[Fwd: Re: [EMLA TAI-Development] Presentation fee for GS NGOs]
Tímea Takáts
timiemla at gmail.com
2008. Sze. 9., K, 15:30:40 CEST
Dear All,
To pay the presentation fe we need an invoice.
I attach a form that can be used.
Please fill it in, sign and stamp it, and send it to me by regular mail.
Do not hesitate to contact me (timi at emla.hu) if you have any question.
Timi Tak=E1ts
financial manager of EMLA
2008/9/9, dr. Kiss Csaba <drkiss at emla.hu>:
--------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz ---------
Egy nem text t=EDpus=FA csatolt =E1llom=E1ny =E1t lett konvert=E1lva...
N=E9v: TAI invoice FORM.DOC
T=EDpus: application/msword
M=E9ret: 36864 bytes
Le=EDr=E1s: nem el=E9rhet?
Url : http://zpok.hu/pipermail/tai-development/attachments/20080909/5c9b7dc=
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