From drkiss at Fri Nov 7 17:17:44 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Fri Nov 7 17:17:51 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position Message-ID: <> Dear All, I would like to ask the participants of the TAI and Dev project to = kindly read the attached common position and give comments and = suggestions until 12 November. I apologize for the short deadline, = however, we must produce output that can be communicated both in the New = Member States and the EU development institutions. Thank you for your = cooperation and thank you for being so active on the Development Day! It = was a great pleasure to discuss such issues with such a distinguished = company! Best, CS --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: TAI and Development Common Position.doc T=EDpus: application/msword M=E9ret: 39936 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet=F5 Url : 6/TAIandDevelopmentCommonPosition-0001.doc From hoangyennguyendr at Sat Nov 8 12:24:01 2008 From: hoangyennguyendr at (Yen nguyenhoang) Date: Sat Nov 8 12:24:07 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Dear Dr. Kiss Csaba, In general, I agree with and have no comments to your statements in the position paper. But, still, my desire is to include somehow a message that from the GS countries we welcome the project, see it as useful and hope that the project will continue with more concrete objectives in aiding GS countries to implement the access rights as well as promoting the process of learning from each other to the good of both sides - EU NMS and GS countries. Thank you for your effort and kind help to us in Sligo. With best regards. Dr. Nguyen Hoang Yen Deputy Chief of VACNE Office 9th Floor, Trade Union Hotel 14 Tran Binh Trong Str., Hanoi, Vietnam Tel: +844 3863 2046, Fax: +844 3942 0279 E-mail: --- On Fri, 11/7/08, dr. Kiss Csaba wrote: > From: dr. Kiss Csaba > Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position > To:, "Kékesi Annamária" , "Arjuna Seneviratne" , "Arthur Bainomugisha" , "Joseph Foti" > Date: Friday, November 7, 2008, 11:17 PM > Dear All, > I would like to ask the participants of the TAI and Dev > project to kindly read the attached common position and give > comments and suggestions until 12 November. I apologize for > the short deadline, however, we must produce output that can > be communicated both in the New Member States and the EU > development institutions. Thank you for your cooperation and > thank you for being so active on the Development Day! It was > a great pleasure to discuss such issues with such a > distinguished company! > Best, > CS > _______________________________________________ > TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development > Project > funded by the Presidency Fund From somrudee at Sun Nov 9 16:48:23 2008 From: somrudee at ( Date: Sun Nov 9 16:49:02 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Dear Csaba, Thank you very much for the preparation of the report and for bringing me to the meeting in Sligo. It is a great report and I agree with all but the last position (7), about which I have some reservation. Perhaps, I might not understand it completely. I'm afraid that 'demand-based' could be mistaken as 'demand-driven'; the latter would reflects the needs of the recipient and not donor. As such I would support the demand-driven. Secondly, I am not so sure if I would be so willing to support 'right-based'. It can be misinterpreted or misunderstood. If we want to say A2I, PP, A2J, I suggest we be specific and use A2I, PP, A2J. Can you rephrase it? Seconly, pls add Suphasuk, cc above, in the TAI-Developmnet list, if you have not already done so. Many thanks, Somrudee Thailand Environment Institute Quoting "dr. Kiss Csaba" : > Dear All, > I would like to ask the participants of the TAI and Dev project to > kindly read the attached common position and give comments and > suggestions until 12 November. I apologize for the short deadline, > however, we must produce output that can be communicated both in the > New Member States and the EU development institutions. Thank you for > your cooperation and thank you for being so active on the Development > Day! It was a great pleasure to discuss such issues with such a > distinguished company! > Best, > CS > ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. From drkiss at Mon Nov 10 15:15:20 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Mon Nov 10 15:15:38 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed Message-ID: <> Dear All, Thank you for your swift comments, and please, find attached a more = detailed common position now with explanations, trying to reflect our = conversations on the Dev Day. If you do not signal otherwise until = Wednesday evening, I will treat is as final and send it to the lobbyist = for circulation. Best, CS --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: TAI and Development Common Position detailed.doc T=EDpus: application/msword M=E9ret: 47104 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet=F5 Url : 9/TAIandDevelopmentCommonPositiondetailed-0001.doc From Piret.Kuldna at Tue Nov 11 11:52:12 2008 From: Piret.Kuldna at (Piret Kuldna) Date: Tue Nov 11 11:46:05 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed References: <> Message-ID: <631E984FB121B04D83AAB1B9094CC6D107B33D@BOND.seit.local> bXVsdGlwYXJ0L2FsdGVybmF0aXZlIHTtcHVz+iBy6XN6ZWsgZmlneWVsbWVuIGvtdvxsIGhhZ3l2 YS0tLS0tLS0tLSBr9nZldGtlevUgculzeiAtLS0tLS0tLS0KRWd5IG5lbSB0ZXh0IHQ/cHVzPyBj c2F0b2x0ID9sbG9tP255ID90IGxldHQga29udmVydD9sdmEuLi4KTul2OiBUQUkgYW5kIERldmVs b3BtZW50IENvbW1vbiBQb3NpdGlvbiBkZXRhaWxlZF9way5kb2MKVD9wdXM6IGFwcGxpY2F0aW9u L21zd29yZApN6XJldDogNDg2NDAgYnl0ZXMKTGU/cj9zOiBUQUkgYW5kIERldmVsb3BtZW50IENv bW1vbiBQb3NpdGlvbiBkZXRhaWxlZF9way5kb2MKVXJsIDogaHR0cDovL3pwb2suaHUvcGlwZXJt YWlsL3RhaS1kZXZlbG9wbWVudC9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8yMDA4MTExMS9lNDQ5ZDc1NS9UQUlhbmRE ZXZlbG9wbWVudENvbW1vblBvc2l0aW9uZGV0YWlsZWRfcGstMDAwMS5kb2MK From reclat at Tue Nov 11 19:11:24 2008 From: reclat at ( Date: Tue Nov 11 19:11:29 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed Message-ID: <> RGVhciBDc2FiYQoKSSBoYXZlIG1hZGUgZmV3IGNvbW1lbnRzIGluIHRleHQgb2YgUGlyZXQuIEkg c3VnZ2VzdCB0byBsZWF2ZSAnIHJlY2lwaWVudCcgCmNvdW50cnkuQmVjYXVzZSBsYXRlciBpbiB0 ZXh0IHdlIGhhdmUgd29yZCBUQUkgcGFydG5lciBjb3VudHJpZXMsIHdoYXQgY2FuIApjcmVhdGUg Y29uZnVzaW9uLgpCdXQgSSBzdWdnZXN0IHRvIHVzZSB0ZXJtIE9EQS0gKCBvZmZpY2lhbCApICdk ZXZlbG9wbWVudCBhc3Npc3RhbmNlJyAgKyBhaWQuCgoKQSAgYml0IHRoZXJlIG1pZ2h0IGJlIHVu Y2xlYXIgbWVzc2FnZSAoIHdoYXQgZXhhY3RseSB3ZSB3YW50Li4pIGZvciB0aG9zZSB3aG8gCmRp ZCBub3QgcGFydGljaXBhdGVkIGluIG1lZXRpbmcgKEVDKSAsIGJ1dCBJIGRvIG5vdCBoYXZlIGJl dHRlciB2ZXJzaW9uIGVpdGhlci4KCgpTaW5jZXJlbHksCgpFcmlrYQoKCj4gRGVhciBhbGwsCj4g Cj4gIAo+IAo+IFRoYW5rcyB0byBDc2FiYSBmb3IgcHJlcGFyaW5nIHRoaXMgcGFwZXIuIAo+IAo+ IEkgd291bGQgc3VnZ2VzdCB0byByZXBsYWNlIHRoZSB0ZXJtICdyZWNpcGllbnQgY291bnRyeScg d2l0aCAncGFydG5lcgo+IGNvdW50cnknIGFuZCAnZGV2ZWxvcG1lbnQgYWlkJyB3aXRoICdkZXZl bG9wbWVudCBjb29wZXJhdGlvbicuCj4gCj4gU2luY2UgSWBtIG5vdCB2ZXJ5IGZhbWlsaWFyIHdp dGggdGhlIEVVIGRldmVsb3BtZW50IGNvb3BlcmF0aW9uIGZ1bmRpbmcKPiBjcml0ZXJpYSwgY291 bGQgeW91IGFkZCBzb21lIGV4YW1wbGVzIG9mIHRoZSBhcHBsaWNhdGlvbiByZXF1aXJlbWVudHMK PiB0aGF0IHNob3VsZCBiZSBjaGFuZ2VkPyBJYHZlIGFsc28gbWFkZSBzb21lIG90aGVyIG1pbm9y IGFkZGl0aW9ucyB0byB0aGUKPiB0ZXh0LCBwbGVhc2UgZmluZCBpdCBpbiB0aGUgYXR0YWNobWVu dCwgd2hldGhlciB5b3UgYWdyZWUgd2l0aCB0aGVtLgo+IAo+ICAKPiAKPiBCZXN0IHJlZ2FyZHMK PiAKPiBQaXJldCAKPiAKPiAgCj4gU3RvY2tob2xtIEVudmlyb25tZW50IEluc3RpdHV0ZSBUYWxs aW5uIENlbnRyZSwgRXN0b25pYW4gSW5zdGl0dXRlIGZvcgo+IFN1c3RhaW5hYmxlIERldmVsb3Bt ZW50IChTRUkgVGFsbGlubikKPiBMYWkgU3RyLiAzNCwgMTAxMzMgVGFsbGlubiwgRXN0b25pYQo+ IFRlbC4gKzM3MiA2Mjc2IDExMC8xMDAKPiBGYXggKzM3MiA2Mjc2IDEwMQo+IHBpcmV0Lmt1bGRu YUBzZWl0LmVlCj4gd3d3LnNlaXQuZWUgPGh0dHA6Ly93d3cuc2VpdC5lZS8+IAo+IAo+IF9fX19f X19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fCj4gCj4gRnJvbTogdGFpLWRldmVsb3BtZW50LWJv dW5jZXNAZW1sYS5odSBvbiBiZWhhbGYgb2YgZHIuIEtpc3MgQ3NhYmEKPiBTZW50OiBFIDEwLjEx LjIwMDggMTY6MTUKPiBUbzogVEFJLURldmVsb3BtZW50QGVtbGEuaHU7IEvpa2VzaSBBbm5hbT9y aWE7IEFyanVuYSBTZW5ldmlyYXRuZTsKPiBBcnRodXIgQmFpbm9tdWdpc2hhOyBKb3NlcGggRm90 aTsgU3VwaGFzdWsgUHJhZHVic3VrCj4gU3ViamVjdDogW0VNTEEgVEFJLURldmVsb3BtZW50XSBU QUkgYW5kIERldiBDb21tb24gUG9zaXRpb24gLSBub3cKPiBkZXRhaWxlZAo+IAo+IAo+IAo+IERl YXIgQWxsLAo+IFRoYW5rIHlvdSBmb3IgeW91ciBzd2lmdCBjb21tZW50cywgYW5kIHBsZWFzZSwg ZmluZCBhdHRhY2hlZCBhIG1vcmUKPiBkZXRhaWxlZCBjb21tb24gcG9zaXRpb24gbm93IHdpdGgg ZXhwbGFuYXRpb25zLCB0cnlpbmcgdG8gcmVmbGVjdCBvdXIKPiBjb252ZXJzYXRpb25zIG9uIHRo ZSBEZXYgRGF5LiBJZiB5b3UgZG8gbm90IHNpZ25hbCBvdGhlcndpc2UgdW50aWwKPiBXZWRuZXNk YXkgZXZlbmluZywgSSB3aWxsIHRyZWF0IGlzIGFzIGZpbmFsIGFuZCBzZW5kIGl0IHRvIHRoZSBs b2JieWlzdAo+IGZvciBjaXJjdWxhdGlvbi4KPiBCZXN0LAo+IENTCj4gCj4gCj4gCj4gCgoKCi0t LS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLQpUaGlzIG1lc3NhZ2Ug d2FzIHNlbnQgdXNpbmcgRW5keW1pb24gTWFpbE1hbi4KaHR0cDovL3d3dy5lbmR5bWlvbi5jb20v cHJvZHVjdHMvbWFpbG1hbi8gaHR0cDovL3d3dy5taWNyb2xpbmsuY29tLwotLS0tLS0tLS0ga/Z2 ZXRrZXr1IHLpc3ogLS0tLS0tLS0tCkVneSBuZW0gdGV4dCB07XB1c/ogY3NhdG9sdCDhbGxvbeFu eSDhdCBsZXR0IGtvbnZlcnThbHZhLi4uCk7pdjogVEFJIGFuZCBEZXZlbG9wbWVudCBDb21tb24g UG9zaXRpb24KCWRldGFpbGVkX3BrX0VMQS5kb2MKVO1wdXM6IGFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL29jdGV0LXN0 cmVhbQpN6XJldDogNDg2NDAgYnl0ZXMKTGXtcuFzOiBuZW0gZWzpcmhldPUKVXJsIDogaHR0cDov L3pwb2suaHUvcGlwZXJtYWlsL3RhaS1kZXZlbG9wbWVudC9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8yMDA4MTExMS9j NzVlZDMzYS9UQUlhbmREZXZlbG9wbWVudENvbW1vblBvc2l0aW9uZGV0YWlsZWRfcGtfRUxBLTAw MDEub2JqCg== From Piret.Kuldna at Wed Nov 12 09:30:04 2008 From: Piret.Kuldna at (Piret Kuldna) Date: Wed Nov 12 09:23:59 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed References: <> Message-ID: <631E984FB121B04D83AAB1B9094CC6D107B342@BOND.seit.local> SGksCiAKSnVzdCBmb3IgZXhwbGFuYXRpb24gLSBJIHN1Z2dlc3RlZCB0byB1c2UgJ3BhcnRuZXIg Y291bnRyeScgYW5kICdkZXZlbG9wbWVudCBjb29wZXJhdGlvbicgdG8gZm9sbG93IHRoZSBjb21t b24gdGVybWlub2xvZ3kgb2YgdGhlIEVVIHBvbGljeSwgYXQgbGVhc3QgaW4gRXN0b25pYSBpdCBp cyBub3cgc3VnZ2VzdGVkIHRvIHNwZWFrIG1vcmUgd2l0aCB0aGVzZSB0ZXJtcy4gQnV0IGRldmVs b3BtZW50IGFzc2lzdGFuY2UgaW5zdGVhZCBvZiBkZXZlbG9wbWVudCBhaWQgaW4gc29tZSBjYXNl IGlzIGFsc28gZmluZS4KIApCZXN0IHJlZ2FyZHMKUGlyZXQKIApfX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19f X19fX19fX19fX19fXwoKRnJvbTogdGFpLWRldmVsb3BtZW50LWJvdW5jZXNAZW1sYS5odSBvbiBi ZWhhbGYgb2YgcmVjbGF0QHBhcmtzLmx2ClNlbnQ6IFQgMTEuMTEuMjAwOCAyMDoxMQpUbzogdGFp LWRldmVsb3BtZW50QGVtbGEuaHUKU3ViamVjdDogUkU6IFtFTUxBIFRBSS1EZXZlbG9wbWVudF0g VEFJIGFuZCBEZXYgQ29tbW9uIFBvc2l0aW9uIC0gbm93IGRldGFpbGVkCgoKCkRlYXIgQ3NhYmEK