#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

"""Deliver queued messages.

# A typical Mailman list exposes four aliases which point to three different
# wrapped scripts.  E.g. for a list named `mylist', you'd have:
# mylist         -> post
# mylist-admin   -> mailowner
# mylist-request -> mailcmd
# mylist-owner   -> mailowner (through an alias to mylist-admin)
# Only 3 scripts are used for historical purposes, and this is unlikely to
# change to due backwards compatibility.  That's immaterial though since the
# mailowner script can determine which alias it received the message on.
# mylist-request is a robot address; it's sole purpose is to process emailed
# commands in a Majordomo-like fashion.  mylist-admin is supposed to reach the
# list owners, but it performs one vital step before list owner delivery - it
# examines the message for bounce content.  mylist-owner is the fallback for
# delivery to the list owners; it performs no bounce detection, but it /does/
# look for bounce loops, which can occur if a list owner address is bouncing.
# So delivery flow of messages look like this:
# joerandom ---> mylist ---> list members
#    |                           |
#    |                           |[bounces]
#    +-------> mylist-admin <----+ <-------------------------------+
#    |              |                                              |
#    |              +--->[internal bounce processing]              |
#    |                               |                             |
#    |                               |    [bounce found]           |
#    |                               +--->[register and discard]   |
#    |                               |                             |
#    |                               |     [no bounce found]       |
#    |                               +---> list owners <------+    |
#    |                                          |             |    |
#    |                                          |[bounces]    |    |
#    +-------> mylist-owner <-------------------+             |    |
#    |              |                                         |    |
#    |              |     [bounce loop detected]              |    |
#    |              +---> [log and discard]                   |    |
#    |              |                                         |    |
#    |              +-----------------------------------------+    |
#    |               [no bounce loop detected]                     |
#    |                                                             |
#    |                                                             |
#    +-------> mylist-request                                      |
#                   |                                              |
#                   +---> [command processor]                      |
#                                 |                                |
#                                 +---> joerandom                  |
#                                           |                      |
#                                           |[bounces]             |
#                                           +----------------------+

import sys
import os
import string
import time
import marshal
import mimetools

import paths
from Mailman import mm_cfg
from Mailman import Utils
from Mailman import MailList
from Mailman import LockFile
from Mailman import Message
from Mailman import Errors
from Mailman.Handlers import HandlerAPI
from Mailman.Bouncers import BouncerAPI
from Mailman.Logging.Syslog import syslog
from Mailman.Logging.Utils import LogStdErr
from Mailman.pythonlib.StringIO import StringIO

# Work around known problems with some RedHat cron daemons
import signal
signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_DFL)

QRUNNER_LOCK_FILE = os.path.join(mm_cfg.LOCK_DIR, 'qrunner.lock')

LogStdErr('error', 'qrunner', manual_reprime=0, tee_to_stdout=0)

def dispose_message(mlist, msg, msgdata):
    # The message may be destined for one of three subsystems: the list
    # delivery subsystem (i.e. the message gets delivered to every member of
    # the list), the bounce detector (i.e. this was a message to the -owner
    # address), or the mail command handler (i.e. this was a message to the
    # -request address).  The flags controlling this path are found in the
    # message data, as queued by the post, mailowner, and mailcmd scripts
    # respectively:
    # post      - no `toadmin' or `torequest' key
    # mailowner - `toadmin' == true
    # mailcmd   - `torequest' == true
    if msgdata.get('toadmin', 0):
        s = StringIO(str(msg))
        mimemsg = mimetools.Message(s)
        if mlist.bounce_processing:
            if BouncerAPI.ScanMessages(mlist, mimemsg):
                return 0
        # Either bounce processing isn't turned on or the bounce detector
        # found no recognized bounce format in the message.  In either case,
        # forward the dang thing off to the list owners.  Be sure to munge the
        # headers so that any bounces from the list owners goes to the -owner
        # address instead of the -admin address.  This will avoid bounce
        # loops.
        msgdata.update({'recips'  : mlist.owner[:],
                        'errorsto': mlist.GetOwnerEmail(),
                        'noack'   : 0,            # enable Replybot
        return HandlerAPI.DeliverToUser(mlist, msg, msgdata)
    elif msgdata.get('toowner', 0):
        # The message could have been a bounce from a broken list admin
        # address.  About the only other test we can do is to see if the
        # message is appearing to come from a well-known MTA generated
        # address.
        sender = msg.GetSender()
        i = string.find(sender, '@')
        if i >= 0:
            senderlhs = string.lower(sender[:i])
            senderlhs = sender
        if senderlhs in mm_cfg.LIKELY_BOUNCE_SENDERS:
            syslog('error', 'bounce loop detected from: %s' % sender)
            return 0
        # Any messages to the owner address must have Errors-To: set back to
        # the owners address so bounce loops can be broken, as per the code
        # above.
        msgdata.update({'recips'  : mlist.owner[:],
                        'errorsto': mlist.GetOwnerEmail(),
                        'noack'   : 0,            # enable Replybot
        return HandlerAPI.DeliverToUser(mlist, msg, msgdata)
    elif msgdata.get('torequest', 0):
        return 0
        # Pre 2.0beta3 qfiles have no schema version number
        version = msgdata.get('version', 0)
        if version < 1:
            return HandlerAPI.RedeliverMessage(mlist, msg)
        return HandlerAPI.DeliverToList(mlist, msg, msgdata)

