's settings

the member's subscription status, password and settings on the mailing list.

Unsibscribe Your other mebership at -on
To unsibscribe type in your password then click on the botton. (If you forgot your password, you could ask for it below in e-mail.)


By giving your password you have access to all of your settings.


Your password on the list

Have you forgotten your password?

Click on the botton to receive it via e-mail.

Password change

Old password:
New password:
New password once again:

Your settings at the list

The actual settings are ticked off.

Switch of sending letters
This setting suspends sending of letters.
In Out

Settings of the digest form
In digest form you do not receive the messages one-by-one but once a day. after switching off the digest form you will receive one more time your messages in digest form.
Non-digest Digest
MIME coded or regular digest messages?
If you experience any problem with MIME coded digests, select the regular form.
MIME Regular text

Do you want copy of your messages to the list?
Yes No

Do you want to be notified about your messages successfully sent to the list?
No Yes

Do you want to be hidden on the Subscribers' List?
No Yes

Your password: