[EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position

Yen nguyenhoang hoangyennguyendr at yahoo.com
2008. Nov. 8., Szo, 12:24:01 CET

Dear Dr. Kiss Csaba,
In general, I agree with and have no comments to your statements in the position paper. But, still, my desire is to include somehow a message that from the GS countries we welcome the project, see it as useful and hope that the project will continue with more concrete objectives in aiding GS countries to implement the access rights as well as promoting the process of learning from each other to the good of both sides - EU NMS and GS countries.
Thank you for your effort and kind help to us in Sligo.
With best regards.
Dr. Nguyen Hoang Yen
Deputy Chief of VACNE Office
9th Floor, Trade Union Hotel
14 Tran Binh Trong Str., Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: +844 3863 2046, Fax: +844 3942 0279
E-mail: hoangyennguyendr at yahoo.com

--- On Fri, 11/7/08, dr. Kiss Csaba <drkiss at emla.hu> wrote:

> From: dr. Kiss Csaba <drkiss at emla.hu>
> Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position
> To: TAI-Development at emla.hu, "Kékesi Annamária" <Annamaria.Kekesi at aheadglobal.hu>, "Arjuna Seneviratne" <netcontroller19 at yahoo.com>, "Arthur Bainomugisha" <a.bainomugisha at gmail.com>, "Joseph Foti" <JFoti at wri.org>
> Date: Friday, November 7, 2008, 11:17 PM
> Dear All,
> I would like to ask the participants of the TAI and Dev
> project to kindly read the attached common position and give
> comments and suggestions until 12 November. I apologize for
> the short deadline, however, we must produce output that can
> be communicated both in the New Member States and the EU
> development institutions. Thank you for your cooperation and
> thank you for being so active on the Development Day! It was
> a great pleasure to discuss such issues with such a
> distinguished company!
> Best,
> CS
> _______________________________________________
> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development
> Project
> funded by the Presidency Fund


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