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A Tale about Socks

Let's draw a little boy. We'll call him Greg. And here is his mum. Greg is a really nice boy, he helps his mummy a lot.

One day Greg and his mum hung all the wet clothes on the washing line. Greg put clothes-pins on all them to make sure the wind doesn't blow them away.

He put red clothes-pins on daddy's trousers, green ones on mummy's skirt and yellow ones on his own t-shirt. Then mum hung Greg's socks on the line. Greg put a purple pin on one of them, but then he forgot about the other one. He said he was ready and went into the house.

In the afternoon the wind started to blow. The clothes were moving on the washing line like flags, but the clothes-pins held them strong. The wind could only blow away the poor sock that had no pins on.

It didn't take it too far, only blew it to the street and then dropped it there.
There came a cat and smelled the sock.
"What's this? A toy?"
She picked it up then dropped it again and started to tap it with her paws. Finally she got bored with it and left.

Then a man came. He had mud on his shoes and had not seen the sock on the street. He stepped on it and passed by. The poor sock was all dirty and muddy.

Then someone else appeared. It was Mrs Jones taking her dog Fluffy for a walk.

The dog picked up the sock and wanted to play with it. But Mrs Jones took it out of his mouth to see what it was.
"Oh, my goodness. It must be Greg's. He has such nice socks with stripes.
Then she said:
"Come on, Fluffy, We'll take it back to Greg."

Mrs Jones and Fluffy climbed the stairs and rang the bell at Greg's place.
"Is this yours?" Mrs Jones asked. "We found it on the street."
"The wind must have taken it. Thank you very much." said Greg's mother.
Greg was very said.
"Look, Mum. It's so dirty."
"You can wash it" smiled Mum.

Greg washed the dirty sock with soap and warm water. Then he hung it on the washing line.

He put the biggest blue clothes-pin on it to make sure the wind doesn't blow it again.