From sleaa at Mon Sep 1 07:23:10 2008 From: sleaa at (S de Silva) Date: Mon Sep 1 07:52:22 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Sligo Travel Funding References: <> Message-ID: <01b301c90bf6$d8f4ec00$8f2e15ca@s482fc61bcf3b4> Dear Dr. Csaba, Will respond soon and let you know. Regards Sonali ----- Original Message ----- From: "dr. Kiss Csaba" To: Cc: "Magnus Amajirionwu" ; "Linda ShafferBollert" Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2008 8:00 PM Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Sligo Travel Funding > Dear Project Partners, > You might have received a letter from WRI confirming funding for your > travel, however, I would like to call your attention that the following > persons' flight are still funded from the TAI & Development project: > > Piret - Estonia > Erika - Latvia > Audrone - Lithuania > Somrudee - Thailand > Arthur - Uganda > Elias - Tanzania > Sonali - Sri Lanka > > Consequently, please follow the instructions written in my previous > emails, i.e. > > EMLA needs a formal invoice issued by the travel agent or the airlines, > naming EMLA as customer. > We can pay then by bank transfer directly to the agent or reimburse you > in cash in Sligo. > > I also respectfully ask you to try to reach the best price, since our > travel budget is limited. > So far EUR 3310 is spent from the total travel budget of EUR 9600 for 5 > persons. > > Thank you for your cooperation, > Csaba > > ps: please ignore this message if you have already arranged for your > travel in the proper way > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > _______________________________________________ > TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project > funded by the Presidency Fund From perneczky.laszlo at Thu Sep 4 12:34:37 2008 From: perneczky.laszlo at (PERNECZKY Laszlo) Date: Thu Sep 4 12:34:40 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] FW: Sligo Travel Funding Message-ID: -----Original Message----- From: Magnus Amajirionwu [] Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 10:14 AM To: dr. Kiss Csaba; Cc: Linda ShafferBollert Subject: Sligo Travel Funding The Access Initiative (TAI) Global Gathering Ireland - 2008 Dear Csaba, I am in the process of reviewing the events' budget. I may be wrong, but from recent emails exchanges, you will be handling funds from EMLA...they are not going to be wired into the College dedicated Acct for the events. If am right, please send to me a comprehensive list of those you're funding their flights, hotel stay, feeding and per diem (for 28th and 29th October). The purpose is to enable me advice WRI on exact budget shortfall. Kindest regards. Magnus G0018 Business Innovation Centre Institute of Technology Ballinode, Sligo, Ireland tel: 353 86 405 8913 fax: 353 71 914 4500 email: ________________________________ From: dr. Kiss Csaba [] Sent: Sat 30/08/2008 15:30 To: Cc: Linda ShafferBollert; Magnus Amajirionwu Subject: Sligo Travel Funding Dear Project Partners, You might have received a letter from WRI confirming funding for your travel, however, I would like to call your attention that the following persons' flight are still funded from the TAI & Development project: Piret - Estonia Erika - Latvia Audrone - Lithuania Somrudee - Thailand Arthur - Uganda Elias - Tanzania Sonali - Sri Lanka Consequently, please follow the instructions written in my previous emails, i.e. EMLA needs a formal invoice issued by the travel agent or the airlines, naming EMLA as customer. We can pay then by bank transfer directly to the agent or reimburse you in cash in Sligo. I also respectfully ask you to try to reach the best price, since our travel budget is limited. So far EUR 3310 is spent from the total travel budget of EUR 9600 for 5 persons. Thank you for your cooperation, Csaba ps: please ignore this message if you have already arranged for your travel in the proper way From drkiss at Fri Sep 5 15:09:48 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Fri Sep 5 15:09:52 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Agenda for the Development Day Message-ID: <> Dear Project Partners, There has been no answer so far to my question re the agenda of our = Development Day. Let me share a few thoughts with you then. I envisage it as a day divided into 2 distinct parts, the first being = the