[EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed

Somrudee Nicro somrudee at tei.or.th
2008. Nov. 14., P, 11:12:57 CET

Dear Csaba,

Sorry for my delayed response.  I was travelling and just had a chance to 
review your revised report.

Overall, it is more comprehensive and understandable than the previous 
draft. The explanation paragraphs do help.


1. should have 'TAI' in full. Other people may not understand it. A short 
description in footnote including TAI CT and partners in 45 countries will 
be very helpful.

2. under point 4, 'NGOs' was used whereas in other places, 'CSOs' was used. 
May want to be consistent. In China the two terms have different meanings. 
CSOs would be safer to use.

3. Point 3, explanation
"1.      Transparency and accountability, as parts of good governance are 
required from both the government and the civil society, on both sides of 
the development relationship i.e. in donor and recipient countries alike.

Explanation: Participants of the Development Day called for transparency and 
accountability in both the donor and recipient countries, and both regarding 
the government institutions and non-governmental organizations. This concern 
was brought up reflecting to experiences on closed-door agreements between 
the stakeholders of the development topic."

I am not sure what we expect out of the last sentence. What would be its 
implication? Are we suggesting that all development projects need to have an 
open door discussion with the public. Would that be realistic?

4. Point 5, explanation
"Explanation: Both donor and recipient country stakeholders agree that the 
age of conditionality in development aid decision-making as we refer to the 
notion (donor country government imposing restrictive criteria towards 
recipient country as a means of interference with domestic affairs) is over. 
Instead, good (environmental) governance is to be ensured through empowering 
the local stakeholders in the recipient countries in order to perform their 
watchdog functions more effectively and thus guarantee better aid 
effectiveness and more scrutiny in spending foreign development aid. It also 
encompasses guaranteeing independence for the recipient country CSOs from 
government interference."

You use 'stakeholders' when point 5 refers to CSOs. May be we should use 
'CSOs' here.

Thank you and warm regards,

Ms. Somrudee Nicro, Ph.D.
Senior Director
Thailand Environment Institute (TEI)
16/151 Muang Thong Thani
Bond St, Bangpood, Pakkred
Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand
Tel. (662) 503 3333 Ext 501
Direct no. (662) 504 4789
Fax (662) 504 4826-8

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "dr. Kiss Csaba" <drkiss at emla.hu>
To: <TAI-Development at emla.hu>; "Kékesi Annamária" 
<Annamaria.Kekesi at aheadglobal.hu>; "Arjuna Seneviratne" 
<netcontroller19 at yahoo.com>; "Arthur Bainomugisha" 
<a.bainomugisha at gmail.com>; "Joseph Foti" <JFoti at wri.org>; "Suphasuk 
Pradubsuk" <suphasuk at tei.or.th>
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 9:15 PM
Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] TAI and Dev Common Position - now detailed

> Dear All,
> Thank you for your swift comments, and please, find attached a more
> detailed common position now with explanations, trying to reflect our
> conversations on the Dev Day. If you do not signal otherwise until
> Wednesday evening, I will treat is as final and send it to the lobbyist
> for circulation.
> Best,
> CS


> _______________________________________________
> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project
> funded by the Presidency Fund 

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