[EMLA TAI-Development] Re: Logistic info on Sligo meeting
S de Silva
sleaa at panlanka.net
2008. Okt. 20., H, 11:18:25 CEST
Dear Dr. Csaba,
We are awaiting the visa for Arjuna. Its only after he received it that we
can send the ticketting invoice to you. With regards the invoice for the
presentation we already sent it Takats Timea by email, and registered post.
The invoice was filled out by PILF and sent to you.
----- Original Message -----
From: "dr. Kiss Csaba" <drkiss at emla.hu>
To: <TAI-Development at emla.hu>; "Kékesi Annamária"
<Annamaria.Kekesi at aheadglobal.hu>; "thang levan" <levanthang_hue at yahoo.com>;
"Arthur Bainomugisha" <a.bainomugisha at gmail.com>; "Arjuna Seneviratne"
<netcontroller19 at yahoo.com>; "S de Silva" <sleaa at panlanka.net>; "Annet
Nuwagaba" <anuwagaba2002 at gmail.com>; "Takats Timea" <timi at emla.hu>
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 8:36 PM
Subject: Logistic info on Sligo meeting
> Dear All,
> Although the Development Day is at a reacheable distance (10+few days), we
> still lack a lot of info from you:
> 1.
> Those who have not arranged for your flight tickets, please, LET US KNOW
> ASAP so that we can pay the tickets by bank transfer.
> Thursday and Friday are bank holidays here in Hungary so the info MUST
> reach us by Wednesday noon the latest!!!
> 2.
> Also keep in mind that any of your travel related costs (taxi, train) can
> be reimbursed by me in cash in Sligo (or later by bank transfer) only if
> you have an invoice on EMLA's name.
> This does NOT have to be a sophisticated something (unlike the flight
> invoices), just ask for a receipt saying EMLA or EMLA Budapest - from the
> taxi driver or the train ticket officer. But we need it!!!
> 3.
> Those of you (it affects only Arjuna, Elias, Arthur, Somrudee and Le Van)
> who have not yet sent me the invoice for the presentation fee, please do
> so asap!
> Thank you for you attention.
> See you in Sligo soon,
> CS
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