[Fwd: [EMLA TAI-Development] Evaluation of the Presidency Fund]

dr. Kiss Csaba drkiss at emla.hu
2009. Feb. 13., P, 14:42:09 CET

Dear All,
Somrudee has asked a question today (thank you, Somrudee) that she =

received the attached email and questionnaire.
This is the email and evaluation questionnnaire of the donor who funded =

our development-related project and who covered costs for some of you =

(travel and hotel as well as presentation in Sligo).
If you have the time and desire, and you feel like doing it, please, do =

us a favor and fill it in and send it to the donor until the indicated =

deadline - 6 March.
If you would be so kind to cc EMLA, that would be lovely.
However, if you absolutely think that you have nothing to say about the =

fund and the project, just do not bother.
Thank you,
ps: I did not know myself either that the donor will contact the =

sub-grantees directly...
--------- k=F6vetkez=F5 r=E9sz ---------
Csatolt =E1llom=E1nyt elt=E1vol=EDtottam az =FCzenetb=F5l...
Felad=F3: Samantha Saldanha <ssaldanha at presidencyfund.org>
T=E1rgy: [EMLA TAI-Development] Evaluation of the Presidency Fund
D=E1tum: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 11:56:13 +0100
M=E9ret: 153397
Url : http://zpok.hu/pipermail/tai-development/attachments/20090213/0bde693=

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