CkkgaGF2ZSBtYWRlIGZldyBjb21tZW50cyBpbiB0ZXh0IG9mIFBpcmV0LiBJIHN1Z2dlc3QgdG8g bGVhdmUgJyByZWNpcGllbnQnCmNvdW50cnkuQmVjYXVzZSBsYXRlciBpbiB0ZXh0IHdlIGhhdmUg d29yZCBUQUkgcGFydG5lciBjb3VudHJpZXMsIHdoYXQgY2FuCmNyZWF0ZSBjb25mdXNpb24uCkJ1 dCBJIHN1Z2dlc3QgdG8gdXNlIHRlcm0gT0RBLSAoIG9mZmljaWFsICkgJ2RldmVsb3BtZW50IGFz c2lzdGFuY2UnICArIGFpZC4KCgpBICBiaXQgdGhlcmUgbWlnaHQgYmUgdW5jbGVhciBtZXNzYWdl ICggd2hhdCBleGFjdGx5IHdlIHdhbnQuLikgZm9yIHRob3NlIHdobwpkaWQgbm90IHBhcnRpY2lw YXRlZCBpbiBtZWV0aW5nIChFQykgLCBidXQgSSBkbyBub3QgaGF2ZSBiZXR0ZXIgdmVyc2lvbiBl aXRoZXIuCgoKU2luY2VyZWx5LAoKRXJpa2EKCgo+IERlYXIgYWxsLAo+Cj4gCj4KPiBUaGFua3Mg dG8gQ3NhYmEgZm9yIHByZXBhcmluZyB0aGlzIHBhcGVyLgo+Cj4gSSB3b3VsZCBzdWdnZXN0IHRv IHJlcGxhY2UgdGhlIHRlcm0gJ3JlY2lwaWVudCBjb3VudHJ5JyB3aXRoICdwYXJ0bmVyCj4gY291 bnRyeScgYW5kICdkZXZlbG9wbWVudCBhaWQnIHdpdGggJ2RldmVsb3BtZW50IGNvb3BlcmF0aW9u Jy4KPgo+IFNpbmNlIElgbSBub3QgdmVyeSBmYW1pbGlhciB3aXRoIHRoZSBFVSBkZXZlbG9wbWVu dCBjb29wZXJhdGlvbiBmdW5kaW5nCj4gY3JpdGVyaWEsIGNvdWxkIHlvdSBhZGQgc29tZSBleGFt cGxlcyBvZiB0aGUgYXBwbGljYXRpb24gcmVxdWlyZW1lbnRzCj4gdGhhdCBzaG91bGQgYmUgY2hh bmdlZD8gSWB2ZSBhbHNvIG1hZGUgc29tZSBvdGhlciBtaW5vciBhZGRpdGlvbnMgdG8gdGhlCj4g dGV4dCwgcGxlYXNlIGZpbmQgaXQgaW4gdGhlIGF0dGFjaG1lbnQsIHdoZXRoZXIgeW91IGFncmVl IHdpdGggdGhlbS4KPgo+IAo+Cj4gQmVzdCByZWdhcmRzCj4KPiBQaXJldAo+Cj4gCj4gU3RvY2to b2xtIEVudmlyb25tZW50IEluc3RpdHV0ZSBUYWxsaW5uIENlbnRyZSwgRXN0b25pYW4gSW5zdGl0 dXRlIGZvcgo+IFN1c3RhaW5hYmxlIERldmVsb3BtZW50IChTRUkgVGFsbGlubikKPiBMYWkgU3Ry LiAzNCwgMTAxMzMgVGFsbGlubiwgRXN0b25pYQo+IFRlbC4gKzM3MiA2Mjc2IDExMC8xMDAKPiBG YXggKzM3MiA2Mjc2IDEwMQo+IHBpcmV0Lmt1bGRuYUBzZWl0LmVlCj4gd3d3LnNlaXQuZWUgPGh0 dHA6Ly93d3cuc2VpdC5lZS8+Cj4KPiBfX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fXwo+ Cj4gRnJvbTogdGFpLWRldmVsb3BtZW50LWJvdW5jZXNAZW1sYS5odSBvbiBiZWhhbGYgb2YgZHIu IEtpc3MgQ3NhYmEKPiBTZW50OiBFIDEwLjExLjIwMDggMTY6MTUKPiBUbzogVEFJLURldmVsb3Bt ZW50QGVtbGEuaHU7IEvpa2VzaSBBbm5hbT9yaWE7IEFyanVuYSBTZW5ldmlyYXRuZTsKPiBBcnRo dXIgQmFpbm9tdWdpc2hhOyBKb3NlcGggRm90aTsgU3VwaGFzdWsgUHJhZHVic3VrCj4gU3ViamVj dDogW0VNTEEgVEFJLURldmVsb3BtZW50XSBUQUkgYW5kIERldiBDb21tb24gUG9zaXRpb24gLSBu b3cKPiBkZXRhaWxlZAo+Cj4KPgo+IERlYXIgQWxsLAo+IFRoYW5rIHlvdSBmb3IgeW91ciBzd2lm dCBjb21tZW50cywgYW5kIHBsZWFzZSwgZmluZCBhdHRhY2hlZCBhIG1vcmUKPiBkZXRhaWxlZCBj b21tb24gcG9zaXRpb24gbm93IHdpdGggZXhwbGFuYXRpb25zLCB0cnlpbmcgdG8gcmVmbGVjdCBv dXIKPiBjb252ZXJzYXRpb25zIG9uIHRoZSBEZXYgRGF5LiBJZiB5b3UgZG8gbm90IHNpZ25hbCBv dGhlcndpc2UgdW50aWwKPiBXZWRuZXNkYXkgZXZlbmluZywgSSB3aWxsIHRyZWF0IGlzIGFzIGZp bmFsIGFuZCBzZW5kIGl0IHRvIHRoZSBsb2JieWlzdAo+IGZvciBjaXJjdWxhdGlvbi4KPiBCZXN0 LAo+IENTCj4KPgo+Cj4KCgoKLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0t LS0tLS0tClRoaXMgbWVzc2FnZSB3YXMgc2VudCB1c2luZyBFbmR5bWlvbiBNYWlsTWFuLgpodHRw Oi8vd3d3LmVuZHltaW9uLmNvbS9wcm9kdWN0cy9tYWlsbWFuLyBodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1pY3JvbGlu ay5jb20vCgoKLS0tLS0tLS0tIGv2dmV0a2V69SBy6XN6IC0tLS0tLS0tLQpFZ3kgbmVtIHRleHQg dD9wdXM/IGNzYXRvbHQgP2xsb20/bnkgP3QgbGV0dCBrb252ZXJ0P2x2YS4uLgpO6XY6IG5lbSBl bOlyaGV0PwpUP3B1czogYXBwbGljYXRpb24vbXMtdG5lZgpN6XJldDogNjQxMCBieXRlcwpMZT9y P3M6IG5lbSBlbOlyaGV0PwpVcmwgOiBodHRwOi8venBvay5odS9waXBlcm1haWwvdGFpLWRldmVs b3BtZW50L2F0dGFjaG1lbnRzLzIwMDgxMTEyLzBjYmI3ZGZkL2F0dGFjaG1lbnQuYmluCg== From drkiss at Wed Nov 12 15:56:47 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Wed Nov 12 15:56:48 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] [Fwd: [Law-group] PR: ECJ ruling on - or rather against - EIB lending outside Europe] Message-ID: <> Hi there, Some reading for you in the development topic. Best, CS --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Csatolt =E1llom=E1nyt elt=E1vol=EDtottam az =FCzenetb=F5l... Felad=F3: Regina Schneider T=E1rgy: [Law-group] PR: ECJ ruling on - or rather against - EIB lending outside Europe D=E1tum: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 15:46:22 +0100 M=E9ret: 11034 Url : c/ECJrulingon-orratheragainst-EIBlendingoutsideEurope.eml From somrudee at Thu Nov 13 05:52:59 2008 From: somrudee at ( Date: Thu Nov 13 05:53:45 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed In-Reply-To: <631E984FB121B04D83AAB1B9094CC6D107B33D@BOND.seit.local> References: <> <631E984FB121B04D83AAB1B9094CC6D107B33D@BOND.seit.local> Message-ID: <> Dear All, I support Piret's suggestion on changing the terminologies used in this report. Best. Somrudee Quoting Piret Kuldna : > Dear all, > > > > Thanks to Csaba for preparing this paper. > > I would suggest to replace the term 'recipient country' with 'partner > country' and 'development aid' with 'development cooperation'. > > Since I`m not very familiar with the EU development cooperation > funding criteria, could you add some examples of the application > requirements that should be changed? I`ve also made some other minor > additions to the text, please find it in the attachment, whether you > agree with them. > > > > Best regards > > Piret > > > Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, Estonian Institute > for Sustainable Development (SEI Tallinn) > Lai Str. 34, 10133 Tallinn, Estonia > Tel. +372 6276 110/100 > Fax +372 6276 101 > > > > ________________________________ > > From: on behalf of dr. Kiss Csaba > Sent: E 10.11.2008 16:15 > To:; K'ekesi Annam?ria; Arjuna Seneviratne; > Arthur Bainomugisha; Joseph Foti; Suphasuk Pradubsuk > Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed > > > > Dear All, > Thank you for your swift comments, and please, find attached a more > detailed common position now with explanations, trying to reflect our > conversations on the Dev Day. If you do not signal otherwise until > Wednesday evening, I will treat is as final and send it to the lobbyist > for circulation. > Best, > CS > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. From somrudee at Thu Nov 13 05:54:22 2008 From: somrudee at ( Date: Thu Nov 13 05:54:57 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed In-Reply-To: <631E984FB121B04D83AAB1B9094CC6D107B33D@BOND.seit.local> References: <> <631E984FB121B04D83AAB1B9094CC6D107B33D@BOND.seit.local> Message-ID: <> Dear All, I support Piret's suggestion on changing the terminologies used in this report. Best, Somrudee Nicro Thailand Environment Institute Quoting Piret Kuldna : > Dear all, > > > > Thanks to Csaba for preparing this paper. > > I would suggest to replace the term 'recipient country' with 'partner > country' and 'development aid' with 'development cooperation'. > > Since I`m not very familiar with the EU development cooperation > funding criteria, could you add some examples of the application > requirements that should be changed? I`ve also made some other minor > additions to the text, please find it in the attachment, whether you > agree with them. > > > > Best regards > > Piret > > > Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, Estonian Institute > for Sustainable Development (SEI Tallinn) > Lai Str. 34, 10133 Tallinn, Estonia > Tel. +372 6276 110/100 > Fax +372 6276 101 > > > > ________________________________ > > From: on behalf of dr. Kiss Csaba > Sent: E 10.11.2008 16:15 > To:; K'ekesi Annam?ria; Arjuna Seneviratne; > Arthur Bainomugisha; Joseph Foti; Suphasuk Pradubsuk > Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed > > > > Dear All, > Thank you for your swift comments, and please, find attached a more > detailed common position now with explanations, trying to reflect our > conversations on the Dev Day. If you do not signal otherwise until > Wednesday evening, I will treat is as final and send it to the lobbyist > for circulation. > Best, > CS > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. From sleaa at Thu Nov 13 12:01:43 2008 From: sleaa at (S de Silva) Date: Fri Nov 14 07:45:06 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed References: <> Message-ID: <000401c94624$6d648140$902e15ca@s482fc61bcf3b4> Dear Dr. Csaba, Thank you for preparing this position paper. We are in agreement with same. Truly Sonali ----- Original Message ----- From: "dr. Kiss Csaba" To: ; "Kékesi Annamária" ; "Arjuna Seneviratne" ; "Arthur Bainomugisha" ; "Joseph Foti" ; "Suphasuk Pradubsuk" Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 7:45 PM Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed > Dear All, > Thank you for your swift comments, and please, find attached a more > detailed common position now with explanations, trying to reflect our > conversations on the Dev Day. If you do not signal otherwise until > Wednesday evening, I will treat is as final and send it to the lobbyist > for circulation. > Best, > CS > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > _______________________________________________ > TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project > funded by the Presidency Fund From somrudee at Fri Nov 14 11:12:57 2008 From: somrudee at (Somrudee Nicro) Date: Fri Nov 14 11:13:16 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed References: <> Message-ID: <022601c94641$90fce080$b51e10ac@Spain> Dear Csaba, Sorry for my delayed response. I was travelling and just had a chance to review your revised report. Overall, it is more comprehensive and understandable than the previous draft. The explanation paragraphs do help. Comments: 1. should have 'TAI' in full. Other people may not understand it. A short description in footnote including TAI CT and partners in 45 countries will be very helpful. 2. under point 4, 'NGOs' was used whereas in other places, 'CSOs' was used. May want to be consistent. In China the two terms have different meanings. CSOs would be safer to use. 3. Point 3, explanation "1. Transparency and accountability, as parts of good governance are required from both the government and the civil society, on both sides of the development relationship i.e. in donor and recipient countries alike. Explanation: Participants of the Development Day called for transparency and accountability in both the donor and recipient countries, and both regarding the government institutions and non-governmental organizations. This concern was brought up reflecting to experiences on closed-door agreements between the stakeholders of the development topic." I am not sure what we expect out of the last sentence. What would be its implication? Are we suggesting that all development projects need to have an open door discussion with the public. Would that be realistic? 