l,,U--./_"12P34414`@44&44R4:E555555-53676(R6&{6,636,7/07!`7'7$7,747P18%8,8=8!9*59&`9%9&99n9V:: :;;';+G;s;%;;/;R;JK=b=T=1N>>W?s?WXBfB8C$PC,uCC+D6>D%uDD(uE)E%EE F* FKF\bF FLFH#If4IVIIJhKhL{L!N2NPP{hP4P%Q?QFQ NQboQ*QFQDRLR\RtR'R RRRRST)T 9T7GTPUfU7VHV^V0)ZZZr]]r^y^v_~_____$_`.`3L````2``a2a_Kaa'aUaCb(Lbubc3cPcTbcc9d ee ghC$h`hhhhhhi*i9Jiiiii#i j*j;j-Wj0jRjS k]kzkkkjn!~nnnnnop#p8p Sp"_ppppppppppq+)q Uq aq5nqq q qqqqq)qruRw dwqwwwww ww!w x#+xOxUxjxzxx#xx;xyy1+y]y#uyyyy]y!z1zOzhzoz~z'zz$zz {1'{Y{9^{{&{${9{F$|2k}1}0} ~x ~6~m~.),XXt#T9W(v6q݃OW`!v+0 ES!c) Z3UJZYXUa3KS É/3Ge2$%ۊ`yx ˎَU,̏DH h! !אߐ `n0t;80._ o&zݒ:CbH Ė es_wחAڗ-*Mx Ș50fd/67f)țߛ,8E~7~9|)',%Ed sj}! 2:KS[bj-+ (2;[< ԩ:%0ZV01)!>`ru ggrP;ï3"3VJVO)JijM]uNKĵK|\/ٶ z̷۷  )" LXnи&"ӹP=G[Nw0:n\6R%/ULvx5n0e1O7P56rNHV - ||qnd +7,(d-,1O4,aR&i" < ".56M ht .&8S0Y  5-1Mv G{ b0&gW#1`q(5Q2$2W*!$G-D =r!!1P","."h"G##G}$'$ $&'+&S&3'7'&P'pw'.'!)9)H*K,_. 0#070%2637P33H3#34-4C=4P4P4V#5z6VI77z8! 9-9D9V9q9999#99 9 :(:,:1: 8: F:T:]:p:::::: :: ;; ;%;-; @; N;X;a;g;o;v;|;8;8;;<)<H<W<*]<"<<.>Q>[=??o@AB.CCCC?C8DND#iD=D)DDD E "E.E>DE2EE+E,E4,F>aF(F/F$FGP6P!P9QWQ QCQ2&RYR,)S&VS*}S%SS'ST=1ToT"vTU,8VWeVSVWWcX] Y)iYZpZ#\<\7\\ ]]%]>8]w]5]]]] ](] &^ 0^<^X^" _ /_%<_b_i_c#``a%a=a+$dPdnfvJgggRh[h ph |h hh/h h#h7h$5iZiqi4iiiiKjTjkjJj j%jkkkk`k%l>mZmnnoSoh$p"ppppppZqcqq q-q qq'r(0r0Yr2rDr0s3s DsRsWWsttt'tu/u>uu vv&v#@vdvvvvvvvvvv.wBwGwMwewnw~w/wwwww~wozk{|{{&{ {{ { {{"|"'|&J|q| v| | ||<| |,|}}.?}n}}}}}9} ~~)~F~M~\~o~~!~'~~.=3Fz 837*+Vv;`MC#&=ل,[##(L!l2Tʆ *1"@uc ه 2"I lxmJ>?%<eA/,>k r| 8$ $$<-aKQY4F*X  G   # - :MG++' ' HKؑ>7T!> A$Qv#cÓ', ʕ gqHx5Ė )C%]  #ŗ$7$\y~S4L"Lo% ,8e  $4'Y&ؠ! ʣУ  '=8U% ǤФؤ<21Rd&9ޥ)fB"/̦1'. VwWgکgB>1BZpP2?84mCEIAAѯ3GgM ðհ۰   .+ Z d nx α%Ͳ@4.^c>³MOo|&N"q2ZҺ-ػPOQ< ޾+IaB~dG&3n[>V}ZS/lT)9"J9m`uN&N u  6    !+ H=T($$=bi ? M&k9N]o;IT,^f<+#&B3i1]6)S3}>.''""!gE&X184j{H d&O,') Q x h q}  :*I@tGE*c%BI PSJ@^& .AU^m#"   , 6CXt     )27>CJ9R?  (!$J To finish removing your mailing list, you must edit your /etc/aliases (or equivalent) file by removing the following lines, and possibly running the `newaliases' program: ## %(listname)s mailing list You are subscribed to this list with the case-preserved address %(cpuser)s. You have successfully canceled the posting of your message with the Subject: header %(subject)s to the mailing list %(listname)s. You have successfully changed your address on the %(listname)s mailing list from %(oldaddr)s to %(newaddr)s. You can now proceed to your membership login page. You have successfully confirmed your subscription request for "%(addr)s" to the %(listname)s mailing list. A separate confirmation message will be sent to your email address, along with your password, and other useful information and links.

You can now proceed to your membership login page. You have successfully confirmed your subscription request to the mailing list %(listname)s, however final approval is required from the list moderator before you will be subscribed. Your request has been forwarded to the list moderator, and you will be notified of the moderator's decision. You have successfully re-enabled your membership in the %(listname)s mailing list. You can now visit your member options page. You have successfully unsubscribed from the %(listname)s mailing list. You can now visit the list's main information page. Thread (%(count)d of %(total)d) (Digest mode) (but we obscure the addresses so they are not easily recognizable by spammers). (requires authorization) (requires confirmation)

Enter your If you leave the field blank, you will be prompted for your email address and password to visit the subscribers list:

bytes from %(remote)s is already a member subscribers: %(allcnt)s members total%(allcnt)s members total, %(membercnt)s shown%(file)s permissions must be 066x (got %(octmode)s)%(hostname)s Mailing Lists%(hostname)s mailing lists - Admin Links%(listfullname)s mailing list reminder%(listinfo_link)s list run by %(owner_link)s%(listname)s post from %(sender)s requires approval%(newaddr)s is already a member of the list.%(realname)s -- Edit html for %(template_info)s%(realname)s -- HTML Page Editing%(realname)s Administration (%(label)s)%(realname)s Administrative Database%(realname)s Administrative Database Results%(realname)s Digest, Vol %(volume)d, Issue %(issue)d%(realname)s Mailing list Configuration Help
%(varname)s Option%(realname)s administrative interface%(realname)s list: member options login page%(realname)s mailing list administration
%(label)s Section%(realname)s post acknowledgement%(realname)s roster authentication failed.%(realname)s subscription notification%(realname)s unsubscribe notification%(safetemplatename)s: Invalid template<blank line>(Administrivia filter) Check postings and intercept ones that seem to be administrative requests?(Note - you are subscribing to a list of mailing lists, so the %(type)s notice will be sent to the admin address for your membership, %(addr)s.)

(fixing)(no subject)...after this one....before this one....or specify a file to upload:; it was disabled by the list administrator; it was disabled by you; it was disabled for unknown reasonseither Cancel and return to list administrationInvalid confirmation string: %(safecookie)s.

Note that confirmation strings expire approximately %(days)s days after the initial subscription request. If your confirmation has expired, please try to re-submit your subscription. Otherwise, re-enter your confirmation string.ack -- Does the member get acknowledgements of their posts?digest -- Does the member get messages in digests? (otherwise, individual messages)hide -- Is the member's address concealed on the list of subscribers?language -- Language preferred by the usermod -- The user's personal moderation flag. If this is set, postings from them will be moderated, otherwise they will be approved.nodupes -- Does the member want to avoid duplicates of the same message?nomail -- Is delivery to the member disabled? If so, an abbreviation will be given describing the reason for the disabled delivery:

not metoo -- Does the member want to avoid copies of their own postings?plain -- If getting digests, does the member get plain text digests? (otherwise, MIME)unsub -- Click on this to unsubscribe the member.
(Details for %(varname)s)
...specify a file to upload

Note: setting this value performs an immediate action but does not modify permanent state.
Return to the (%(num_concealed)d private members not shown)(1 private member not shown)Warning: changing this option here could cause other screens to be out-of-sync. Be sure to reload any other pages that are displaying this option for this mailing list. You can also Enter the text below, or...
Message with id #%(id)d is corrupted.Message with id #%(id)d was lost.No topics definedNot availableYes, I really want to unsubscribenot available
  • Set everyone's moderation bit, including those members not currently visible


    You may have disabled list delivery intentionally, or it may have been triggered by bounces from your email address. In either case, to re-enable delivery, change the %(link)s option below. Contact %(mailto)s if you have any questions or need assistance.

    (Note that this is an umbrella list, intended to have only other mailing lists as members. Among other things, this means that your confirmation request will be sent to the `%(sfx)s' account for your address.)

    (Send questions and comments to

    ... or select your entry from the subscribers list (see above).

    To view more members, click on the appropriate range listed below:

    Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on %(hostname)s. Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription.

    Below is the collection of publicly-advertised %(mailmanlink)s mailing lists on %(hostname)s. Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.

    There currently are no publicly-advertised %(mailmanlink)s mailing lists on %(hostname)s.

    There currently are no publicly-advertised %(mailmanlink)s mailing lists on %(hostname)s.

    We have received some recent bounces from your address. Your current bounce score is %(score)s out of a maximum of %(total)s. Please double check that your subscribed address is correct and that there are no problems with delivery to this address. Your bounce score will be automatically reset if the problems are corrected soon.Reply-To: header munging

    • Hold -- this holds the message for approval by the list moderators.

    • Reject -- this automatically rejects the message by sending a bounce notice to the post's author. The text of the bounce notice can be configured by you.

    • Discard -- this simply discards the message, with no notice sent to the post's author.
    A digest has been sent.A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: %(filename)s Type: %(ctype)s Size: %(size)d bytes Desc: %(desc)s Url : %(url)s A reminder of your password has been emailed to you.A terse phrase identifying this list.AcceptAcceptsAcknowledge the member's postingAction to take for postings from non-members for which no explicit action is defined.Action to take on all these held messages:Action to take when a moderated member posts to the list.Action:Add new item...Additional Member TasksAdditional settingsAdditionally, forward this message to: Address/nameAddress:Addresses did not match!Addresses in this list are banned outright from subscribing to this mailing list, with no further moderation required. Add addresses one per line; start the line with a ^ character to designate a regular expression match.Addresses may not be blankAdmin address:Administrative requests for mailing list:AdministratorAdministrivia tests will check postings to see whether it's really meant as an administrative request (like subscribe, unsubscribe, etc), and will add it to the the administrative requests queue, notifying the administrator of the new request, in the process.Advertise this list when people ask what lists are on this machine?Alias names (regexps) which qualify as explicit to or cc destination names for this list.Already a memberAlso delete archives?Alternate addresses that are acceptable when `require_explicit_destination' is enabled. This option takes a list of regular expressions, one per line, which is matched against every recipient address in the message. The matching is performed with Python's re.match() function, meaning they are anchored to the start of the string.

    For backwards compatibility with Mailman 1.1, if the regexp does not contain an `@', then the pattern is matched against just the local part of the recipient address. If that match fails, or if the pattern does contain an `@', then the pattern is matched against the entire recipient address.

