication with the Lithuanian TAI partner, that is even
>> better
>> - no, the GS partners will have basically nothing to do with the project
>> until the closing conference - apart, of course, from communicating with
>> the NMS NGO partner on your national TAI report review
>> Thank you very much for your patience,
>> Csaba
>>> Dear Mr. Csaba,
>>> I would like to ask some questions regarding the GS assessment report
>>> review. From my understanding, the EU new member states have to review
>>> the national assessment reports of the GS. Therefore, according to EMLA
>>> mid-term project report, Lithuania have to review Thailand's assessment
>>> report, is that correct? In addition, at the moment, we have not heard
>>> anything from Lithuania yet. Should I take any action on this matter?
>>> Moreover, the deadline mentioned in the message below does not have
>>> anything to do with the GS, is that correct?
>>> Thank you very much.
>>> Best regards,
>>> ________________________________________
>>> Ms. Angkana Rawichutiwan, Research Associate
>>> Thailand Environment Institute (TEI)
>>> 16/151 Muang Thong Thani
>>> Bond St, Bangpood, Pakkred
>>> Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand
>>> Tel. 66 2 503 3333 Ext 503
>>> Fax 66 2 504 4826 - 8
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "dr. Kiss Csaba" <drkiss at emla.hu>
>>>> To: "TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project 
>>>> funded
>>>> by thePresidency Fund" <tai-development at emla.hu>
>>>> Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 5:35 PM
>>>> Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Deadline for GS assessment report 
>>>> review
>>>>> Dear All,
>>>>> Please take note that the deadline for reviewing your GS partner's 
>>>>> TAI
>>>>> national report, writing a summary thereof and coordinating your
>>>>> evaluation with the GS partner NGO is 31 May.
>>>>> Also be alerted that the deadline to hold a national roundtable 
>>>>> and to
>>>>> present your findings as a strategy is 30 June.
>>>>> I would appreciate if you could meet your respective deadlines given
>>>>> that EMLA has to report to the Presideny Fund on the advance of the
>>>>> project until 15 June.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Csaba Kiss
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project
>>>>> funded by the Presidency Fund

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