4. Point 5, explanation "Explanation: Both donor and recipient country stakeholders agree that the age of conditionality in development aid decision-making as we refer to the notion (donor country government imposing restrictive criteria towards recipient country as a means of interference with domestic affairs) is over. Instead, good (environmental) governance is to be ensured through empowering the local stakeholders in the recipient countries in order to perform their watchdog functions more effectively and thus guarantee better aid effectiveness and more scrutiny in spending foreign development aid. It also encompasses guaranteeing independence for the recipient country CSOs from government interference." You use 'stakeholders' when point 5 refers to CSOs. May be we should use 'CSOs' here. Thank you and warm regards, Somrudee Ms. Somrudee Nicro, Ph.D. Senior Director Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) 16/151 Muang Thong Thani Bond St, Bangpood, Pakkred Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand Tel. (662) 503 3333 Ext 501 Direct no. (662) 504 4789 Fax (662) 504 4826-8 ----- Original Message ----- From: "dr. Kiss Csaba" To: ; "Kékesi Annamária" ; "Arjuna Seneviratne" ; "Arthur Bainomugisha" ; "Joseph Foti" ; "Suphasuk Pradubsuk" Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 9:15 PM Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed > Dear All, > Thank you for your swift comments, and please, find attached a more > detailed common position now with explanations, trying to reflect our > conversations on the Dev Day. If you do not signal otherwise until > Wednesday evening, I will treat is as final and send it to the lobbyist > for circulation. > Best, > CS > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > _______________________________________________ > TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project > funded by the Presidency Fund From Piret.Kuldna at Mon Nov 17 09:00:53 2008 From: Piret.Kuldna at (Piret Kuldna) Date: Mon Nov 17 08:54:49 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed In-Reply-To: <022601c94641$90fce080$b51e10ac@Spain> References: <> <022601c94641$90fce080$b51e10ac@Spain> Message-ID: <631E984FB121B04D83AAB1B9094CC6D1C13FF2@BOND.seit.local> Dear all, I agree with Somrudee that our statements should be supported with concrete examples (in point 3, 6). Those, to whom we send our position paper will ask about the evidence from us anyway. Best regards Piret -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Somrudee Nicro Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 12:13 PM To: TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project fundedby thePresidency Fund; Kékesi Annamária; Arjuna Seneviratne; Arthur Bainomugisha; Joseph Foti; Suphasuk Pradubsuk Subject: Re: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed Dear Csaba, Sorry for my delayed response. I was travelling and just had a chance to review your revised report. Overall, it is more comprehensive and understandable than the previous draft. The explanation paragraphs do help. Comments: 1. should have 'TAI' in full. Other people may not understand it. A short description in footnote including TAI CT and partners in 45 countries will be very helpful. 2. under point 4, 'NGOs' was used whereas in other places, 'CSOs' was used. May want to be consistent. In China the two terms have different meanings. CSOs would be safer to use. 3. Point 3, explanation "1. Transparency and accountability, as parts of good governance are required from both the government and the civil society, on both sides of the development relationship i.e. in donor and recipient countries alike. Explanation: Participants of the Development Day called for transparency and accountability in both the donor and recipient countries, and both regarding the government institutions and non-governmental organizations. This concern was brought up reflecting to experiences on closed-door agreements between the stakeholders of the development topic." I am not sure what we expect out of the last sentence. What would be its implication? Are we suggesting that all development projects need to have an open door discussion with the public. Would that be realistic? 4. Point 5, explanation "Explanation: Both donor and recipient country stakeholders agree that the age of conditionality in development aid decision-making as we refer to the notion (donor country government imposing restrictive criteria towards recipient country as a means of interference with domestic affairs) is over. Instead, good (environmental) governance is to be ensured through empowering the local stakeholders in the recipient countries in order to perform their watchdog functions more effectively and thus guarantee better aid effectiveness and more scrutiny in spending foreign development aid. It also encompasses guaranteeing independence for the recipient country CSOs from government interference." You use 'stakeholders' when point 5 refers to CSOs. May be we should use 'CSOs' here. Thank you and warm regards, Somrudee Ms. Somrudee Nicro, Ph.D. Senior Director Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) 16/151 Muang Thong Thani Bond St, Bangpood, Pakkred Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand Tel. (662) 503 3333 Ext 501 Direct no. (662) 504 4789 Fax (662) 504 4826-8 ----- Original Message ----- From: "dr. Kiss Csaba" To: ; "Kékesi Annamária" ; "Arjuna Seneviratne" ; "Arthur Bainomugisha" ; "Joseph Foti" ; "Suphasuk Pradubsuk" Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 9:15 