Rumini wins IBBY AWARD

In Hungary Rumini was chosen as the IBBY Award winner in the "Best Children's Book 2006" category. The award was given during a ceremony at the XIV. International Bookfestival Budapest by Pál Békés, chairman of IBBY Hungary.

Autographed issues available

Judit Berg's books can be ordered with the author's dedication at

New hit: the Penny and Charm series

The first two parts of the "Penny and Charm" series are already available at the Pagony stores and in the greatest bookshops of Hungary.

Part 1: What a day! (Micsoda idő!)

Part 2: Fairy on Bicycle (Tündér biciklin)

Part 3: Penny and Charm in Fairy City (Tündérváros)

Part 4: Fairy Calendar (Tündérváros) - is to be published this June!