



Beklen Foundation obtains support from the Swiss Contribution!

Beklen Foundation starts a new project on 01. 04. 2013.

  The title of the project is: "From livestock production until local food: landscape protection endeavours with the development of the local consumer culture of Nagykunság".

  The fundamental idea of the project is to popularize the production and the marketing of the local food in the neighbourhood of Túrkeve, because it's important for its inhabitants as well, that this money is left locally and makes locally changes in the took shape situation. Onto the promotion of it we have dreamt that we resume the real estate at 3 Petõfi Street, which traditionally operated as a creamery and we will operate it again. Fortunately the local government helped us in these endeavors of ours (the building is municipal property).

  The application of the Swiss contribution granted the opportunity of the realization, so with the co-financing of the Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Program we could start the work.