[EMLA TAI-Development] Minutes and Strategies

dr. Kiss Csaba drkiss at emla.hu
2008. Okt. 1., Sze, 14:04:25 CEST

Hi Kordian,
The reports - once they have undergone the global review process and 
after an endorsement as TAI publication - are accessible at 
research.accessinitiative.org, where you can enter as guest. Under 
"findings" you will find all relevant materials from all over the world.

> Dear Csaba,
> Thank your for the information.
> I find this idea of files on the website very useful.
> It would be also great to see the TAI reports from different global
> South countries.
> It could give us an overall picture of the problem as well as proposal
> for solutions. How can we access them? Can you include them on the
> website or send here a list to all of us? It will be 5 files, right?
> Thanks in advance.
> Kordian
> ---
> Institute of Global Responsibility
> www.igo.org.pl
> 2008/10/1 dr. Kiss Csaba <drkiss at emla.hu>:
>> Dear TAI and Development Project Participants,
>> Please, visit
>> http://emla.hu/englishsite/index.shtml?x=1534
>> where you can see the first tangible results of our project: the minutes of
>> your respective national MOFA meetings and the national strategies.
>> Thank you all for your high quality work!
>> As you see, the perception of the task was quite different as regards
>> participants at the meetings and the strategies. I do not think this is a
>> bad thing, however, we might want to try to harmonize the strategies after
>> the Sligo meeting, in light of the aggregate position paper and strategy.
>> I cc here two persons:
>> Joan Marc Simon in Brussels who will be our lobbyist at the EU institutions
>> Daniel Barragan in WRI whom I kindly ask to include the link or page or
>> content somehow under the main TAI website
>> Thank you again, and we see each other soon in Sligo.
>> Until then, please prepare for your brief presentations - details on the Dev
>> Day will follow soon.
>> Best wishes,
>> Csaba
>> _______________________________________________
>> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project
>> funded by the Presidency Fund
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> _______________________________________________
>> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project
>> funded by the Presidency Fund

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