[EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed

somrudee at tei.or.th somrudee at tei.or.th
2008. Nov. 13., Cs, 05:54:22 CET

Dear All,

I support Piret's suggestion on changing the terminologies used in this 

Somrudee Nicro
Thailand Environment Institute

Quoting Piret Kuldna <Piret.Kuldna at seit.ee>:

> Dear all,
> Thanks to Csaba for preparing this paper.
> I would suggest to replace the term 'recipient country' with 'partner 
> country' and 'development aid' with 'development cooperation'.
> Since I`m not very familiar with the EU development cooperation 
> funding criteria, could you add some examples of the application 
> requirements that should be changed? I`ve also made some other minor 
> additions to the text, please find it in the attachment, whether you 
> agree with them.
> Best regards
> Piret
> Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, Estonian Institute 
> for Sustainable Development (SEI Tallinn)
> Lai Str. 34, 10133 Tallinn, Estonia
> Tel. +372 6276 110/100
> Fax +372 6276 101
> piret.kuldna at seit.ee
> www.seit.ee <http://www.seit.ee/>
> ________________________________
> From: tai-development-bounces at emla.hu on behalf of dr. Kiss Csaba
> Sent: E 10.11.2008 16:15
> To: TAI-Development at emla.hu; K'ekesi Annam?ria; Arjuna Seneviratne; 
> Arthur Bainomugisha; Joseph Foti; Suphasuk Pradubsuk
> Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed
> Dear All,
> Thank you for your swift comments, and please, find attached a more
> detailed common position now with explanations, trying to reflect our
> conversations on the Dev Day. If you do not signal otherwise until
> Wednesday evening, I will treat is as final and send it to the lobbyist
> for circulation.
> Best,
> CS

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