[EMLA TAI-Development] Venue of the Development Day - 29 October

Kordian Kochanowicz kordian.kochanowicz at gmail.com
2008. Okt. 24., P, 12:38:57 CEST

Dear Csaba,

Thank you for all the information. I will prepare the presentation for
the development day.

Just to make sure for the logistics: we officially meet on the 29th in
the IT Sligo - which stands for Institute of Technology in Sligo.
And we will be expected at the Glasshouse Hotel, Swan Point, Sligo -
on the 28th as we stated in the Registration Form. Correct?

Looking forward to meeting you.

2008/10/22 dr. Kiss Csaba <drkiss at emla.hu>:
> Dear All,
> It is my pleasure to let you know that the Development Day event on the 29th
> of October, preceding the TAI Global Gathering will be held in the:
> President's Boardroom, Main Administration Building, IT Sligo
> On behalf of the project team, I am looking forward to meeting you there at
> 9:00 on the 29th, Wednesday.
> Best regards,
> Csaba Kiss
> _______________________________________________
> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project
> funded by the Presidency Fund

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