presentation of the project and outputs to those who are not = familiar with it, and the second being a discussion, a brainstroming, a = debate. The dividing line will somehow be the lunch. In the morning, I will start the day with a brief intro (15 min.) of the = entire idea, the broader context, the connection of topics, etc. Then I would like to ask the GS NGO partners (Elias, Le Van, Sonali, Somrudee, Arthur) to speak = in appr. 15 minutes each about the access situation in your countries, = the system of development fund reception and an overall account how you = see the influence of environmental governance on development the NMS NGO partners (Piret, Erika, Audrone, Kordian, myself) to speak = in appr. 15 minutes each about the way they worked, the national = roundtables and the startegies they could set up the EU representatives to present their institutions in 15 minutes each = (persons still to be defined) There is a lunch then, after which (the graveyard spot) we would start a = debate over the position paper that will hopefully be provocative enough = to win over the after-lunch sleepness. After a longer break and another discussion of topics, at 17:30 (or = earlier if that is the case) I would close the day and formulate the = message for the panel discussion at the Global Gathering. Please, let me know what you think about this. Best, CS --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: TAI and Development Dev Day Draft Agenda.doc T=EDpus: application/msword M=E9ret: 31744 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet=F5 Url : f/TAIandDevelopmentDevDayDraftAgenda-0001.doc From somrudee at Tue Sep 9 12:55:30 2008 From: somrudee at (Somrudee Nicro) Date: Tue Sep 9 12:55:45 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Presentation fee for GS NGOs References: <> <01cf01c902a4$d1914360$b51e10ac@Spain> <> Message-ID: <014101c9126a$937cc1f0$b51e10ac@Spain> Dear Csaba and Timi, Please confirm how the invoice should be. Thank you. In other meetings, organizers can simply prepare a receipt for each participant or presenter to sign. Would that be possible for EMLA? Best, Somrudee Ms. Somrudee Nicro, Ph.D. Senior Director Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) 16/151 Muang Thong Thani Bond St, Bangpood, Pakkred Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand Tel. (662) 503 3333 Ext 501 Direct no. (662) 504 4789 Fax (662) 504 4826-8 ----- Original Message ----- From: "dr. Kiss Csaba" To: Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 5:31 PM Subject: Re: [EMLA TAI-Development] Presentation fee for GS NGOs > Dear All, > First of all, thank you to all of you who have sent me or WRI a summary > of your related activities, esp. Piret, Nguyen, etc. just to name a few. > Second, the presentation fee we can pay to our GS partner > representatives in Sligo is EUR 280. In order to prepare a correct > invoice, I forward this message to our accountant, Timi, who will give > you guidance on Monday re the formal necessities. She can also answer > questions, but I think an e-invoice is OK with us. > Best, > Csaba > > > >> Thank you Csaba. >> >> When preparing an invoice, should we put down EUR 200 or 300? Pls >> confirm so that we can prepare it accordingly. And can we send this >> invoice to you in a digital form? >> >> Best, >> Somrudee >> >> Ms. Somrudee Nicro, Ph.D. >> Senior Director >> Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) >> 16/151 Muang Thong Thani >> Bond St, Bangpood, Pakkred >> Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand >> Tel. (662) 503 3333 Ext 501 >> Direct no. (662) 504 4789 >> Fax (662) 504 4826-8 >> >> >> ----- Original Message ----- From: "dr. Kiss Csaba" >> To: >> Cc: "Takats Timea" >> Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 9:01 PM >> Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Presentation fee for GS NGOs >> >> >>> Dear Global South Partners from Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda >>> and Vietnam, >>> >>> This is to let you know that EMLA would like to share a bit the benefits >>> of the TAI and Development Project with you. >>> Although this is a European grant and the expenditures are limited to >>> Europe (except, of course, the travel costs), we still want to try to >>> find a way to remunerate your invaluable contribution. >>> >>> On the