    Matching against the local part is deprecated; in a future release, the pattern will always be matched against the entire recipient address.An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: %(url)s An attempt was made to subscribe your address to the mailing list %(listaddr)s. You are already subscribed to this mailing list. Note that the list membership is not public, so it is possible that a bad person was trying to probe the list for its membership. This would be a privacy violation if we let them do this, but we didn't. If you submitted the subscription request and forgot that you were already subscribed to the list, then you can ignore this message. If you suspect that an attempt is being made to covertly discover whether you are a member of this list, and you are worried about your privacy, then feel free to send a message to the list administrator at %(listowner)s. An embedded message was scrubbed... From: %(who)s Subject: %(subject)s Date: %(date)s Size: %(size)s Url: %(url)s An introductory description - a few paragraphs - about the list. It will be included, as html, at the top of the listinfo page. Carriage returns will end a paragraph - see the details for more info.AnyoneApproval notices are sent when mail triggers certain of the limits except routine list moderation and spam filters, for which notices are not sent. This option overrides ever sending the notice.ApproveArchive messages?Archiving OptionsAuthentication failed.Authorization failed.Auto-discard notificationAuto-generate initial list password?Auto-responderAuto-response text to send to -request emails.Auto-response text to send to mailing list posters.Awaiting moderator approvalBad URL specificationBad confirmation stringBad email address for option %(property)s: %(val)sBad email address providedBad moderation flag valueBad regular expression: Bad value for %(property)s: %(val)sBad/Invalid email addressBadly formed options entry: %(record)sBan %(esender)s from ever subscribing to this mailing listBan listBatched-delivery digest characteristics.Blind carbon copies or other implicit destinations are not allowed. Try reposting your message by explicitly including the list address in the To: or Cc: fields.Bounce action notificationBounce detection sensitivityBounce processingBy clicking on the Remind button, your password will be emailed to you.By clicking on the Unsubscribe button, a confirmation message will be emailed to you. This message will have a link that you should click on to complete the removal process (you can also confirm by email; see the instructions in the confirmation message).By default, should new list member postings be moderated?By setting this value to No, you disable all automatic bounce processing for this list, however bounce messages will still be discarded so that the list administrator isn't inundated with them.By setting this value to No, you turn off notification messages that are normally sent to the list owners when a member is unsubscribed due to excessive bounces. An attempt to notify the member will always be made.By setting this value to No, you turn off notification messages that are normally sent to the list owners when a member's delivery is disabled due to excessive bounces. An attempt to notify the member will always be made.CGI script errorCan list members choose to receive list traffic bunched in digests?Can subscribers choose to receive mail immediately, rather than in batched digests?Can't have empty html page.CancelCancel and discardCancel held message postingCancel postingCannot unsubscribe non-members:Ceiling on acceptable number of recipients for a posting.Change My Address and NameChange My PasswordChange addressChange list ownership passwordsChange of address request confirmedClear FormClear this member's moderate flagClick here for the list of Click here to hide the legend for this table.Click here to include the legend for this table.Click on a link to visit your options page for the requested mailing list.Click on the message number to view the individual message, or you can Conceal the member's addressConfiguration CategoriesConfirmConfirm (*) - email confirmation required
    Require approval - require list administrator approval for subscriptions
    Confirm and approve - both confirm and approve

    (*) when someone requests a subscription, Mailman sends them a notice with a unique subscription request number that they must reply to in order to subscribe.
    This prevents mischievous (or malicious) people from creating subscriptions for others without their consent.Confirm and approveConfirm change of address requestConfirm initial password:Confirm moderator password:Confirm subscription requestConfirm unsubscription requestConfirmation from your email address is required, to prevent anyone from subscribing you without permission. Instructions are being sent to you at %(email)s. Please note your subscription will not start until you confirm your subscription.Confirmation string was empty.Confirmation string:Continue awaiting approvalCreate ListCreate a %(hostname)s Mailing ListCreate another listCreating archive directory CzechDailyDatabase Updated...Default language for this list.DeferDeleteDelete this listDelete this mailing listDelivered by Mailman
    version %(version)sDescriptionDescription:Detailed instructions for the administrative databaseDigestDigest FooterDigest HeaderDigest optionsDisabledDiscardDiscardsDo not send a copy of a member's own postEach list member has a moderation flag which says whether messages from the list member can be posted directly to the list, or must first be approved by the list moderator. When the moderation flag is turned on, list member postings must be approved first. You, the list administrator can decide whether a specific individual's postings will be moderated or not.

    When a new member is subscribed, their initial moderation flag takes its value from this option. Turn this option off to accept member postings by default. Turn this option on to, by default, moderate member postings first. You can always manually set an individual member's moderation bit by using the membership management screens.Each topic keyword is actually a regular expression, which is matched against certain parts of a mail message, specifically the Keywords: and Subject: message headers. Note that the first few lines of the body of the message can also contain a Keywords: and Subject: "header" on which matching is also performed.Edit HTML : ErrorEdit OptionsEdit the public HTML pagesEmail My Password To MeEmail address:EnabledEnd of English (USA)Enter confirmation cookieEnter new administrator password:Enter new moderator password:Enter one address per line below...ErrorError Unsubscribing:Error inviting:Error subscribing:Error: Explicit Reply-To: header.Explicit addressFilter out duplicate messages to list members (if possible)FinnishFooter added to every digestFooter added to mail sent to regular list membersFor some unknown reasonForward messages (individually) to:Forward of moderated messageFrenchFrom:Fundamental list characteristics, including descriptive info and basic behaviors.General OptionsGeneral list information pageGeneral list personalityGermanGnu's Not UnixGo to list archivesGo to the general list information pageHTML Unchanged.HTML attachment scrubbed and removedHTML successfully updated.Header added to every digestHeader added to mail sent to regular list membersHoldHold posts with header value matching a specified regexp.HoldsHost name this list prefers for email.Hostile address (illegal characters)How big in Kb should a digest be before it gets sent out?How many Your Membership Is Disabled warnings a disabled member should get before their address is removed from the mailing list. Set to 0 to immediately remove an address from the list once their bounce score exceeds the threshold. This value must be an integer.How many body lines should the topic matcher scan?How often should a new archive volume be started?How often should a new digest volume be started?HungarianIf a posting has this number, or more, of recipients, it is held for admin approval. Use 0 for no ceiling.If you reject this post,
    please explain (optional):If you reply to this message, keeping the Subject: header intact, Mailman will discard the held message. Do this if the message is spam. If you reply to this message and include an Approved: header with the list password in it, the message will be approved for posting to the list. The Approved: header can also appear in the first line of the body of the reply.If you supply a password, you must confirm it.Ignoring changes to deleted member: %(user)sIllegal email address providedInitial list of supported languages.

    Note that if you do not select at least one initial language, the list will use the server default language of %(deflang)sInitial list owner address:Initial list password:Initial list passwords do not matchInvalid confirmation string. It is possible that you are attempting to confirm a request for an address that has already been unsubscribed.Invalid confirmation string. Note that confirmation strings expire approximately %(days)s days after the initial subscription request. If your confirmation has expired, please try to re-submit your original request or message.Invalid options to CGI scriptInvalid options to CGI script.Invalid value for variable: %(property)sInviteIs archive file source for public or private archival?Is the list moderator's approval required for unsubscription requests? (No is recommended)ItalianJapaneseLanguage optionsLanguages supported by this list.Leave the initial password (and confirmation) fields blank if you want Mailman to autogenerate the list passwords.ListList CharacteristicsList IdentityList admin onlyList already exists: %(listname)sList creator's (authentication) password:List membersList moderators (and list administrators) are sent daily reminders of requests pending approval, like subscriptions to a moderated list, or postings that are being held for one reason or another. Setting this option causes notices to be sent immediately on the arrival of new requests as well.List my other subscriptionsList name is required.List of addresses which are banned from membership in this mailing list.List of non-member addresses whose postings should be automatically accepted.List of non-member addresses whose postings will be automatically discarded.List of non-member addresses whose postings will be automatically rejected.List of non-member addresses whose postings will be immediately held for moderation.List password:List topic keywordsList traffic archival policies.List-specific text prepended to new-subscriber welcome messageLog inLog outLogoutMail deliveryMail<->News gatewaysMail-to-News and News-to-Mail gateway services.Mailing list creation request for list %(listname)sMailing list creation resultsMailing list deletion resultsMailing list removal request for list %(listname)sMailman %(varname)s List Option HelpMailman Administrative Database ErrorMailman privacy alertMailman won't accept the given email address as a valid address. (E.g. it must have an @ in it.)Make your changes in the following section, then submit them using the Submit Your Changes button below.Many (in fact, most) spams do not explicitly name their myriad destinations in the explicit destination addresses - in fact often the To: field has a totally bogus address for obfuscation. The constraint applies only to the stuff in the address before the '@' sign, but still catches all such spams.

    The cost is that the list will not accept unhindered any postings relayed from other addresses, unless

    1. The relaying address has the same name, or
    2. The relaying address name is included on the options that specifies acceptable aliases for the list.
    Mass RemovalsMass SubscriptionsMass catchup completedMass RemovalMass SubscriptionMaximum length in kilobytes (KB) of a message body. Use 0 for no limit.Member filtersMembership ListMembership exposureMembership re-enabled.Membership ListMessage Excerpt:Message Headers:Message body is too big: %(size)d bytes with a limit of %(limit)d KBMessage has a suspicious headerMessage has implicit destinationMessage may contain administriviaModeratorModerator passwords did not matchMonthlyMust posts have list named in destination (to, cc) field (or be among the acceptable alias names, specified below)?Name of list:Name:Natural language (internationalization) options.New subscription request to list %(realname)s from %(addr)sNew unsubscription request from %(realname)s by %(addr)sNoNo address givenNo one can subscribe to the digest of this list!No reason givenNo subjectNo such list %(safelistname)sNo such member: %(safeuser)s.No valid variable name found.Non-digest optionsNon-member filtersNon-members are not allowed to post messages to this list.NoneNone - no verification steps (Not Recommended )
    Confirm (*) - email confirmation step required
    Require approval - require list administrator Approval for subscriptions
    Confirm and approve - both confirm and approve

    (*) when someone requests a subscription, Mailman sends them a notice with a unique subscription request number that they must reply to in order to subscribe.
    This prevents mischievous (or malicious) people from creating subscriptions for others without their consent.NorwegianNot subscribedNote: Since this is a list of mailing lists, administrative notices like the password reminder will be sent to your membership administrative address, %(addr)s.NotificationsOffOkay, the list moderator will still have the opportunity to approve or reject this message.OnOnce a month, your password will be emailed to you as a reminder.Original MessageOther Administrative ActivitiesOverview of all %(hostname)s mailing listsPassword reminderPassword successfully changed.Password:Password: PasswordsPasswords did not match!Passwords may not be blankPattern (as regexp):Permanently ban from this listPermanently remove mailing list %(realname)sPickling archive state into PlainPlease do *not* post administrative requests to the mailing list. If you wish to subscribe, visit %(listurl)s or send a message with the word `help' in it to the request address, %(request)s, for further instructions.Please enter the confirmation string (i.e. cookie) that you received in your email message, in the box below. Then hit the Submit button to proceed to the next confirmation step.Please trim the recipient list; it is too long.Policies concerning immediately delivered list traffic.Post by non-member to a members-only listPost to moderated listPosted message canceledPosterPosting Held for ApprovalPosting of your message titled "%(subject)s"Posting to a restricted list by sender requires approvalPostings from any of these non-members will be automatically accepted with no further moderation applied. Add member addresses one per line; start the line with a ^ character to designate a regular expression match.Postings from any of these non-members will be automatically discarded. That is, the message will be thrown away with no further processing or notification. The sender will not receive a notification or a bounce, however the list moderators can optionally receive copies of auto-discarded messages..

    Add member addresses one per line; start the line with a ^ character to designate a regular expression match.Postings from any of these non-members will be automatically rejected. In other words, their messages will be bounced back to the sender with a notification of automatic rejection. This option is not appropriate for known spam senders; their messages should be automatically discarded.

    Add member addresses one per line; start the line with a ^ character to designate a regular expression match.Postings from any of these non-members will be immediately and automatically held for moderation by the list moderators. The sender will receive a notification message which will allow them to cancel their held message. Add member addresses one per line; start the line with a ^ character to designate a regular expression match.Preferred language:Prefix for subject line of list postings.Preserve message for site administratorPreserve messages for the site administratorPrivate Archive ErrorPrivate Archive Error - %(msg)sPrivate archive file not foundPython PoweredQuarterlyRFC 2369 defines a set of List-* headers that are normally added to every message sent to the list membership. These greatly aid end-users who are using standards compliant mail readers. They should normally always be enabled.

