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The two little rabbits and the mushroom

Once upon a time there lived two little rabbits in the forest.

One day they found a little mushroom on the clearing. They liked it so much that decided to take care of the mushroom.
"We'll water it and look after it until it grows big" they said.

So they did. They went to the mushroom every day with their little spades and hoes. They watered it and watched it grow happily. There were thirsty flowers on the clearing, too, but the two little rabbits only took care of the little mushroom.

The mushroom was growing bigger and bigger and the little rabbits were dancing around it with pride and joy.

But one day the mushroom disappeared. The two little rabbits hunted high and low for it, but couldn't find it anywhere.
They sat down and started to cry.
"Where is our mushroom? What shall we do without it?"

There came a hedgehog and asked the little rabbits:
"Why are you crying?"
"Because we have lost our mushroom."
"It used to be standing right here. But see? It's gone." and they went on crying.
The hedgehog blushed and said:
"It is my fault."
"Did you take it?" asked the rabbits surprised.
"Yes. I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was yours."
"And where is it now" asked the rabbits. The hedgehog was very ashamed.
"I took it home and cooked a yummy soup of it" said the hedgehog. "You know, that's what I like best."
"So, what shall we do now?" asked the rabbits staring at each other.

The hedgehog had a good idea.
"Come to my place and let's have the soup together. There's plenty."
So the little rabbits went to the hedgehog's place and had the soup together. It was yummy!

Then the hedgehog and the little rabbits decided to take care of the flowers of the clearing to make the most beautiful garden of the forest.