Development Day, you are asked to hold a 15-minute long >>> presentation on your respective national TAI assessment report's >>> findings. For this, we offer a symbolic presentation fee in the amount >>> of at least EUR 200 (we are trying to make it 300). >>> >>> Please, let us know what way (in cash or by bank transfer) you would >>> like to receive the amount. >>> In order to be able to account it properly pursuant to the Hungarian tax >>> regulations, we need an invoice from you or your organization where the >>> buyer is EMLA and the service delivered is "presentation at the >>> Development Day of the TAI Global Gathering in Sligo, Ireland". >>> >>> Please, let me know if you need further info. >>> Best, >>> Csaba >>> >>> >> >> >> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> >> >> >>> _______________________________________________ >>> TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project >>> funded by the Presidency Fund >> >> > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > _______________________________________________ > TAI-Development -- The Access Initiative Development Project > funded by the Presidency Fund From drkiss at Wed Sep 10 09:40:51 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Wed Sep 10 09:40:54 2008 Subject: [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Re: [EMLA TAI-Development] Presentation fee for GS NGOs]] Message-ID: <> Dear GS Partners, Please read the attached message from our accountant, Timi, and do = accordingly. Best, CS --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Csatolt =E1llom=E1nyt elt=E1vol=EDtottam az =FCzenetb=F5l... Felad=F3: "=3D?ISO-8859-1?Q?T=3DEDmea_Tak=3DE1ts?=3D" T=E1rgy: Re: [Fwd: Re: [EMLA TAI-Development] Presentation fee for GS NGOs] D=E1tum: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 15:30:40 +0200 M=E9ret: 52835 Url : 9/EMLATAI-DevelopmentPresentationfeeforGSNGOs-0001.eml From timiemla at Tue Sep 9 15:30:40 2008 From: timiemla at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?T=EDmea_Tak=E1ts?=) Date: Wed Sep 10 16:34:28 2008 Subject: [Fwd: Re: [EMLA TAI-Development] Presentation fee for GS NGOs] In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Dear All, To pay the presentation fe we need an invoice. I attach a form that can be used. Please fill it in, sign and stamp it, and send it to me by regular mail. Do not hesitate to contact me ( if you have any question. Sicerely, Timi Tak=E1ts financial manager of EMLA 2008/9/9, dr. Kiss Csaba : > > --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: TAI invoice FORM.DOC T=EDpus: application/msword M=E9ret: 36864 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet? Url : a/TAIinvoiceFORM.wiz From Piret.Kuldna at Thu Sep 11 09:35:32 2008 From: Piret.Kuldna at (Piret Kuldna) Date: Thu Sep 11 09:29:57 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Re: Update on roundtable Message-ID: <631E984FB121B04D83AAB1B9094CC6D1BCF7D3@BOND.seit.local> bXVsdGlwYXJ0L2FsdGVybmF0aXZlIHTtcHVz+iBy6XN6ZWsgZmlneWVsbWVuIGvtdvxsIGhhZ3l2 YS0tLS0tLS0tLSBr9nZldGtlevUgculzeiAtLS0tLS0tLS0KRWd5IG5lbSB0ZXh0IHTtcHVz+iBj c2F0b2x0IOFsbG9t4W55IOF0IGxldHQga29udmVydOFsdmEuLi4KTul2OiBNaW51dGVzX0VzdG9u aWEuZG9jClTtcHVzOiBhcHBsaWNhdGlvbi9tc3dvcmQKTelyZXQ6IDMzMjgwIGJ5dGVzCkxl7XLh czogTWludXRlc19Fc3RvbmlhLmRvYwpVcmwgOiBodHRwOi8venBvay5odS9waXBlcm1haWwvdGFp LWRldmVsb3BtZW50L2F0dGFjaG1lbnRzLzIwMDgwOTExLzJiNDgwY2YwL01pbnV0ZXNfRXN0b25p YS0wMDAxLmRvYwotLS0tLS0tLS0ga/Z2ZXRrZXr1IHLpc3ogLS0tLS0tLS0tCkVneSBuZW0gdGV4 dCB07XB1c/ogY3NhdG9sdCDhbGxvbeFueSDhdCBsZXR0IGtvbnZlcnThbHZhLi4uCk7pdjogU3Ry YXRlZ3lfRXN0b25pYS5kb2MKVO1wdXM6IGFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL21zd29yZApN6XJldDogMjcxMzYg Ynl0ZXMKTGXtcuFzOiBTdHJhdGVneV9Fc3RvbmlhLmRvYwpVcmwgOiBodHRwOi8venBvay5odS9w aXBlcm1haWwvdGFpLWRldmVsb3BtZW50L2F0dGFjaG1lbnRzLzIwMDgwOTExLzJiNDgwY2YwL1N0 cmF0ZWd5X0VzdG9uaWEtMDAwMS5kb2MK From sleaa at Fri Sep 19 12:40:52 2008 From: sleaa at (S de Silva) Date: Fri Sep 19 12:48:20 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Draft TAI Final Report -PDF version Message-ID: <000d01c91a44$60de00b0$052e15ca@s482fc61bcf3b4> multipart/alternative t=EDpus=FA r=E9szek figyelmen k=EDv=FCl hagyva-------= -- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: Part IV Draft Final Report Annexures.pdf T=EDpus: application/pdf M=E9ret: 90078 