    However, not all mail readers are standards compliant yet, and if you have a large number of members who are using non-compliant mail readers, they may be annoyed at these headers. You should first try to educate your members as to why these headers exist, and how to hide them in their mail clients. As a last resort you can disable these headers, but this is not recommended (and in fact, your ability to disable these headers may eventually go away).Re-enable mailing list membershipRe-enable membershipReason for refusalReason:Receive digests?Regexp:RegularRejectRejectsReloading pickled archive stateRemindRequest to mailing list %(realname)s rejectedRequested topic is not valid: %(topicname)sRequire approvalReturn to the RussianSearch...Select page to edit:Send "list created" email to list owner?Send goodbye message to members when they are unsubscribed?Send mail to poster when their posting is held for approval?Send monthly password reminders?Send notifications of new subscriptions to the list owner?Send notifications to the list owner?Send password reminders to, eg, "-owner" address instead of directly to user.Send unsubscription acknowledgement to the user?Send welcome message to newly subscribed members?Send welcome messages to new subscribees?Sender discarded message via web.Sender is explicitly forbiddenSender filtersSetSet this to yes when this list is intended to cascade only to other mailing lists. When set, meta notices like confirmations and password reminders will be directed to an address derived from the member's address - it will have the value of "umbrella_member_suffix" appended to the member's account name.Setting this option causes member email addresses to be transformed when they are presented on list web pages (both in text and as links), so they're not trivially recognizable as email addresses. The intention is to prevent the addresses from being snarfed up by automated web scanners for use by spammers.Setting this option instructs Mailman to start a new volume with the next digest sent out.Should Mailman notify you, the list owner, when bounces cause a member to be unsubscribed?Should Mailman notify you, the list owner, when bounces cause a member's subscription to be disabled?Should Mailman perform a catchup on the newsgroup?Should Mailman perform automatic bounce processing?Should Mailman personalize each non-digest delivery? This is often useful for announce-only lists, but read the details section for a discussion of important performance issues.Should Mailman send an auto-response to emails sent to the -request address? If you choose yes, decide whether you want Mailman to discard the original email, or forward it on to the system as a normal mail command.Should Mailman send an auto-response to mailing list posters?Should Mailman send the next digest right now, if it is not empty?Should Mailman send you, the list owner, any bounce messages that failed to be detected by the bounce processor? Yes is recommended.Should Mailman start a new digest volume?Should a digest be dispatched daily when the size threshold isn't reached?Should administrator get notices of subscribes and unsubscribes?Should any existing Reply-To: header found in the original message be stripped? If so, this will be done regardless of whether an explict Reply-To: header is added by Mailman or not.Should messages from non-members, which are automatically discarded, be forwarded to the list moderator?Should new posts to the mailing list be sent to the newsgroup?Should new posts to the newsgroup be sent to the mailing list?Should the list moderators get immediate notice of new requests, as well as daily notices about collected ones?Should the topic filter be enabled or disabled?Size:Some unknown error occurred while creating the list. Please contact the site administrator for assistance.Spam filtersSpanish (Spain)Subject:SubmitSubmit All DataSubmit ChangesSubmit My ChangesSubmit Your ChangesSubscribeSubscribe results pageSubscribe these users now or invite them?SubscribingSubscription RequestsSubscription requestSubscription request confirmedSubscription rulesSuccessfully Removed:Successfully Unsubscribed:Successfully invited:Successfully subscribed:Suffix for use when this list is an umbrella for other lists, according to setting of previous "umbrella_list" setting.System error, bad content: %(content)sTend to pending moderator requestsText appended to the bottom of every immediately-delivery message. Text attached (as a final message) to the bottom of digests. Text attached (as an initial message, before the table of contents) to the top of digests. Text prepended to the top of every immediately-delivery message. Text sent to people leaving the list. If empty, no special text will be added to the unsubscribe message.Text to include in any rejection notice to be sent to moderated members who post to this list.The "host_name" is the preferred name for email to mailman-related addresses on this host, and generally should be the mail host's exchanger address, if any. This setting can be useful for selecting among alternative names of a host that has multiple addresses.The list administrators are the people who have ultimate control over all parameters of this mailing list. They are able to change any list configuration variable available through these administration web pages.

    The list moderators have more limited permissions; they are not able to change any list configuration variable, but they are allowed to tend to pending administration requests, including approving or rejecting held subscription requests, and disposing of held postings. Of course, the list administrators can also tend to pending requests.

    In order to split the list ownership duties into administrators and moderators, you must set a separate moderator password in the fields below, and also provide the email addresses of the list moderators in the general options section.The Mailman ReplybotThe attached message has been automatically discarded.The capitalization of this name can be changed to make it presentable in polite company as a proper noun, or to make an acronym part all upper case, etc. However, the name will be advertised as the email address (e.g., in subscribe confirmation notices), so it should not be otherwise altered. (Email addresses are not case sensitive, but they are sensitive to almost everything else :-)The confirmation email has been sent.The email address you supplied is banned from this mailing list. If you think this restriction is erroneous, please contact the list owners at %(listowner)s.The email address you supplied is banned from this mailing list. If you think this restriction is erroneous, please contact the list owners at %(listowner)s.The email address you supplied is not valid. (E.g. it must contain an `@'.)The following illegal substitution variables were found in the %(property)s string: %(bad)s

    Your list may not operate properly until you correct this problem.The held message with the Subject: header %(subject)s could not be found. The most likely reason for this is that the list moderator has already approved or rejected the message. You were not able to cancel it in time.The list administrator email addresses. Multiple administrator addresses, each on separate line is okay.The list administrator has disabled digest delivery for this list, so your delivery option has not been set. However your other options have been set successfully.The list administrator has disabled non-digest delivery for this list, so your delivery option has not been set. However your other options have been set successfully.The list moderator email addresses. Multiple moderator addresses, each on separate line is okay.The list password cannot be emptyThe mailing list `%(listname)s' has been created via the through-the-web interface. In order to complete the activation of this mailing list, the proper /etc/aliases (or equivalent) file must be updated. The program `newaliases' may also have to be run. Here are the entries for the /etc/aliases file: The mailing list `%(listname)s' has been removed via the through-the-web interface. In order to complete the de-activation of this mailing list, the appropriate /etc/aliases (or equivalent) file must be updated. The program `newaliases' may also have to be run. Here are the entries in the /etc/aliases file that should be removed: The maximum member bounce score before the member's subscription is disabled. This value can be a floating point number.The name of the Usenet group to gateway to and/or from.The next digest will be sent as volume %(volume)s, number %(number)sThe number of days after which a member's bounce information is discarded, if no new bounces have been received in the interim. This value must be an integer.The number of days between sending the Your Membership Is Disabled warnings. This value must be an integer.The public name of this list (make case-changes only).The text will be treated as html except that newlines will be translated to <br> - so you can use links, preformatted text, etc, but don't put in carriage returns except where you mean to separate paragraphs. And review your changes - bad html (like some unterminated HTML constructs) can prevent display of the entire listinfo page.The topic filter categorizes each incoming email message according to regular expression filters you specify below. If the message's Subject: or Keywords: header contains a match against a topic filter, the message is logically placed into a topic bucket. Each user can then choose to only receive messages from the mailing list for a particular topic bucket (or buckets). Any message not categorized in a topic bucket registered with the user is not delivered to the list.

    Note that this feature only works with regular delivery, not digest delivery.

    The body of the message can also be optionally scanned for Subject: and Keywords: headers, as specified by the topics_bodylines_limit configuration variable.The topic matcher will scan this many lines of the message body looking for topic keyword matches. Body scanning stops when either this many lines have been looked at, or a non-header-like body line is encountered. By setting this value to zero, no body lines will be scanned (i.e. only the Keywords: and Subject: headers will be scanned). By setting this value to a negative number, then all body lines will be scanned until a non-header-like line is encountered. There are no pending requests.There are two ownership roles associated with each mailing list. The list administrators are the people who have ultimate control over all parameters of this mailing list. They are able to change any list configuration variable available through these administration web pages.

    The list moderators have more limited permissions; they are not able to change any list configuration variable, but they are allowed to tend to pending administration requests, including approving or rejecting held subscription requests, and disposing of held postings. Of course, the list administrators can also tend to pending requests.

    In order to split the list ownership duties into administrators and moderators, you must set a separate moderator password, and also provide the email addresses of the list moderators in this section. Note that the field you are changing here specifies the list moderators.There was no digest to send.These are all the natural languages supported by this list. Note that the default language must be included.These policies control the automatic bounce processing system in Mailman. Here's an overview of how it works.

    When a bounce is received, Mailman tries to extract two pieces of information from the message: the address of the member the message was intended for, and the severity of the problem causing the bounce. The severity can be either hard or soft meaning either a fatal error occurred, or a transient error occurred. When in doubt, a hard severity is used.

    If no member address can be extracted from the bounce, then the bounce is usually discarded. Otherwise, each member is assigned a bounce score and every time we encounter a bounce from this member we increment the score. Hard bounces increment by 1 while soft bounces increment by 0.5. We only increment the bounce score once per day, so even if we receive ten hard bounces from a member per day, their score will increase by only 1 for that day.

    When a member's bounce score is greater than the bounce score threshold, the subscription is disabled. Once disabled, the member will not receive any postings from the list until their membership is explicitly re-enabled (either by the list administrator or the user). However, they will receive occasional reminders that their membership has been disabled, and these reminders will include information about how to re-enable their membership.

    You can control both the number of reminders the member will receive and the frequency with which these reminders are sent.

    There is one other important configuration variable; after a certain period of time -- during which no bounces from the member are received -- the bounce information is considered stale and discarded. Thus by adjusting this value, and the score threshold, you can control how quickly bouncing members are disabled. You should tune both of these to the frequency and traffic volume of your list.This description is used when the mailing list is listed with other mailing lists, or in headers, and so forth. It should be as succinct as you can get it, while still identifying what the list is.This is %(also)sa hidden list, which means that the list of members is available only to the list administrator.This is %(also)sa private list, which means that the list of members is not available to non-members.This is %(also)sa public list, which means that the list of members list is available to everyone.This is a closed list, which means your subscription will be held for approval. You will be notified of the list moderator's decision by email.This is the address set in the Reply-To: header when the reply_goes_to_list option is set to Explicit address.

    There are many reasons not to introduce or override the Reply-To: header. One is that some posters depend on their own Reply-To: settings to convey their valid return address. Another is that modifying Reply-To: makes it much more difficult to send private replies. See `Reply-To' Munging Considered Harmful for a general discussion of this issue. See Reply-To Munging Considered Useful for a dissenting opinion.

    Some mailing lists have restricted posting privileges, with a parallel list devoted to discussions. Examples are `patches' or `checkin' lists, where software changes are posted by a revision control system, but discussion about the changes occurs on a developers mailing list. To support these types of mailing lists, specify the explicit Reply-To: address here. You must also specify Explicit address in the reply_goes_to_list variable.

    Note that if the original message contains a Reply-To: header, it will not be changed.This is the default natural language for this mailing list. If more than one language is supported then users will be able to select their own preferences for when they interact with the list. All other interactions will be conducted in the default language. This applies to both web-based and email-based messages, but not to email posted by list members.This listThis list does not support digest delivery.This list is restricted; your message was not approved.This list only supports digest delivery.This list only supports digest subscriptions!This page allows you as the list owner, to permanent remove this mailing list from the system. This action is not undoable so you should undertake it only if you are absolutely sure this mailing list has served its purpose and is no longer necessary.

    Note that no warning will be sent to your list members and after this action, any subsequent messages sent to the mailing list, or any of its administrative addreses will bounce.

    You also have the option of removing the archives for this mailing list at this time. It is almost always recommended that you do not remove the archives, since they serve as the historical record of your mailing list.

    For your safety, you will be asked to reconfirm the list password. This section allows you to configure subscription and membership exposure policy. You can also control whether this list is public or not. See also the Archival Options section for separate archive-related privacy settings.This section allows you to configure various anti-spam filters posting filters, which can help reduce the amount of spam your list members end up receiving. This text will be prepended to subject lines of messages posted to the list, to distinguish mailing list messages in in mailbox summaries. Brevity is premium here, it's ok to shorten long mailing list names to something more concise, as long as it still identifies the mailing list.This value, if any, will be added to the front of the new-subscriber welcome message. The rest of the welcome message already describes the important addresses and URLs for the mailing list, so you don't need to include any of that kind of stuff here. This should just contain mission-specific kinds of things, like etiquette policies or team orientation, or that kind of thing.