PM Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed > Dear All, > Thank you for your swift comments, and please, find attached a more > detailed common position now with explanations, trying to reflect our > conversations on the Dev Day. If you do not signal otherwise until > Wednesday evening, I will treat is as final and send it to the lobbyist > for circulation. > Best, > CS > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > _______________________________________________ > TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project > funded by the Presidency Fund From drkiss at Mon Nov 17 15:30:35 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Mon Nov 17 15:30:45 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed In-Reply-To: <631E984FB121B04D83AAB1B9094CC6D1C13FF2@BOND.seit.local> References: <> <022601c94641$90fce080$b51e10ac@Spain> <631E984FB121B04D83AAB1B9094CC6D1C13FF2@BOND.seit.local> Message-ID: <> Thank you, Piret, I tried to correct that, by taking out the last = sentence from point 3 and adding the following half-sentence to point 6: = /inter alia/, the excessive formalities and the matching fund = requirements. All in all, I attach the final paper, sorry, we must send = it to Brussels. Let me know if there is a MAJOR concern about the text. = Best, CS Piret Kuldna =EDrta: > Dear all, > > I agree with Somrudee that our statements should be supported with concre= te examples (in point 3, 6). Those, to whom we send our position paper will= ask about the evidence from us anyway. = > > Best regards > Piret > > -----Original Message----- > From: [mailto:tai-development-bounces@eml=] On Behalf Of Somrudee Nicro > Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 12:13 PM > To: TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project fundedby= thePresidency Fund; K=E9kesi Annam=E1ria; Arjuna Seneviratne; Arthur Baino= mugisha; Joseph Foti; Suphasuk Pradubsuk > Subject: Re: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now det= ailed > > Dear Csaba, > > Sorry for my delayed response. I was travelling and just had a chance to= review your revised report. > > Overall, it is more comprehensive and understandable than the previous dr= aft. The explanation paragraphs do help. > > Comments: > > 1. should have 'TAI' in full. Other people may not understand it. A short= description in footnote including TAI CT and partners in 45 countries will= be very helpful. > > 2. under point 4, 'NGOs' was used whereas in other places, 'CSOs' was use= d. = > May want to be consistent. In China the two terms have different meanings= . = > CSOs would be safer to use. > > 3. Point 3, explanation > "1. Transparency and accountability, as parts of good governance are = > required from both the government and the civil society, on both sides of= the development relationship i.e. in donor and recipient countries alike. > > > > Explanation: Participants of the Development Day called for transparency = and = > accountability in both the donor and recipient countries, and both regard= ing = > the government institutions and non-governmental organizations. This conc= ern = > was brought up reflecting to experiences on closed-door agreements betwee= n = > the stakeholders of the development topic." > > > > I am not sure what we expect out of the last sentence. What would be its = > implication? Are we suggesting that all development projects need to have= an = > open door discussion with the public. Would that be realistic? > > 4. Point 5, explanation > "Explanation: Both donor and recipient country stakeholders agree that th= e = > age of conditionality in development aid decision-making as we refer to t= he = > notion (donor country government imposing restrictive criteria towards = > recipient country as a means of interference with domestic affairs) is ov= er. = > Instead, good (environmental) governance is to be ensured through empower= ing = > the local stakeholders in the recipient countries in order to perform the= ir = > watchdog functions more effectively and thus guarantee better aid = > effectiveness and more scrutiny in spending foreign development aid. It a= lso = > encompasses guaranteeing independence for the recipient country CSOs from = > government interference." > > > You use 'stakeholders' when point 5 refers to CSOs. May be we should use = > 'CSOs' here. > > > Thank you and warm regards, > Somrudee > > Ms. Somrudee Nicro, Ph.D. > Senior Director > Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) > 16/151 Muang Thong Thani > Bond St, Bangpood, Pakkred > Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand > Tel. (662) 503 3333 Ext 501 > Direct no. (662) 504 4789 > Fax (662) 504 4826-8 > > > ----- Original Message ----- = > From: "dr. Kiss Csaba" > To: ; "K=E9kesi Annam=E1ria" = > ; "Arjuna Seneviratne" = > ; "Arthur Bainomugisha" = > ; "Joseph Foti" ; "Suphasuk = > Pradubsuk" > Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 9:15 PM > Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed > > > = >> Dear All, >> Thank you for your swift comments, and please, find attached a more >> detailed common position now with explanations, trying to reflect our >> conversations on the Dev Day. If you do not signal otherwise until >> Wednesday evening, I will treat is as final and send