_listcache = {}

def open_list(listname):
    mlist = _listcache.get(listname)
    if not mlist:
            mlist = MailList.MailList(listname, lock=0)
            _listcache[listname] = mlist
        except Errors.MMListError, e:
            syslog('qrunner', 'error opening list: %s\n%s' % (listname, e))
    return mlist

def dequeue(root):
    # We're done with this message
    os.unlink(root + '.db')
    os.unlink(root + '.msg')

def main(lock):
    t0 = time.time()
    msgcount = 0
    allkids = {}
    for file in os.listdir(mm_cfg.QUEUE_DIR):
        # Keep the qrunner lock alive for a while longer
        root, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(mm_cfg.QUEUE_DIR, file))
        if ext == '.db' or ext == '.tmp':
            # Just trigger off the .msg files.  This may leave stale .db files
            # in qfiles, but these can't be cleaned up without storing a
            # timestamp and watching out for race conditions.  .tmp files are
            # created by Message.Enqueue() and are fleeting.
        if not os.path.exists(root+'.db'):
            syslog('qrunner', 'Unlinking orphaned .msg file: %s.msg' % root)
        # Have we exceeded either resource limit?
        if mm_cfg.QRUNNER_PROCESS_LIFETIME is not None and \
               (time.time() - t0) > mm_cfg.QRUNNER_PROCESS_LIFETIME:
        if mm_cfg.QRUNNER_MAX_MESSAGES is not None and \
               msgcount > mm_cfg.QRUNNER_MAX_MESSAGES:
        msgcount = msgcount + 1
        msgfp = dbfp = None
            dbfp = open(root + '.db')
            msgdata = marshal.load(dbfp)
            dbfp = None
            msgfp = open(root + '.msg')
            # re-establish the file base for re-queuing
            msg = Message.Message(msgfp, filebase=msgdata.get('filebase'))
            msgfp = None
        except (EOFError, ValueError, TypeError, IOError), e:
            # For some reason we had trouble getting all the information out
            # of the queued files.  log this and move on (we figure it's a
            # temporary problem)
            syslog('qrunner', 'Exception reading qfile: %s\n%s' % (root, e))
            if msgfp:
            if dbfp:
        # Dispose of it, after ensuring that we've got the lock on the list.
        listname = msgdata.get('listname')
        if not listname:
            syslog('qrunner', 'qfile metadata specifies no list: %s' % root)
        mlist = open_list(listname)
        if not mlist:
                   'Dequeuing message destined for missing list: %s' % root)
        # Now try to get the list lock
        except LockFile.TimeOutError:
            # oh well, try again later
            keepqueued = dispose_message(mlist, msg, msgdata)
            # Did the delivery generate child processes?  Don't store them in
            # the message data files.
            kids = msgdata.get('_kids')
            if kids:
                del msgdata['_kids']
            if not keepqueued:
                # We're done with this message
    return allkids

if __name__ == '__main__':
##    syslog('qrunner', 'qrunner begining')
    # first, claim the queue runner lock
    lock = LockFile.LockFile(QRUNNER_LOCK_FILE,
    except LockFile.TimeOutError:
        # Some other qrunner process is running, which is fine.
        syslog('qrunner', 'Could not acquire qrunner lock')
        kids = {}
            kids = main(lock)
            # Clear the global cache to be clean about it.  Also, we can reap
            # any child processes that were created during the delivery
            # (e.g. from ToUsenet).
##    syslog('qrunner', 'qrunner ended')