    Note that this text will be wrapped, according to the following rules:

    • Each paragraph is filled so that no line is longer than 70 characters.
    • Any line that begins with whitespace is not filled.
    • A blank line separates paragraphs.
    To unsubscribe from %(realname)s, get a password reminder, or change your subscription options %(either)senter your subscription email address:

    To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the %(extra)slist name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

    General list information can be found at Today's Topics (%(msgcount)d messages)Today's Topics: Too many recipients to the messageTopic %(i)dTopic filter detailsTopic keywords, one per line, to match against each message.Topic name:TopicsTurn this off only if you plan on subscribing people manually and don't want them to know that you did so. This option is most useful for transparently migrating lists from some other mailing list manager to Mailman.Umbrella list settingsUnknown language: %(lang)sUnsubscribeUnsubscribe or edit optionsUnsubscription RequestsUnsubscription requestUnsubscription request confirmedUnsubscription resultsUpdating index files for archive [%(archive)s]User address/nameUser specific options pageValueView or edit the list configuration information.View this page inVisit Subscriber ListVisit Subscriber listVisit the list's admin pageVisit the list's info pageWarning: We're sorry, but you have already been unsubscribed from this mailing list. To re-subscribe, please visit the list information page.WeeklyWelcome to the "%(realname)s" mailing list%(digmode)sWelcome!What steps are required for subscription?
    When "umbrella_list" is set to indicate that this list has other mailing lists as members, then administrative notices like confirmations and password reminders need to not be sent to the member list addresses, but rather to the owner of those member lists. In that case, the value of this setting is appended to the member's account name for such notices. `-owner' is the typical choice. This setting has no effect when "umbrella_list" is "No".When a message is posted to the list, a series of moderation steps are take to decide whether the a moderator must first approve the message or not. This section contains the controls for moderation of both member and non-member postings.

    Member postings are held for moderation if their moderation flag is turned on. You can control whether member postings are moderated by default or not.

    Non-member postings can be automatically accepted, held for moderation, rejected (bounced), or discarded, either individually or as a group. Any posting from a non-member who is not explicitly accepted, rejected, or discarded, will have their posting filtered by the general non-member rules.

    In the text boxes below, add one address per line; start the line with a ^ character to designate a Python regular expression. When entering backslashes, do so as if you were using Python raw strings (i.e. you generally just use a single backslash).

    Note that non-regexp matches are always done first.When a new digest volume is started, the volume number is incremented and the issue number is reset to 1.When a post from a non-member is received, the message's sender is matched against the list of explicitly accepted, held, rejected (bounced), and discarded addresses. If no match is found, then this action is taken.When members want to leave a list, they will make an unsubscription request, either via the web or via email. Normally it is best for you to allow open unsubscriptions so that users can easily remove themselves from mailing lists (they get really upset if they can't get off lists!).

    For some lists though, you may want to impose moderator approval before an unsubscription request is processed. Examples of such lists include a corporate mailing list that all employees are required to be members of.When receiving digests, which format is default?When set, the list of subscribers is protected by member or admin password authentication.When you are done making changes...When you tell Mailman to perform a catchup on the newsgroup, this means that you want to start gating messages to the mailing list with the next new message found. All earlier messages on the newsgroup will be ignored. This is as if you were reading the newsgroup yourself, and you marked all current messages as read. By catching up, your mailing list members will not see any of the earlier messages.Where are replies to list messages directed? Poster is strongly recommended for most mailing lists.Which delivery mode is the default for new users?While Mailman's bounce detector is fairly robust, it's impossible to detect every bounce format in the world. You should keep this variable set to Yes for two reasons: 1) If this really is a permanent bounce from one of your members, you should probably manually remove them from your list, and 2) you might want to send the message on to the Mailman developers so that this new format can be added to its known set.

    If you really can't be bothered, then set this variable to No and all non-detected bounces will be discarded without further processing.

    Note: This setting will also affect all messages sent to your list's -admin address. This address is deprecated and should never be used, but some people may still send mail to this address. If this happens, and this variable is set to No those messages too will get discarded. You may want to set up an autoresponse message for email to the -owner and -admin address.Who can view subscription list?YearlyYesYes, w/discardYes, w/forwardYou are already subscribed!You are already subscribed.You are already using that email addressYou are forbidden from posting messages to this list.You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has been automatically rejected. If you think that your messages are being rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at %(listowner)s.You are not authorized to create new mailing listsYou are not authorized to delete this mailing listYou can create a new mailing list by entering the relevant information into the form below. The name of the mailing list will be used as the primary address for posting messages to the list, so it should be lowercased. You will not be able to change this once the list is created.

    You also need to enter the email address of the initial list owner. Once the list is created, the list owner will be given notification, along with the initial list password. The list owner will then be able to modify the password and add or remove additional list owners.

    If you want Mailman to automatically generate the initial list admin password, click on `Yes' in the autogenerate field below, and leave the initial list password fields empty.

    You must have the proper authorization to create new mailing lists. Each site should have a list creator's password, which you can enter in the field at the bottom. Note that the site administrator's password can also be used for authentication. You forgot to enter the list nameYou forgot to specify the list ownerYou have been successfully subscribed to the %(realname)s mailing list.You have been successfully unsubscribed from the mailing list %(fqdn_listname)s. If you were receiving digest deliveries you may get one more digest. If you have any questions about your unsubscription, please contact the list owners at %(owneraddr)s.You have been unsubscribed from the %(realname)s mailing listYou have canceled the re-enabling of your membership. If we continue to receive bounces from your address, it could be deleted from this mailing list.You have canceled your change of address request.You have canceled your subscription request.You have canceled your unsubscription request.You have digest members, but digests are turned off. Those people will not receive mail.You have regular list members but non-digestified mail is turned off. They will receive mail until you fix this problem.You have successfully created the mailing list %(listname)s and notification has been sent to the list owner %(owner)s. You can now:You have successfully deleted the mailing list %(listname)s.You have successfully set your options.You have turned off delivery of both digest and non-digest messages. This is an incompatible state of affairs. You must turn on either digest delivery or non-digest delivery or your mailing list will basically be unusable.You may get one last digest.You may not subscribe a list to itself!You must confirm your unsubscription request by turning on the checkbox below the Unsubscribe button. You have not been unsubscribed!You must specify a list name. Here is the %(link)sYou must specify a list.You must supply a valid email address.You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you.You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. Once confirmation is received, your request will be held for approval by the list moderator. You will be notified of the moderator's decision by email.You're being a sneaky list owner!Your %(property)s string appeared to have some correctable problems in its new value. The fixed value will be used instead. Please double check that this is what you intended. Your confirmation is required in order to cancel the posting of your message to the mailing list %(listname)s:

    • Sender: %(sender)s
    • Subject: %(subject)s
    • Reason: %(reason)s
    Hit the Cancel posting button to discard the posting.

    Or hit the Continue awaiting approval button to continue to allow the list moderator to approve or reject the message.Your confirmation is required in order to complete the change of address request for the mailing list %(listname)s. You are currently subscribed with

    • Real name: %(fullname)s
    • Old email address: %(oldaddr)s
    and you have requested to %(globallys)s change your email address to
    • New email address: %(newaddr)s
    Hit the Change address button below to complete the confirmation process.

    Or hit Cancel and discard to cancel this change of address request.Your confirmation is required in order to complete the unsubscription request from the mailing list %(listname)s. You are currently subscribed with

    • Real name: %(fullname)s
    • Email address: %(addr)s
    Hit the Unsubscribe button below to complete the confirmation process.

    Or hit Cancel and discard to cancel this unsubscription request.Your decisionYour email address:Your membership in the %(realname)s mailing list is currently disabled due to excessive bounces. Your confirmation is required in order to re-enable delivery to your address. We have the following information on file:

    • Member address: %(member)s
    • Member name: %(username)s
    • Last bounce received on: %(date)s
    • Approximate number of days before you are permanently removed from this list: %(daysleft)s
    Hit the Re-enable membership button to resume receiving postings from the mailing list. Or hit the Cancel button to defer re-enabling your membership. Your message had a suspicious header.Your message to %(listname)s awaits moderator approvalYour message was deemed inappropriate by the moderator.Your message was rejectedYour message was too big; please trim it to less than %(kb)d KB in size.Your new mailing list: %(listname)sYour passwords did not match.Your real name:Your request has been forwarded to the list moderator for approval.Your subscription is not allowed because the email address you gave is insecure.Your subscription is not allowed because the email address you gave is insecure.Your subscription request has been received, and will soon be acted upon. Depending on the configuration of this mailing list, your subscription request may have to be first confirmed by you via email, or approved by the list moderator. If confirmation is required, you will soon get a confirmation email which contains further instructions.Your subscription request was deferred because %(x)s. Your request has been forwarded to the list moderator. You will receive email informing you of the moderator's decision when they get to your request.Your unsubscription request has been forwarded to the list administrator for approval.Your unsubscription request has been received and forwarded on to the list moderators for approval. You will receive notification once the list moderators have made their decision.Your urgent message to the %(realname)s mailing list was not authorized for delivery. The original message as received by Mailman is attached. [No bounce details are available][No explanation given][No reason given][no description available]a single held message.ackadministrative list overviewall held messages.all of %(esender)s's held messages.also checking ownership of %(dbfile)schecking permissions on %(file)sdaydaysdigestdigest footerdigest headerdisabledemail address and for unknown reasonsfrom %(start)s to %(end)sgeneral list overviewgloballyhidelanguagelist of available mailing lists.member address
    member namemembersno dateno subjectnodupesnomail
    [reason]not availablenot metoopasswordplainprivatepublicrightright subscriptions to %(name)s require administrator approvalsubscriptions to %(realname)s require moderator approvalthe list admin overview pagethe list administratorthe mailing list overview pageunknown senderunsubunsubscriptions require moderator approvalview all messages from %(esender)sProject-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION POT-Creation-Date: Mon Mar 15 22:04:14 2004 PO-Revision-Date: 2002-03-28 19:21+09:00 Last-Translator: Hyejin Soang, Wongyo Jung Language-Team: Korean MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=EUC-KR Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.4 ϸ Ʈ ġ ؼ /etc/aliases (Ȥ /etc/mail/aliases) Ͻð `newaliases' α׷ Ͽ ֽʽÿ: ## %(listname)s ϸ Ʈ ̹ Ǿ ִ ּ(%(cpuser)s%(subject)s) ҵǾϴ.%(listname)s ϸ Ʈ %(oldaddr)s %(newaddr)s ּ û Ǿϴ.

    ȸ α ֽϴ.%(listname)s ϸ Ʈ "%(addr)s" û ȮεǾϴ. и Ȯ ޼ йȣ ٸ ũ Ͽ E ּҷ ½ϴ.

    ȸ α ֽϴ. %(listname)s ϸ Ʈ û Ȯ óϿϴ. ϱ ϸ Ʈ ʿմϴ. û ϸ Ʈ ۰ڿ ޵Ǿ, ۰ ؼ E ޾ ֽϴ. %(listname)s ϸ Ʈ ȸ Ȱϱ ̷ ϴ. ȸ 湮 ֽϴ.%(listname)s ϸ Ʈ Ż Ǿϴ. ϸ Ʈ 湮 ֽϴ. (%(total)d %(count)d) ( ) ( ּҴ иӵ鿡 ˷ ʵ ϴ.) ( ʿմϴ.) ( ʿ)

    ĭ дٸ E ּҸ Դϴ. ȣ ԷϽʽÿ:

    Ʈ%(remote)s ̹ ȸԴϴ. ڵ: ȸ %(allcnt)s ȸ : %(allcnt)s , ִ ȸ : %(membercnt)s %(file)s ۹̼ 066x ( %(octmode)s ) մϴ.%(hostname)s ϸ Ʈ%(hostname)s ϸ - κ ũ%(listfullname)s ϸ Ʈ н %(listinfo_link)s %(owner_link)s մϴ. %(sender)s %(listname)s ʿմϴ.%(newaddr)s ̹ Ʈ ȸԴϴ.%(realname)s -- %(template_info)s HTML ϱ%(realname)s -- HTML ϱ%(realname)s (%(label)s)%(realname)s DB%(realname)s DB %(realname)s , %(volume)d, ȣ %(issue)d%(realname)s ϸ Ʈ
    %(varname)s %(realname)s ϱ%(realname)s Ʈ: ȸ α %(realname)s ϸ Ʈ
    %(label)s %(realname)s Ȯ%(realname)s %(realname)s %(realname)s Ż %(safetemplatename)s: ߸ ø< >( û ɷ) õ ڿ û ƴ ˻ϰ ұ? û ߰ ä ˴ϴ.( - ȸ( %addr)s ) 鿡 ٷ ʰ, ּҷ %(type)s ϸƮ ϰ ֽϴ.)