it to the lobbyist >> for circulation. >> Best, >> CS >> >> >> = > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------= ------- > > > = >> _______________________________________________ >> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project >> funded by the Presidency Fund = >> = > > = > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > _______________________________________________ > TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project > funded by the Presidency Fund --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: TAI and Development Common Position Detailed Final.doc T=EDpus: application/msword M=E9ret: 123392 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet? Url : 2/TAIandDevelopmentCommonPositionDetailedFinal-0001.doc From somrudee at Tue Nov 18 05:26:47 2008 From: somrudee at (Somrudee Nicro) Date: Tue Nov 18 05:27:06 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed References: <> <022601c94641$90fce080$b51e10ac@Spain><631E984FB121B04D83AAB1B9094CC6D1C13FF2@BOND.seit.local> <> Message-ID: <00b401c94935$debccfa0$b51e10ac@Spain> Dear Csaba, Thank you so much for putting this together and incorporating our comments. Nice cover! Don't forget to also post it on TAI web. I'll have it posted on TEI web as well. Please keep us abreast of the outcome. Thanks again, very much. Somrudee Ms. Somrudee Nicro, Ph.D. Senior Director Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) 16/151 Muang Thong Thani Bond St, Bangpood, Pakkred Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand Tel. (662) 503 3333 Ext 501 Direct no. (662) 504 4789 Fax (662) 504 4826-8 ----- Original Message ----- From: "dr. Kiss Csaba" To: "TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project funded by thePresidency Fund" Cc: "Arthur Bainomugisha" ; "Joseph Foti" ; "Kékesi Annamária" ; "Suphasuk Pradubsuk" ; "Arjuna Seneviratne" Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 9:30 PM Subject: Re: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed > Thank you, Piret, I tried to correct that, by taking out the last > sentence from point 3 and adding the following half-sentence to point 6: > /inter alia/, the excessive formalities and the matching fund > requirements. All in all, I attach the final paper, sorry, we must send > it to Brussels. Let me know if there is a MAJOR concern about the text. > Best, > CS > > Piret Kuldna írta: >> Dear all, >> >> I agree with Somrudee that our statements should be supported with >> concrete examples (in point 3, 6). Those, to whom we send our position >> paper will ask about the evidence from us anyway. >> >> Best regards >> Piret >> >> -----Original Message----- >> From: >> [] On Behalf Of Somrudee Nicro >> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 12:13 PM >> To: TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project fundedby >> thePresidency Fund; Kékesi Annamária; Arjuna Seneviratne; Arthur >> Bainomugisha; Joseph Foti; Suphasuk Pradubsuk >> Subject: Re: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now >> detailed >> >> Dear Csaba, >> >> Sorry for my delayed response. I was travelling and just had a chance to >> review your revised report. >> >> Overall, it is more comprehensive and understandable than the previous >> draft. The explanation paragraphs do help. >> >> Comments: >> >> 1. should have 'TAI' in full. Other people may not understand it. A short >> description in footnote including TAI CT and partners in 45 countries >> will be very helpful. >> >> 2. under point 4, 'NGOs' was used whereas in other places, 'CSOs' was >> used. >> May want to be consistent. In China the two terms have different >> meanings. >> CSOs would be safer to use. >> >> 3. Point 3, explanation >> "1. Transparency and accountability, as parts of good governance are >> required from both the government and the civil society, on both sides of >> the development relationship i.e. in donor and recipient countries alike. >> >> >> >> Explanation: Participants of the Development Day called for transparency >> and >> accountability in both the donor and recipient countries, and both >> regarding >> the government institutions and non-governmental organizations. This >> concern >> was brought up reflecting to experiences on closed-door agreements >> between >> the stakeholders of the development topic." >> >> >> >> I am not sure what we expect out of the last sentence. What would be its >> implication? Are we suggesting that all development projects need to have >> an >> open door discussion with the public. Would that be realistic? >> >> 4. Point 5, explanation >> "Explanation: Both donor and recipient country stakeholders agree that >> the >> age of conditionality in development aid decision-making as we refer to >> the >> notion (donor country government imposing restrictive criteria towards >> recipient country as a means of interference with domestic affairs) is >> over. >> Instead, good (environmental) governance is to be ensured through >> empowering >> the local stakeholders in the recipient countries in order to perform >> their >> watchdog functions more effectively and thus guarantee better aid >> effectiveness and more scrutiny in spending foreign development aid. It >> also >> encompasses guaranteeing independence for the recipient