[EMLA TAI-Development] Sligo - Development Day - more info
dr. Kiss Csaba
drkiss at emla.hu
2008. Okt. 17., P, 16:55:41 CEST
Dear TAI & Development project partners,
The day of the Sligo meeting is approaching rapidly, and I think, this
is time to fix the details.
Our event is on the 29th, and you all will be arriving to Sligo on the 28th.
The location of our meeting will be defined by the Irish organizers of
the event (Magnus is cc-d here).
The agenda is attached. The day will be structured as follows:
I will start with a brief intro to the project. Objective, process,
expectations, cooperation, output so far.
Arjuna, Arthur, Elias, Le Van and Somrudee would summarize the findings
of their respective TAI national assessments in 15 minutes / each
presentation which is impossible, I know, but we have no more time.
*Please, prepare a few power point slides for your presentation, e.g.
according to the main groups of findings, i.e. A2I, PP, A2J and CB!*
Then after a break, the European partners will tell - again in 15
minutes each - what they did and accomplished during the project
*Audrone, Erika, Kordian, Piret, also please, prepare a few slides on
the main points, e.g.*
a) summary of the GS findings most relevant for you
b) process of the project
c) meeting at the MOFA
d) national strategy
Then somebody will sum up the relevant EU policy in this matter.
After the lunch break, I expect only discussion and no presentations. I
will prepare with topics such as conditionality, aid effectiveness, etc.
but if you feel like raising ideas, please do so as you wish. I am not
afraid of inactivity of our audience...
Don't forget, that we are supposed to prepare the following outputs:
- a position paper
- an aggregate strategy
- human stories
All these will feed into an info note on the conference and into our
lobbying efforst at the EU.
I again would be the one to sum up the day at the closing of the meeting.
Thank you and more info on logistics will come soon.
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