    ()( )...Ŀ........Ȥ ε ϼ:; Ʈ ڰ Ͽϴ.; Ͽϴ.; Ǿϴ. ϰ Ʈ ư߸ Ȯ ȣ: %(safecookie)s.

    ʱ⿡ û %(days)s Ŀ Ȯ ȣ ȿⰣ ѱ ȴٴ Ͻʽÿ. ¥ ȣ ȮϽð ٽ ѹ õ ʽÿ. ׷ ʴٸ Ȯ ڿ Է Ͻʽÿ.Ȯοû -- ȸ ׵ ñۿ ϴ°? -- ۵  ޾ƺ⸦ ϴ°? ( ʴ´ٸ, Ѱ .) -- Ͽ ȸ ּҰ Դϱ? -- ڰ ϴ -- ۰ ȣԴϴ. ̰ Ǿ ִٸ Ʈ ۰ ɰ̸, ׷ ʴٸ εǾ Դϴ.ߺ Ⱦ! -- ޼ ߺ ΰ?ϱ -- ( е) ϰ سҽϱ? ׷ ϽŴٸ Ʒ ´ Ͽ ֽʽÿ:

    • U -- ڰ ޱ Ͽϴ.
    • A -- ϸ Ʈ ڰ ޱ Ͽϴ.
    • B -- ȸ ּҷ ٿ ý ޱ Ͽϴ.
    • ? -- ϴ. ̰ Mailman ȹ ȸ Ͼ ֽϴ.
    Ⱦ! -- ׵ ڽ ޵Ǵ ϴ°? -- Digest( ) Ǿ ִٸ, Digest( ) ޱ⸦ ϴ°? (׷ , MIME )ŻŰ -- ȸ ŻŰǷ Ŭϼ.
    (%(varname)s 󼼼)
    ... εϽ Ͽ ֽʽÿ.

    : ν ﰢ , ° Ǵ ƴմϴ.
    ̵ :(%(num_concealed) ȸ ʽϴ.)(1 ȸ ʽϴ.): ȭ鿡 ɼ ٲ ٸ ȭ ֽϴ. ׷ ÿ ϸ Ʈ ɼ ȭ ְ ٽб⸦ Ͻñ ٶϴ. ԷϽ ԷϽʽÿ...
    ID #%(id)d ޼ ϴ.ID #%(id)d ޼ оȽϴ. ǵ ϴ.̿ ϴ., ŻϽ մϴ.̿ ϴ.
  • ʴ ȸ ؼ ȸ ѱ<>


    ϸ Ʈ ϵ Ǿ ֽϴ. Ϻη ȿ ߰ų, ּҷκ ٿ Ͼ Դϴ. ׷ ϵ ؾ ϴµ, %(link)s ٲٽñ ٶϴ. ִٸ %(mailto)s Ͻñ ٶϴ.

    ( Ʈ ȸ ٸ ϸ Ʈ ϴ ϸ Ʈ Դϴ. ٸ Ȯ û ּ `%(sfx)s' ٴ Դϴ.)

    ( Ǵ ּҷ ֽʽÿ:

    ... Ȥ ִ ܿ شϴ ϼ.

    ٸ ñ ؼ, Ʒ Ŭϼ.Ʒ %(hostname)s ִ ϸ Ʈ θ ְ ֽϴ. Ʈ ϰų, Ͻðų, Ż ϰų, ϽǷ ϸ Ʈ ̸ Ŭϼ.

    Ʒ ϸ Ʈ %(hostname)s 󿡼 %(mailmanlink)s ϸ Ʈ Դϴ. Ʈ 湮ϽǷ ϸ Ʈ ̸ Ŭ Ͻñ ٶϴ.

    %(hostname)s 󿡴 %(mailmanlink)s ϸ Ʈ ϴ.

    %(hostname)s 󿡴 %(mailmanlink)s ϸ Ʈ ϴ.

    츮 ּҷκ ֱ ٿ ޾ҽϴ. ٿ %(score)s ̸ ִ %(total)s մϴ. Ǿ ּҷ ϴµ ˻Ͻñ ٶϴ. ٿ ڵ µ˴ϴ.Reply-To: ٷ

    • Ƶα -- ۰ ޼ Ƶд.

    • ϱ -- ̰ ڿ ٿ ν ڵ ޼ Ѵ. ٿ ֽϴ.

    • -- ̰ ڿ ٴ ޼ ϴ.
    ϴ.ؽƮ ƴ ÷θ Ƚϴ... ̸: %(filename)s : %(ctype)s ũ: %(size)d bytes : %(desc)s Url : %(url)s н带 ſ ޵Ǿϴ Ʈ ¡ϴ ̵̱޾Ƶȸ Ȯó ȸ ۿ ൿ ħ?ٸ ޼ ൿ:۰Ǵ ȸ Ʈ ϴ ൿ.ൿ: ߰...߰ ȸ ۾߰ Դٰ, ޼ : ּ/̸E ּ:E ּҰ ʽϴ!̻ ۰ ʿ, ϸ Ʈ Ե ϰ ߹ ϼ. (line) ϳ ּҸ ߰Ͻð, ^ ڷ ϴ ǥ νմϴ.E ּҴ ȵ˴ϴ. ּ: ϸ Ʈ û : ˻ ڿ û(, Ż, Ÿ) Ȯ ƴ ˻մϴ. Ȯϴٸ û ť ־ ڿ ο û ˴ϴ. ýۻ󿡼 Ǵ ϸ Ʈ  ̰ ´ٸ ׿ ´ Ͻðڽϱ? ϸ Ʈ ׸(to, cc) Ī(alias) ̸ ־ ּ. Էµ ּҴ ־ Ǵ° ŵϴ.̹ ȸԴϴ. ұ?`require_explicit_destination' ϵ Ǿ ִٸ ּҸ ϰ ޾ ֽϴ. ɼ ǥ ϸ, (line) ϳ óմϴ. ׸ ޼ ּҸ ϰ ˴ϴ. ̷ 񱳴 Python re.match() Լ ؼ ϰ Ǵµ ̰ ڿ ˾ƾ Ѵٴ Դϴ.

    Mailman 1.1 ȣȯ ǥ `@' ϰ ʴٸ ּ κ κи Դϴ. 񱳰 ϰų `@' ʴ´ٸ ü ּҿ Դϴ.

    κи ϴ ݴǴ ֱ⿡, ߿ ǥ κ ׻ ü ּҸ ˻ϵ Դϴ.HTML ÷θ ֹȽϴ... URL: %(url)s %(listaddr)s ϸ Ʈ ּҷ õϿ, ̹ ϸ Ʈ ԵǾ ־ϴ. Ʈ ȸ ȸ Ͽ õ ֽϴ. װ ġ θ ϰ ϴ ̳, װ ʽϴ. ̹ ϸ Ʈ ԵǾ ִ ذ õϼ̴ٸ ޼ Ű澲 ŵ ˴ϴ. ϸ Ʈ ȸ ƴ ˾ƺٴ õ ϰŶ ǽ ǽŴٸ ؼ ʽÿ. մϴ. ǽ ٸ Ʈ ( %(listowner)s ) ޼ ʽÿ. Ե ޼ Ƚϴ. : %(who)s : %(subject)s ¥: %(date)s ũ: %(size)s Url: %(url)s Ͽ Ұ (ణ ) ̱ Ʈ ܿ ˴ϴ. ڼ μ ϼ. Ϳ ɸų, ޾ ׷ ް ˴ϴ. ɼ ̷ մϴ.ϱ޼ մϱ? μ ڵ- ϸ Ʈ ʱ йȣ ڵ ұ?ڵ -request Ͽ ڵ .ϸ Ʈ 鿡 ڵ .۰ ٸ ֽϴ.URL ߸Ǿϴ.߸ Ȯ ڿ%(property)s ɼ ߸ E ּ : %(val)s߸ E ּҸ ּ̽ϴ.߸ ۰ ȣԴϴ.߸ ǥ: ߸ :%(property)s: %(val)s߸/ E ּ߸ : %(record)s%(esender)s ϸ Ʈ û ߹ϱ߹ ߼ Ʈ Ư¡Դϴ.˼ 繰 Ȥ ٸ Implicit ʽϴ. To: Ȥ Cc: ׸ Explicit Ͽ ٽ ֽñ ٶϴ.ٿ ˸ٿ Ž ٿ ó йȣ ! ư Ŭν йȣ ſ ޵ Դϴ.Żϱ ư Ŭν Ȯ ſ ޵ Դϴ. ޼ Ż ó(EϷ ó Ÿ ڼ Ȯ ϳ ȳ ñ ٶϴ.) Ϸϱ ũ ϰ ֽϴ.⺻ ο Ʈ ȸ ۰ ǵ ϰڽϱ? ƴϿ ϸ Ʈ ڵ ٿ ó ϰ ֽϴ. ٿ ޼ Ʈ ڰ ׵ Ʈ ʴ Դϴ. ƴϿ ν ٿ ȸ ڵŻ Ǿ ˸ ( Ʈ ֿ ) ȿ ֽϴ. ȸ ˸ Ͽ ȸ ϴ. ƴϿ ν ٿ ȸ ޱ Ǿ ˸ ( Ʈ ֿ ) ȿ ֽϴ. ȸ ˸ Ͽ ȸ ϴ.CGI ũƮ ϸ Ʈ Ʈ ϸ Ʈ Ʈ ֽϱ?ڵ ٷ ΰ, Ȥ ΰ(Digest ) ְ ҰԴϱ? html ϴ.ϱϰ ϱ ϱȸ Ż ϴ: ִ ο Ͻʽÿ. ũ齺 Ϸ ֵ˴ϴ. E ּҿ ̸ ϱ йȣ ϱּ ϱϸ Ʈ н带 մϴ.ּ û ȮεǾϴ. ۰ ȣ Ƿ Ŭϼ. ̺ ϶ǥ Ƿ Ŭϼ. ̺ ϶ǥ ϽǷ Ŭϼ.û ϸ Ʈ 湮ϽǷ ũ Ŭϼ. ޼ ޼ ȣ Ŭϼ.ȸ ּ īװ ȮȮ (*) - E Ȯ ʿմϴ. ʿ - ϸ Ʈ ʿմϴ.Ȯ+ - Ȯΰ Ѵ ʿմϴ. (*) ̰ û , Mailman û ȣ ϴ EϷ ϴ.̰ ٸ Ŵν ڰ ִ մϴ.Ȯ + ּ û Ȯʱ н带 ѹ Է:۰ йȣ ѹ Էϼ: û ȮϱŻ û ȮE Ȯ ϴ µ ˴ϴ. ٸ û׿ ؼ %(email)s Ƚϴ. Ȯ ȿ ˷帳ϴ.Ȯ ڿ ֽϴ.Ȯ ڿ: ٸ ϱ ϸ Ʈ ϱ%(hostname)s ϸ Ʈ ϱٸ ϸ Ʈ ϱҸ Դϴ.üũDB ƮǾϴ... ϸ Ʈ ⺻ ϱ Ʈ ϱ ϸ Ʈ ϱMailman Ͽϴ.
    %(version)s: DB ڼ ɵ ӸƮ ȸ ɼ - ߼ ȸҰȸ ڽ ʱ Ʈ ȸ Ʈ ƴ, ۰ ƴ ϴ ۰ ȣ ֽϴ. ۰ ȣ Ǿ ִٸ Ʈ ȸ ־ մϴ. , Ʈ ڴ Ư ۰ ƴ ֽϴ.