country CSOs from >> government interference." >> >> >> You use 'stakeholders' when point 5 refers to CSOs. May be we should use >> 'CSOs' here. >> >> >> Thank you and warm regards, >> Somrudee >> >> Ms. Somrudee Nicro, Ph.D. >> Senior Director >> Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) >> 16/151 Muang Thong Thani >> Bond St, Bangpood, Pakkred >> Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand >> Tel. (662) 503 3333 Ext 501 >> Direct no. (662) 504 4789 >> Fax (662) 504 4826-8 >> >> >> ----- Original Message ----- >> From: "dr. Kiss Csaba" >> To: ; "Kékesi Annamária" >> ; "Arjuna Seneviratne" >> ; "Arthur Bainomugisha" >> ; "Joseph Foti" ; "Suphasuk >> Pradubsuk" >> Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 9:15 PM >> Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now >> detailed >> >> >> >>> Dear All, >>> Thank you for your swift comments, and please, find attached a more >>> detailed common position now with explanations, trying to reflect our >>> conversations on the Dev Day. If you do not signal otherwise until >>> Wednesday evening, I will treat is as final and send it to the lobbyist >>> for circulation. >>> Best, >>> CS >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> >> >> >>> _______________________________________________ >>> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project >>> funded by the Presidency Fund >>> >> >> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> >> _______________________________________________ >> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project >> funded by the Presidency Fund > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > _______________________________________________ > TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project > funded by the Presidency Fund From somrudee at Tue Nov 18 12:47:25 2008 From: somrudee at (Somrudee Nicro) Date: Tue Nov 18 17:58:32 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Environmental Security in Thailand Message-ID: <033401c94973$6d678fa0$b51e10ac@Spain> bXVsdGlwYXJ0L3JlbGF0ZWQgdO1wdXP6IHLpc3playBmaWd5ZWxtZW4ga+12/GwgaGFneXZhLS0t LS0tLS0tIGv2dmV0a2V69SBy6XN6IC0tLS0tLS0tLQpFZ3kgbmVtIHRleHQgdO1wdXP6IGNzYXRv bHQg4Wxsb23hbnkg4XQgbGV0dCBrb252ZXJ04Wx2YS4uLgpO6XY6IEVudmlyb25lbnRhbCBCcm9j aHVyZV9QYWdlXzIuanBnClTtcHVzOiBpbWFnZS9qcGVnCk3pcmV0OiAyNTEwNDcgYnl0ZXMKTGXt cuFzOiBuZW0gZWzpcmhldPUKVXJsIDogaHR0cDovL3pwb2suaHUvcGlwZXJtYWlsL3RhaS1kZXZl bG9wbWVudC9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8yMDA4MTExOC8zN2Y4YzAyYS9FbnZpcm9uZW50YWxCcm9jaHVy ZV9QYWdlXzItMDAwMS5qcGcKLS0tLS0tLS0tIGv2dmV0a2V69SBy6XN6IC0tLS0tLS0tLQpFZ3kg bmVtIHRleHQgdO1wdXP6IGNzYXRvbHQg4Wxsb23hbnkg4XQgbGV0dCBrb252ZXJ04Wx2YS4uLgpO 6XY6IEVudmlyb25lbnRhbCBCcm9jaHVyZV9QYWdlXzEuanBnClTtcHVzOiBpbWFnZS9qcGVnCk3p cmV0OiAxMDcyNjEwIGJ5dGVzCkxl7XLhczogbmVtIGVs6XJoZXT1ClVybCA6IGh0dHA6Ly96cG9r Lmh1L3BpcGVybWFpbC90YWktZGV2ZWxvcG1lbnQvYXR0YWNobWVudHMvMjAwODExMTgvMzdmOGMw MmEvRW52aXJvbmVudGFsQnJvY2h1cmVfUGFnZV8xLTAwMDEuanBnCg== From sstocker at Fri Nov 21 15:21:16 2008 From: sstocker at (Simon Stocker) Date: Mon Nov 24 21:53:47 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] The Presidency Fund: What next? - invitation to meeting on 10 December Message-ID: <> multipart/alternative t=EDpus=FA r=E9szek figyelmen k=EDv=FCl hagyva-------= -- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: 081210_registration.doc T=EDpus: application/msword M=E9ret: 84992 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet? Url : d/081210_registration-0001.doc --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: PF Concluding Programme.pdf T=EDpus: application/pdf M=E9ret: 77770 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet? Url : d/PFConcludingProgramme-0001.pdf --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: 081210_emla.pdf T=EDpus: application/pdf M=E9ret: 121268 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet? Url : d/081210_emla-0001.pdf From drkiss at Sun Nov 23 11:38:41 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Mon Nov 24 21:53:56 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Sligo - Development Day - more info Message-ID: <> Dear TAI & Development project partners, Eurostep, the manager of the Presidency Fund has invited us to go to Brussels to their 3-year evaluation meeting. I would like you to contribute to the standpoint I should represent on behalf of the project. How did you see this project, both from procedure-wise and content-wise? What are your impressions? Thank you. Best, CS ps: please do not use this opportunity to be critical with EMLA because this is not the question...;-) From drkiss at Tue Nov 25 16:34:05 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Tue Nov 25 16:34:15 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Development FR Message-ID: <> Dear TAI & Development project partners, Please find attached an indicative list of possible funding sources in = the development topic prepared by Annamaria (thank you!). It is = indicative because they already expired, but the new calls and links = should be checked. Best, CS --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: Development fundraising.xls T=EDpus: application/ M=E9ret: 296448 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet=F5 Url : 8/Developmentfundraising-0001.xls