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet? Url : 2/PartIVDraftFinalReportAnnexures-0001.pdf --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: Part III TAI Draft Final Report.pdf T=EDpus: application/pdf M=E9ret: 93673 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet? Url : 2/PartIIITAIDraftFinalReport-0001.pdf --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: Part I TAI Draft Final Report.pdf T=EDpus: application/pdf M=E9ret: 155445 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet? Url : 2/PartITAIDraftFinalReport-0001.pdf --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: Part II TAI Draft Final Report Analysis Law & Practice.pdf T=EDpus: application/pdf M=E9ret: 250096 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet? Url : 2/PartIITAIDraftFinalReportAnalysisLawPractice-0001.pdf From LDeSilva at Fri Sep 19 13:41:47 2008 From: LDeSilva at (Lalanath DeSilva) Date: Fri Sep 19 13:42:55 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Draft TAI Final Report -PDF version References: <000d01c91a44$60de00b0$052e15ca@s482fc61bcf3b4> Message-ID: <46E2E1971BCEC1459149FBB1A4B4342C01712E97@wricsex029330.WRI.CRM.Local> Dear Csaba, = These documents can also be now accessed through the TAI Toolkit website wh= ere I uploaded them. We also have a single consoolidated document - I can = send this if you wish. It is 900KB large. = Lalanath ________________________________ From: on behalf of S de Silva Sent: Fri 19/09/2008 06:40 To: EMLA; dr. Kiss Csaba Cc: EMLA Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Draft TAI Final Report -PDF version = Dear Dr. Csaba, = = Please find attached the first TAI assessment report for Sri Lanka. Please = note that it is now in the process of being submitted to the National Advis= ory Panel and International Panel. I am sending it as you require it for yo= ur project. Please acknowledge receipt of all four parts of the report. = = Sincerely Sonali = = = --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy csatolt HTML =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... URL: /attachment.htm From reclat at Sat Sep 20 18:09:30 2008 From: reclat at ( Date: Sat Sep 20 18:09:37 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Uganda TAI review.+Roundtable Min. +Strategy- by REC Latvia Message-ID: <> RGVhciBDc2FiYSBhbmQgUGVwZSEKClBscy4gZmluZCBhdHRhY2hlZCAiIDMgaW4gMSIgICggdmVy eSBlZmZpY2llbnQpIHByb2R1Y3Qgb2YgUHJlc2lkZW5jeSBGdW5kCmFjdGl2aXRpZXMgaW4gTGF0 dmlhCk9uZSBGaWxlIGNvbnRhaW5zOgoKMSkgVWdhbmRhIFRBSSByZXBvcnQgcmV2aWV3IHN1bW1h cnkgdGFibGUgKCBiYXNlZCBvbiB5b3VyIGV4YW1wbGUpIAoyKSBSb3VuZHRhYmxlIDE3LjA5LjIw MDguIHBhcnRpY2lwYW50cyBsaXN0cyArIE1pbnV0ZXMgK2Rpc2N1c3Npb24gcG9pbnRzCjMpIFNt YWxsIHN0cmF0ZWd5IAoKSW5mb3JtIG1lIGlmIGFsbCBpcyBPLmsuIApTaW5jZXJlbHkKRXJpa2Eg Cm5vdyBmcm9tIEh1bmdhcnksIG5leHQgd2VlayBpbiBNYWNlZG9uaWEuLi4KCgoKCi0tLS0tLS0t LS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLQpUaGlzIG1lc3NhZ2Ugd2FzIHNl bnQgdXNpbmcgRW5keW1pb24gTWFpbE1hbi4KaHR0cDovL3d3dy5lbmR5bWlvbi5jb20vcHJvZHVj dHMvbWFpbG1hbi8gaHR0cDovL3d3dy5taWNyb2xpbmsuY29tLwotLS0tLS0tLS0ga/Z2ZXRrZXr1 IHLpc3ogLS0tLS0tLS0tCkVneSBuZW0gdGV4dCB07XB1c/ogY3NhdG9sdCDhbGxvbeFueSDhdCBs ZXR0IGtvbnZlcnThbHZhLi4uCk7pdjogVEFJIGFuZCBEZXZlbG9wbWVudCBVZ2FuZGEgc3VtbWFy eS1ieQoJUkVDTGF0dmlhLmRvYwpU7XB1czogYXBwbGljYXRpb24vbXN3b3JkCk3pcmV0OiAxNTAw MTYgYnl0ZXMKTGXtcuFzOiBuZW0gZWzpcmhldPUKVXJsIDogaHR0cDovL3pwb2suaHUvcGlwZXJt YWlsL3RhaS1kZXZlbG9wbWVudC9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8yMDA4MDkyMC82MDdhMDZhYy9UQUlhbmRE ZXZlbG9wbWVudFVnYW5kYXN1bW1hcnktYnlSRUNMYXR2aWEtMDAwMS5kb2MK From drkiss at Sun Sep 21 11:29:21 2008 From: drkiss at (dr. Kiss Csaba) Date: Sun Sep 21 11:29:23 2008 Subject: [EMLA TAI-Development] Agenda for commenting Message-ID: <> Dear All, Again I am sending you the draft agenda of our meeting on Development in = Sligo. Please, comment it until Friday. If no comments arrive, I will = send it out to all participants and ask WRI to put it on the web as an = agreed agenda. Best, CS --------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz --------- Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva... N=E9v: TAI and Development Dev Day Draft Agenda.doc T=EDpus: application/msword M=E9ret: 31744 bytes Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet=F5 Url : 8/TAIandDevelopmentDevDayDraftAgenda-0001.doc