    ο ȸ Ͽ ׵ ʱ ۰ ȣ ɼ ˴ϴ. ⺻ ȸ ۵ ޾ Դϴ. ɼ ϰ Ǹ ⺻ ۰ ϰ ˴ϴ. ׻ ȸ ȭ Ͽ ȸ ۰ ȣ ֽϴ. Ű ǥ Դϴ. ̰ ޼ Ư κ ˻ϰ Ǵµ, Ű: ׸ : ޼ ˻մϴ. ޼ ߰ ˻ ˰ ñ ٶϴ.HTML : κ ϱ йȣ EϷ ~E ּ:κ -- (USA)Ȯ Ű Էϼ йȣ Էϼ: ۰ йȣ Էϼ:(line) ϳ ּҸ ʽÿ...Ż :ʴ : :: Explicit ּ , Reply-To: ԷϼExplicit ּ(ϴٸ) ȸ ߺǴ ɷɶ Ʈ ߰ ȸ鿡 ߰ κԴϴ. ˼ () ޼ :۰ ޼ :⺻ Ʈ ⺻ Ͽϴ.Ϲ ϸ Ʈ Ϲ ϸ Ʈ ϾGnu's Not Unuxϸ ϸ HTML ʾҽϴ.HTML ÷ κ Ƚϴ.HTML Ʈ Ǿϴ. Ʈ ߰ Ӹȸ鿡 տ ߰ κԴϴ.ƵαƯ ǥĿ ´ 带 ƵӴϴ.ϱ ϸ Ʈ ȣƮ ̸ ּԴϴ. ( ʴ ڸ >մϴ.)Ʈ ũⰡ Kb ߼Ͻðڽϱ?ϸ Ʈ ּҰ ŵDZ 󸶳 ȸ Ȱ Դϱ? 0 ϴ  ̰ ٿ ѹ̶ ѱ Ʈ ּҸ ϴ մϴ. մϴ. Ǻ ˻ 󸶳 ˻ұ? ֱ⸦ ּ. ֱ?밡 ޵Ǿ ۿ ڰ ں ũٸ ϵ մϴ. ̰ ʴ´ٸ 0 Ͻʽÿ. ̱ Ѵٸ,
    ϼ.(û): ޼ ȸϰ Ǹ : κ ״ νñ ٶϴ. Mailman Ƶ ޼ ˴ϴ. ޼ ̰ ϼ. ޼ ȸϰ װͿ Ʈ йȣ : Բ ٸ ޼ Ʈ ۾Ⱑ εǾ ֽϴ. : ȸ ù ٿ ֽϴ. йȣ ԷϽŴٸ Ȯ ѹ Էϼž մϴ. ܿ õ ȸ: %(user)s̻ E ּҸ ּ̽ϴ.ʱ Ʈ ϴ .

    ʱ  ϳ ʴ´ٸ Ʈ ⺻ : %(deflang)s Դϴ.ϸ Ʈ :ϸ Ʈ ʱ йȣ:ʱ ϸ Ʈ йȣ ʽϴ.߸ Ȯ ڿԴϴ. ̹ Ż ּҷ û Ȯ õ ɼ ֽϴ.߸ Ȯ ȣԴϴ! ʱ⿡ û %(days)s Ŀ Ȯ ȣ ȿⰣ ѱ ȴٴ Ͻʽÿ.¥ ȣ ȮϽð ٽ ѹ õ ʽÿ. CGI ũƮ ߸Ǿϴ.߸ CGI ũƮ Դϴ.߸ : %(property)sʴϱ  Ȥ Դϱ?Ż ϱ ؼ ۰ ޾ƾ մϱ? (ƴϿ õմϴ.)ŻƾϺ  ϸ Ʈ ϴ Mailman ϸ Ʈ йȣ ڵ ϵ Ҹ ʱ ȣ (׸ Ȯ) ׸ ״ ܵνʽÿ.ϸ Ʈϸ Ʈ Ư¡Ʈ Ʈ ڸϸ Ʈ ̸ ̹ մϴ: %(listname)sƮ () йȣ : Ʈ ȸϸ Ʈ ڴ ԰ Ȥ Moderator Ʈ Ȥ ٷ ϴµ, ϰ ִ ۵ ް ˴ϴ. ɼ ν ο û ٷ ֽϴ. ٸ Ʈ ̸ ʿմϴ. ϸ Ʈ ȸ ޾Ƶ ּ ԷϽʽÿ.ȸ ּ ڵ ޾Ƶ ϼ.ȸ ּ ڵ ϼ.ȸ ּ ڵ ϼ.ȸ ּ ﰢ ۰ ϼ.Ʈ йȣ Ű带 մϴ. κ å ϴ Դϴ.̸ غ ο ڸ ȯ ޼αα ƿα׾ƿE <-> Ͽ ׷ ׷쿡 Ϸ ȯ .%(listname)s ϸ Ʈ ûϸ Ʈ ϸ Ʈ %(listname)s ϸ Ʈ ûMailman %(varname)s ϸ Ʈ Mailman DB Mailman E ּҰ Ȯ ƴ ϴ. ( @ Ȯϰ ̳? ) Ͻ Ʒ ִ ư ֽñ ٶϴ. (κ, 밳) ׵ ּ ĭ ּҸ Է ʴ κ̸ ּҰ ִٰ ϴ ϱ ̸ ִ Դϴ. '@' ǥ տ ִ ̸κ ö ˻ν κ ϵ ֽϴ.

    1. 1. ߰(relay) ּҰ ̸ ̰ų Ȥ
    2. 2. ߰(relay) ּҰ Ʈ󿡼 ޾Ƶ ִ Ư Ī
    ٸ ּҷ ߰Ǵ  ۵ ޾ Դϴ.Ը ŻŰԸ ԽŰԸ ϷǾϴ.Ը ŻԸ ִ ũ⸦ ּ. ϽǷ 0 .ȸ ɷȸ ȸ ֱ κȸ Ȱϱ.ȸ ޼ ο:޼ : ʹ Ůϴ : %(size)d Ʈ. ִ ũ %(limit)d KB Դϴ.޼ ǽɽ ֽϴ.޼ ˼ ֽϴ.޼ û ϰ ֽϴ.ϰ۰ йȣ ʽϴ. ׸(to, cc) Ʈ ּҰ ־ մϱ? (Ȥ ؿ Էϰ Ư Ī(alias) ϰ ҰԴϱ?)ϸ Ʈ ̸:̸: 𱹾 (ȭ) κԴϴ.%(addr)s %(realname)s Ʈ ο û%(addr)s ּҷ %(realname)s ο Ż ûƴϿE ּҰ ־ ʾҽϴ. ϸ Ʈ (Digest) ϴ! ϴ. %(safelistname)s ϸ Ʈ ʽϴ.%(safeuser)s ڰ ϴ.̸ ã ϴ.ȸ(Ʈ ȸ ƴ) ɼȸ ɷ ϸ Ʈ ȸ ϴ. Ʈ ϵ ȸ ֽϴ. - ʿ ( õ ʽϴ. )Ȯ (*) - E Ȯ ʿմϴ. ʿ - ϸ Ʈ ʿմϴ.Ȯ+ - Ȯΰ Ѵ ʿմϴ. (*) ̰ û , Mailman û ȣ ϴ EϷ ϴ.̰ ٸ Ŵν ڰ ִ մϴ.븣̾ ʾҽϴ.: ̰ ϸ Ʈ ̱ н带 ˷ִ ȸ ּ %(addr)s ϴ. ƴϿ ڴ ޼ ϰų ϴ ֽϴ.Ѵ޿ ѹ н带 Email 帳ϴ. ޼ٸ Ȱ%(hostname)s ϸ Ʈ Ұн (Reminder)йȣ Ǿϴ.йȣ:йȣ: ȣ н() ʽϴ!н() ȵ˴ϴ.(ǥ): ϸ Ʈ ߹ϱ%(realname)s ϸ Ʈ ¸ Դϴ: ϸ Ʈ û ʽÿ. ϽŴٸ %(listurl)s 湮Ͻðų ɾ E Ͻñ ٶϴ. %(request)s û ּҷ `help' ܾ ۿ ־ ʽÿ. E Ȥ ̷ ڿ Ȯ ڿ(, Ű) ԷϿ ֽʽÿ. ׸ Ȯ ư ʽÿ. ڸ ٵ . ʹ ϴ.ȸ鿡 ﰢ ޵Ǵ ϸ Ʈ Ʈ ϴ κԴϴ.ڿ ϵ ȸ ۾ ִ Ʈ ȸ ̽ϴ.Moderator Ʈ ̽ϴ.޵ ޼ ҵǾϴ. ٸ "%(subject)s" ־ մϴ.ȸ ּ ڵ ޾Ƶ Դϴ. (line) ϳ ּҸ ð ^ ڷ ϴ ǥ Ÿϴ.ȸ ּ ڵ Դϴ. Ǹ ʰ Դϴ. ̴ ٿ ڴ ڵ ޼ 纻 ޱ û ֽϴ.

    (line) ϳ ּҸ ð ^ ڷ ϴ ǥ Ÿϴ.ȸ ּ ڵ Դϴ. ٸ ؼ ׵ ޼ ڵ Բ ̿ ٿ Դϴ. ɷ ˷ ̿ ʽϴ. ׵ ޼ ڵ ־ մϴ.

    (line) ϳ ּҸ ð ^ ڷ ϴ ǥ Ÿϴ.ȸ ּ ڵ Ʈ ۰ Ƶ Դϴ. ̴ ׵ ޼ ִٴ ް Դϴ. (line) ϳ ּҸ ð ^ ڷ ϴ ǥ Ÿϴ. : ߼۽ λƮ ڸ ޼ ϱ Ʈ ڸ ޼ ϱ - %(msg)s ã ϴ.Python PoweredRFC 2369 List-* Ǹ ϴµ Ϲ ϸ Ʈ ȸ ޼ ߰Ǿ ϴ. ̰ ǥ α׷ ϴ ڿ ݴϴ. Ϲ ̰ "" ؾ մϴ.

