[EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position

somrudee at tei.or.th somrudee at tei.or.th
2008. Nov. 9., V, 16:48:23 CET

Dear Csaba,

Thank you very much for the preparation of the report and for bringing 
me to the
meeting in Sligo.

It is a great report and I agree with all but the last position (7), 
about which
I have some reservation.  Perhaps, I might not understand it completely.  I'm
afraid that 'demand-based' could be mistaken as 'demand-driven'; the latter
would reflects the needs of the recipient and not donor. As such I would
support the demand-driven. Secondly, I am not so sure if I would be so willing
to support 'right-based'. It can be misinterpreted or misunderstood. If 
we want
to say A2I, PP, A2J, I suggest we be specific and use A2I, PP, A2J.

Can you rephrase it?

Seconly, pls add Suphasuk, cc above, in the TAI-Developmnet list, if you have
not already done so.

Many thanks,

Thailand Environment Institute

Quoting "dr. Kiss Csaba" <drkiss at emla.hu>:

> Dear All,
> I would like to ask the participants of the TAI and Dev project to 
> kindly read the attached common position and give comments and 
> suggestions until 12 November. I apologize for the short deadline, 
> however, we must produce output that can be communicated both in the 
> New Member States and the EU development institutions. Thank you for 
> your cooperation and thank you for being so active on the Development 
> Day! It was a great pleasure to discuss such issues with such a 
> distinguished company!
> Best,
> CS

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