    α׷ ǥ Ųٰ ȸ ʹ ʿ ϰ ø, ֽϴ. ù° ׷ ϴ ȸ մϴ. ׸  ϸ ׵ Ŭ̾Ʈ װ Ѿ մϴ. ׸ ׳ ̰ õ ʽϴ.( ̷ ϴ ɷ ֽϴ.)ϸ Ʈ ȸ Ȱϱȸ Ȱϱ :(Digest) ?ǥ:ϱϱٽ ¸ ҷ̰ ֽϴ. йȣ !%(realname)s ϸ Ʈ û Ǿϴ.û Ʋϴ: %(topicname)s ̵ :þƾ˻... ϼ:Ʈ ڿ "Ʈ Ǿϴ" ?Żϴ ȸ "߰" ? ¿ ִٴ ˷ ٰԴϱ?Ѵ޿ ѹ н ? ϸ Ʈ ڿ ΰ?ϸ Ʈ ڿ ?Ѵ޿ ѹ ˷ִ н (Reminder) ڿ ϴ "-owner" ּҷ ?ڿ Ż Ȯμ ? ȯ ޼ ?⼭ Ե ȸ鿡 ȯ ΰ?̰ ޼ Ƚϴ. Ǿ ֽϴ. ɷ ϸ Ʈ ٸ ϸ Ʈ ϰ ִٸ Ͻñ ٶϴ. õǾٸ Ȯ ׸ йȣ ȸ ּҷ ٷ ޵ǰ ˴ϴ. ̰ ȸ ̸ "umbrella_member_suffix" ߰Ų Դϴ. ν ȸ E ּҰ Ÿ Ǿ ̰ ˴ϴ. ̰ ؽƮ ũ Դϴ. ׷ E ּҷ νĵ ʽϴ. ̷ ϴ иӵ ϴ E α׷ ؼ Դϴ. ν Mailman , ο Ǽ ϰ մϴ.Mailman ȸ Ż Ű ϴ ٿ ޾, (Ʈ ) ˸ ұ?Mailman ȸ Ű ϴ ٿ ޾, (Ʈ ) ˸ ұ?Mailman ׷ Ͻðڽϱ? ޼ ڵ ذϵ Ͻðڽϱ?Mailman ڸ ȭ ųΰ? ̰ Ʈ ϰ Դϴ. ߿ ڿ κ ڼ ʽÿ.Mailman Ͽ -request ּҷ ڵ ϱ? "" Ϸ ƴϸ ش ý ּ.Mailman ϸ Ʈ 鿡 ڵ ϱ?Mailman ٷ ұ?Mailman ٿ ó и ٿ ޼ (Ʈ ) ޱ ϳ? õմϴ.Mailman ο ϵ ұ?Ʈ ũⰡ ߼Ͻðڽϱ?ϸ Ʈ ڴ /Ż ޾ Դϱ? ޼ȿ ִ Reply-To: Ѵٸ ұ? "" Ѵٸ Mailman Reply-To: ŵ˴ϴ.ȸ ڵ , Ʈ ۰ڿ ұ?ϸ Ʈ ÷ Խù ׷쿡 ǵ ϰڴ? ׷쿡 ÷ ο ù ϸ Ʈ ߼ ?ڿ ο û , ﰢ ? ɷ⸦ ϰ ұ? Ұϰ ұ?ũ:˼ ϸ Ʈ Ͼϴ. ϱ ؼ Ʈ ڿ Ͻʽÿ. ɷξ ():ڷ óϱϱ ϱ ϱ ڵ ٷ ԽŰų ʴ ұ? û û ȮεǾϴ. ŵ : Ż : ʴ : Ե : "umbrella_list"(ٸ ϸ Ʈ ּҸ ϴ Ʈ) ÿ ϸ Ʈ ٸ Ʈ ϴ umbrella Ʈ ̻縦 ϼ.ý , ߸ : %(content)sϹ û() Ȯ ﰢ ޵Ǵ Ʒ ٰ ˴ϴ. (Digest) ˴ϴ. տ ó ϴ ޼ν (Digest) ˴ϴ. ﰢ ޵Ǵ ٰ ˴ϴ.Ʈ - ִٸ ޼ Դϴ. Ʈ ۰Ǵ ȸ鿡  Ե Էϼ. host_name ȣƮ 󿡼 mailman ּҸ ó ˴ϴ. ټ ּҿ ȣƮ ̸ ϴµ Դϴ.ϸ Ʈ ϸ Ʈ ü ϴ Դϴ. ׵  ϸ Ʈ ֽϴ. ϸ Ʈ ۰ ѵ ִµ Ʈ û ٸ ִ  ͵鿡 , , ֽϴ. em>ϸ Ʈ ̿ ֽϴ. ڿ ۰ڷ Ʈ ؼ Ʒ Ҹ и ۰ йȣ ؾ ϸ Ϲ κ ۰ E ּ Ͽ մϴ.Mailman ȸ÷ε ޼ ڵ ϴ. ̸ ϱ 빮̳ ܾ ùڸ 빮ڷ ٲ ֽϴ. , ̸ ּҷμ( , Ȯ ) ̱ 찡 ƴϸ ٲ ʽÿ. ( ּҴ ҹڸ , κ 쿡 մϴ.:-)Ȯ E ϴ. ԷϽ E ּҴ ϸ Ʈ ߹ ּԴϴ. ̰Ϳ Ǽִٰ Ͻø Ʈ (%(listowner)s) Ͻñ ٶϴ. ԷϽ E ּҴ ϸ Ʈ ߹ Դϴ. ̰Ϳ ִٰ Ͻø Ʈ ( %(listowner)s ) Ͻñ ٶϴ. ԷϽ E ּҰ Ŀ ʽϴ. ( `@' ڸ ؾ մϴ.)%(property)s ڿ ߸ ߰Ͽϴ. : %(bad)s

    Ʈ ϱ ۵ ֽϴ. %(subject)s ޼ ã ϴ. κ ̷ ۰ڰ ̹ Ͽų Ÿ ֽϴ. װ ϴ. ϸ Ʈ ּ - , ο ָ Ʈ ڰ ϸ Ʈ Ͽϴ. ׷ ʾҽϴ. ٸ Ǿϴ.Ʈ ڰ ϸ Ʈ Ͽϴ. ׷ ʾҽϴ. ٸ Ǿϴ.۰ E ּ. (line) ԷϿ ټ ۰ڸ ֽϴ.ϸ Ʈ йȣ ȵ˴ϴ.`%(listname)s' ϸ Ʈ ̽ Ǿϴ. ϸ Ʈ Ϸϱ ؼ /etc/aliases (Ȥ /etc/mail/aliases) Ʈ ϼž մϴ. `newaliases' ɾ ؾ մϴ. Ʒ /etc/aliases Ͽ  Դϴ. `%(listname)s' ϸ Ʈ ̽ ŵǾϴ. ϸ Ʈ Ϸϱ ؼ /etc/aliases (Ȥ /etc/mail/aliases) Ī(alias) ϼž մϴ. `newaliases' ɾ ؾ մϴ. Ʒ ׸ /etc/aliases Ͽ ŵǾ κеԴϴ: ȸ Ȱ Ǵ ִ ٿ ũ. Ǽ ֽϴ.ϰ ׷ ̸ %(volume)s , %(number)s ȣ Դϴ.ѵ ο ٿ ʴ ٸ ȸ ٿ ȿ Ⱓ մϴ.ȸ Ȱ . մϴ.ϸ Ʈ ̸(ҹڸ ) html ޵Ǵµ, ο ϴ ͸ Դϴ. ο
    Ǹ, ̷ html ؼ ũ ɰų, ٸ ۵ ְų ϴ ϴ ij ʽϴ. ߸ html ִ ϸ Ʈ Ⱥ̰ Ͻñ ٶϴ. ɷ Ʒ href="http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-re.html"> ǥ - ɷ E ޼ з ֽϴ. ޼ : Ȥ Ű: ɷ ° Ǹ ޼ ( : ٱ ;-p) ġϰ ˴ϴ. ڴ ϸ Ʈ Ư (Ȥ ) κи ֽϴ. ڰ з ʴ ޼ Ʈ ޵ ʽϴ.

    ޿ ۵ϸ, ޿ ۵ ʽϴ.

    ޼ topics_bodylines_limit : ׸ Ű: Ͽ ˻ ֽϴ. Ű ´ ã ޼ ٵ ˻ϰ ˴ϴ. ˻ ⿡ ã ǰԳ, Ȥ ƴ Ǹ ߰ ˴ϴ. 0 ν ˻ ʰ մϴ. ( Ű: ׸ : ˻մϴ.) ν ˻ϰ ˴ϴ. û ϴ. ϸ Ʈ ΰ Ģ ֽϴ.ϸ Ʈ ϸ Ʈ ü ϴ Դϴ. ׵  ϸ Ʈ ֽϴ. ϸ Ʈ ۰ ѵ ִµ Ʈ û ٸ ִ  ͵鿡 , , ֽϴ. em>ϸ Ʈ ̿ ֽϴ. ڿ ۰ڷ Ʈ ؼ Ʒ Ҹ и ۰ йȣ ؾ ϸ ǿ ۰ E ּ Ͽ մϴ. ׸ Ʈ ڸ Ͻñ ٶϴ. ϴ. Ʈ Ǵ Դϴ. ⺻ ԵǾ մϴ. κ Mailman ڵ ٿ ó ý  å ¥ κԴϴ.  ϴ Ұ ϰڽϴ.

    ٿ ޾ Mailman ޼ ΰ õմϴ. ϳ ȸ ̸ּ, ϳ ٿ Դϴ.

    ġ Ͼ Ȥ ϳ̸ ǽɹ޴ մϴ.

    ٿ ȸ ּҸ ٿ ˴ϴ. ׷ ʴٸ ȸ ٿ ϵǸ ٿ Ͼ ϰ ˴ϴ. 1 ö󰡰 Ǹ 0.5 ö󰡰 ˴ϴ. Ϸ翡 ѹ ٿ Ѵٴ ˾Ƶνñ ٶϴ. Ϸ翡  ȸ 10 ٿ ޾Ҵ ѹ ϵ˴ϴ. Ϸ翡 1 մϴ.

    ȸ ٿ ٿ ũ Ǹ ѹ ϵ Ǹ ׵ ȸ Ȱϱ(ڿ ؼ, Ȥ ڿ ؼ) Ʈ  ۵ մϴ. ׵ ȸ ϰ Ǿ,  ϸ ٽ Ȱϰ ִ EϷ ֽϴ.

    ȸ , ֽϴ.

    ׸ ٸ ִµ Ư ð Ŀ (ȸ ̻ ٿ ʴ ) ٿ 󿡼 ־ ˴ϴ. ν 󸶳 ٿ Ű ȸ Ȱų ֽϴ. , Ʈ Ǽ ȭ Ű ͵ ʿմϴ. ٸ ϸ Ʈ Ұ ǰų, Ұ ˴ϴ. Ʈ ִ ϰ ø ˴ϴ.̰ %(also)s ϸ ƮԴϴ. ȸ Ʈ ڸ ֽϴ. ̰ %(also)s ϸ ƮԴϴ. ȸ ƴ ȸ ϴ.̰ %(also)s Դϴ. , Ʈ ϴٴ Դϴ. ϸ Ʈ ־ ϴ ϸ Ʈ Դϴ. E ޾ ֽϴ.̰ reply_goes_to_list ɼ Explicit ּ õǾ Reply-To: õ ּԴϴ.

    Reply-To: ų, ʴ ֽϴ. ϳ ̴ ׵ ȸ ּҷ ϱ ׵ ڽ Reply-To: ϰ ֽϴ. ٸ Reply-To: ϴ ȸ µ, ϴ. Ϲ п `Reply-To' Munging Considered Harmful ñ ٶϴ. ݴ ǰ Reply-To Munging Considered Useful ۵ ñ ٶϴ.

    ϸ Ʈ Ͼ ۾ ִ ֽϴ. 'patches' Ȥ 'checkin' Ʈ Ʈ ýۿ ȭ ˴ϴ. ȭ ϸ Ʈ Ͼϴ. ׷ ϸ Ʈ ϱ Explicit ּ Reply-To: ϴ ΰ ϴ. ϸ Ʈ 𱹾 κԴϴ. ڰ Ѱ ̻ ϱ Ѵٸ ũ Ͻʽÿ. ٸ κе õ 𱹾 Դϴ. ⿡ κ -κ E κ ޼ Ǹ Ʈ ȸ ޵Ǵ EϿ ʽϴ. Ʈ Ʈ ʽϴ. ޼ ־ μ ϴ. Ʈ ޸ մϴ. ϸ Ʈ (Digest) Ը ޽ϴ! Ʈ Ÿ ֽϴ. κ ýκ ϸ Ʈ մϴ. Ŀ · ϴ. ׷ ϸ Ʈ ϴ ̰, ̸, ̻ ʿ Ȯ ְ ̰ Ͻʽÿ.

    ൿ ڿ Ʈ ȸ鿡 ޼ ʽϴ. ϸ Ʈ ޼, ּҷ ͵ ٿ˴ϴ.

    ϸ Ʈ Ҹ ϴ ֽϴ. ϸ Ʈ ð ϵ ϱ Ҹ ϴ õ ʽϴ.

    Ʈ йȣ ٽ Դϴ.ȸ ȸ ϰ, иӸ å ϴ κԴϴ. ȣ å ϽǷ ( ñ ٶϴ.) κ п ϴ κ ֽϴ. Ͻø ϸ Ʈ ȸ µ Դϴ. ڽ ϸ Ʈ ְ ޼ λ縦 ̴ մϴ. λ ̸ ؾ ϸ ϸ Ʈ ֵ ؾ մϴ. ο ȯ ޼ տ ٰ ˴ϴ. ޼ ٸ κ ̹ ϸ Ʈ ߿ ּҸ ֱ , ̷ ʿ ϴ. ܼ ϸ Ʈ Ư¡̶, ϴ , å ø ˴ϴ.

    Ģ ˴ϴ:

    • 70 ̻ ʽÿ.
    • 鹮ڷ ʽÿ
    • п Ͻʽÿ.
    %(realname)s Խû (Disest ޹, н нǽ, Ż) ϽŴٸ %(either)s Ʒ Email ּҸ ־ ּ.

    ϸ Ʈ ڰ ҷ ̿ URL ʽÿ. '/' ٿ ԷϽʽÿ. ׷ %(extra)s Ʈ ϰԴϴ. ´ Ȯ Ͻø ο ϸ Ʈ ֽϴ.

    Ϲ Ʈ ã ֽϴ: (%(msgcount)d ޼) : ޼ ڰ ʹ ϴ. %(i)d ɷ λ Ű带 (line) Էϼ. ̸: ϴ ϴµ, ׷ ˸ Ͻʽÿ. ٸ ϸ Ʈ Mailman Ʈ űµ Դϴ.ѷα Ʈ ˼ : %(lang)sŻϱŻ ϱŻ ûŻ ûŻ û Ȯ Ǿϴ.Ż [%(archive)s] ε Ʈ Դϴ. Eּ/̸ ϸ Ʈ , Ȥ . ϸ Ʈ 湮ϱϸ Ʈ 湮ϱ: ˼մϴ. ̹ ϸ Ʈ ŻǾ ֽϴ. ٽ ϽǷ ϸ Ʈ 湮Ͻñ ٶϴ."%(realname)s" ϸ Ʈ (%(digmode)s) Ű ȯմϴ.ȯմϴ! ~~ Ǽ. ^^ϱ Դϱ?
    ϸ Ʈ ȸ ٸ ϸ Ʈ ִ "umbrella_list" õǾ ִٸ Ȯ ׸ йȣ ϰ ȸ ּҷ ʿ ϴ. ȸ Ʈ 忡 ϴ. ׷ ȸ ߰Ǿ ϴ. '-owner' ⺻ ̸ "umbrella_list" "ƴϿ" Ǿ ִٸ ġ ʽϴ.޼ ϸ Ʈ ŵǾ ۰ڰ ޼ ƴ ϴ ȴ. ȸ ȸ ۰ κ ϰ ֽϴ.

    ۰ ȣ Ǿ ְ ۰ ȸ ̴. ȸ ۵ ⺻ ۰ ʵ ִ.

    ȸ ڵ Ȥ ׷쿡 ޾ų, ۰ ǰų, ǰų, ֽϴ. ޾Ƶ ȸ Ϲ ȸ Ģ ׵ ǰų, Ȥ ϴ.

    Ʒ ؽƮ ڽ (line) ϳ ּҸ ^ ڷ ϴ Python ǥ Ÿϴ. 齽 ν Python raw ڿ ֽϴ.( Ϲ ϳ 齽 մϴ.)

    Խ ׻ ó Ͻʽÿ.ο ۵ ȣ ϸ ȣ 1 ˴ϴ.ȸ ޾, ޼ ̴ ޾Ƶ̱, Ƶα, ϱ (ٿ), ׸ ּҿ Ͽ ˻˴ϴ. ã ߰ߵ ൿ ϴ.ȸ Ʈ Ż ׵ Ȥ E Żû ϰ ˴ϴ. ڵ ϸ Ʈ ׵ ֵ Ż ׳ ϴ° ְԴϴ.( Ż ϰ ϸ ׵ ¥ ȭ Դϴ!).

    Ʈ Ż û óϱ ۰ ֽϴ. 䱸ϴ Ʈ ȸ ֱ ̷ ̴.Ʈ Ž,  带 ⺻ Ͻðڽϱ? ȸ Ȥ йȣ ȣ˴ϴ. ϼ̴ٸ "ϱ" ּ. Mailman ׷ Ѵٰ , ǹ̴ ο ޼ ߰ߵ ޼ ´ٴ ǹմϴ. , ׷ ޼ õȴٴ Դϴ. ȥڸ ׷ ν ޼ ϴ. ν ϸ Ʈ ȸ  ޼ ˴ϴ. ޼ 𿡼 ٰ? ȴ. ڿ  ߼ 带 ⺻ Ͻðڽϱ?Mailman ٿ Ž ǰ ٿ Žϴ Ұմϴ. ΰ Ͻʽÿ. ù°) ȸ Ѹ ٿ ȴٸ ۾Ͽ Ʈ ׵ Դϴ. °) ˷ ο ٿ Mailman ڿ ֽϴ.

    ̰ ް ʴٸ ɼ ƴϿ Ͻø Ž ٿ ó Դϴ.

    : Ʈ -admin ּҷ ޼ ֽϴ. ּҴ Ƹ ּҷ ֽϴ. ̷ ߻Ѵٸ ̰ ׷ ޼ ƴϿ ؾ Դϴ. -owner -admin ּҸ ڵ ޼ ֽϴ.  ֽϱ?, ڽϴ., ϰڽϴ. ̹ ԵǾֽϴ! ̹ ԵǾ ֽϴ. ̹ E ּҸ Դϴ. Ʈ ° Ǿ ֽϴ. ϸ Ʈ ۾°, ʽϴ. ޼ ڵ ˴ϴ. ޼ Բ ȴٸ Ʈ ( %(listowner)s ) Ͻñ ٶϴ. ο ϸ Ʈ ϴ. ϸ Ʈ ϴ. Ʒ Ŀ Էν ο ϸ Ʈ ֽϴ. ϸ Ʈ ̸ Ʈ ۾ ּҷ ˴ϴ. ׷ ҹڿ մϴ. Ʈ ̻ ϴ.

    ʱ Ʈ E ּҸ Էϼž մϴ.

    Ʈ Ǿ Ʈ ڴ ʱ Ʈ йȣ ִ ް ˴ϴ. Ʈ ִ йȣ ؼ йȣ ߰ Ʈ ֱ, ֽϴ.

    ʱ Ʈ йȣ ڵ ϱ ϽŴٸ Ʒ ڵ ׸ `' ŬϽð ʱ Ʈ йȣ ׸ · Ƶνñ ٶϴ.

    ο ϸ Ʈ ϱ ؼ ؾ մϴ. Ʈ Ʈ йȣ ֽϴ. Ʒ ׸ н带 ԷϽʽÿ. Ʈ йȣ ֽϴ.ϸ Ʈ ̸ Էϱ ̱.ϸ Ʈ ̸ ָ ϴ ̱. %(realname)s ϸ Ʈ ԵǼ̽ϴ. %(fqdn_listname)s ŻǾϴ. ϴ ȸ̴̼ٸ ѹ ̻ ޾ ֽϴ. Ż  ø %(owneraddr)s (Ʈ ) ֽñ ٶϴ.%(realname)s ϸ Ʈ ŻǼ̽ϴ. ȸ Ȱϱ⸦ ϼ̽ϴ. ּҷ ٿ ް ȴٸ ϸ Ʈ Դϴ. ּ û Ͽϴ. û Ͽϴ. Ż û ϼ̽ϴ. (Digest) ȸԴϴ. (Digest) õǾ ʽϴ. ̷ ް ˴ϴ. (Non-Digest) ȸԴϴ. (Non-Digest) õǾ ʽϴ. ġ ڸ ˴ϴ.%(listname)s ϸ Ʈ ϴ. ϸ Ʈ %(owner)s ½ϴ. Ʒ ֽϴ: %(listname)s ϸ Ʈ Ͽϴ. Ͽϴ. (Digest) (Non-Digest) ϴ. ̰ ʵǴ ȲԴϴ. Ŀ ϳ Ͻñ ٶϴ. ϳ ̻ ֽϴ. ü ϸ Ʈ Ͻø ȵ˴ϴ. Ʒ Żϱư üũڽ ν Ż û Ȯؾ մϴ. Ż ʾҽϴ!ϸ Ʈ ̸ ּž մϴ. %(link)s ֽϴ.Ʈ ̸ ϼž մϴ.ùٸ E ּҸ Էϼž մϴ. ̸ ٸ ϴ Ȯ E-mail ް Դϴ. Ǿ ٸ ϸ Ʈ ϴ ϱ Ȯ E ּҷ Ƚϴ. Ȯ , û ϸ Ʈ ٸ ܿ ö󰡰 ˴ϴ. E ּҷ ϴ.ϰ Ʈ ڸ 䳻 ! %(property)s ڿ Ű Դϴ. ˴ϴ. Ű ñ ٶϴ. %(listname)s ϸ Ʈ ޼ ϱ Ȯ ʿմϴ.

    • : %(sender)s
    • : %(subject)s
    • : %(reason)s
    ؼ ϱ ư .

    Ȥ Ȥ ٸ ٸ ϱ .%(listname)s ϸ Ʈ ּ û Ϸϱ ؼ Ȯ ʿմϴ. Ʒ ԵǾ ֽϴ.

    • ̸: %(fullname)s
    • E ּ: %(oldaddr)s
    ׸ E ּҸ %(globallys)s Ʒ ûϿϴ.
    • ο E ּ: %(newaddr)s
    Ȯ Ϸϱ ؼ Ʒ ּ ϱ ư .

    Ȥ ּ û ϱ ؼ ϰ .%(listname)s ϸ Ʈ Ż û Ϸϱ ؼ Ȯ ʿմϴ. Ʒ ԵǾ ֽϴ.

    • ̸: %(fullname)s
    • E ּ: %(addr)s
    Ȯ Ϸϱ ؼ Ʒ Żϱ ư .

    Ȥ Ż û ϱ ؼ ϰ . E ּ:%(realname)s ϸ Ʈ ٿ ϰ Ǿ ֽϴ. ּҷ ְ ϱ ؼ Ȯ ʿմϴ.츮 Ͽ ֽϴ:

    • ȸ Eּ: %(member)s
    • ȸ ̸: %(username)s
    • ٿ ð: %(date)s
    • ϸ Ʈ ŵDZ Ⱓ : %(daysleft)s
    ϸ Ʈκ ٽ ޱ ϽŴٸ ȸ Ȱϱ . Ȥ ȸ Ȱϱ ϽǷ ϱ . ̻ ֽϴ.%(listname)s ޼ ٸ ֽϴ. ޼ ڰ ϱ⿡ Ʈ ʴٰ մϴ. ޼ Ǿϴ. ʹ Ůϴ. ũ⸦ %(kb)s ̳ ٵ ֽñ ٶϴ. ο ϸ Ʈ : %(listname)s йȣ ʽϴ. ̸: û ϸ Ʈ ڿ ޵Ǿϴ. ԷϽ E ּҴ ȿ ϱ⿡ ϴ. ԷϽ E ּҴ ȿ ϱ ޾Ƶ ϴ. û ޾ ϴ. ൿ ϸ Ʈ ޶ ֽϴ. û ó E ؼ Ȯι޾ƾ ϸ 쿡 ۰ڷ ޾ƾ մϴ. Ȯ ʿϴٸ û ϰ ִ Ȯ E ּҷ Դϴ. Կû %(x)s Ǿϴ. û Ʈ ۰ڿ ޵Ǿϴ. ۰ EϷ Դϴ. Ż û Ʈ ڿ ޵Ǿϴ. Ż û Ʈ ۰ ޵Ǿϴ. ۰ EϷ ֽϴ. %(realname)s ϸ Ʈ ޼ ޵ǵ Ͽϴ. Mailman ޼ ÷ε Դϴ. [ٿ ڼ ̿ Ұ.][ ϴ.][ ϴ][ ϴ.]1 ޼.Ȯοû Ұ ޼ Ǿϴ.%(esender)s û ֽϴ. %(dbfile)s ָ ˻%(file)s Ͽ ۹̼ ˻ Ӹ ҰE ּҿ˼ %(start)s %(end)s Ϲ Ұ̿ ϸ Ʈ .ȸ ּ
    ȸ ̸ȸ¥ ߺ Ⱦ!ޱ
    []̿ ϴ. Ⱦ!йȣùٸùٸ %(name)s ϱ ؼ ʿմϴ.%(realname)s ϱ ؼ ۰ ʿմϴ.Ʈ Ұ Ʈ ϸ Ʈ Ұ ˼ ŻŻϱ ۰ ʿմϴ.%(esender)s ޼